Ask Us Anything: Sharing Knowledge 420 Style

He should be proud he's got a army of farmers willing to help other farmers in the name of snid and though I don't speak to the guy big respect for hooking us new people up to the kinder community of 420
Bring your questions back up daily if they ain't been answered in 24 hours?
Some questions can't be answered, without hands on intervention. I'm an old time grower, that only recently got interested in learning the correct way to grow. My plants love me !! So this is not only for new members, but old farts like me to get info when I'm in trouble. Let's all respect the original idea of starting this thread !!:surf:
Some questions can't be answered, without hands on intervention. I'm an old time grower, that only recently got interested in learning the correct way to grow. My plants love me !! So this is not only for new members, but old farts like me to get info when I'm in trouble. Let's all respect the original idea of starting this thread !!:surf:

I understand that but when people say there questions ain't been answered there the people that need to bring it back up with as much info as they can do people can provide as much advice as they can even if the advise is sorry but that's hands on at least the person asking the question will know otherwise people will start not wanting to ask the question incase it sounds stupid or should be hands on I advise people to ask a question no matter how stupid it sounds.... with in reason like my other posts mention I'm fresh to growing so this page helped a lot along with research and the hands on experience from my grow my brothers and my dads but I fully understand some questions can't be answered but if you need a answer then ask the question after asking a few times with no reply the. It's time to get hands on and learn something new and then share your solution with people so anyone else in that situation wi them of learnt from your hands on learning .. happy growin buddy
How much longer should I let them go?
You got a microscope?

Saying that I see white pistils so wait for them to turn orange first or already more orange then if you got a scope research tricks amber is couchlock milkys more buzzy so chop where you'd like it once your bud has riped abit more she's probably still swelling
Saying that I see white pistils so wait for them to turn orange first or already more orange then if you got a scope research tricks amber is couchlock milkys more buzzy so chop where you'd like it once your bud has riped abit more she's probably still swelling
I have a scope and still clear but its hard to really get in there and tell on some of the nack buds.

They good to be flushed tho right?
I have a scope and still clear but its hard to really get in there and tell on some of the nack buds.

They good to be flushed tho right?

I'm personally gonna flush when all pistils turn but I'm looking for couchlock am still in my first grow mate but am shore someone will advise you if you can rather soon I'd personally hang on a few days to see what them pistils do cause you don't want to harvest early and miss 10-20% yield for taking you bud during a swell your very close so it's hard to say il see if I can get someone to head over
Yes. More seems to be missing everyday. Started about a week ago. On one finger, now it's all. Thinking something microscopic because I've looked and looked and see nothing.

Could be a few things, could you have splashed liquid on it?
Hello everyone,

I don't have a loupe or a scope, and I'm trying to figure out if it's time to harvest my Betsy. Can any vets help me out?


Its very close, without a loupe its a judgement call.
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