Been hanging around


Well-Known Member
Hi Gang,
I've been bouncing around in here for a couple of weeks and have made a few posts and have already been Welcomed by many of you :thanks: I finally stumbled on the intro page. duh !
This might explain : I am a survivor of the 60's. Back then you could find me almost any week end at the Grande Ballroom in Detroit.
I still live in Mi. and am doing my part to make sure that the government doesn't strip the rights of the people..... Voted in By The People. The MC5 used to say " Are you going to be part of the problem or part of the solution".
I have many ailments and have been made sick by many prescription drugs made by some chemist at pfizer ( "Well I don't know why that bothered you , it worked on our rats.") No Thank you I would rather write my own scripts and medicate myself.
I have harvested a few auto flowers. The bloom room is busting at the seems, will harvest in one to three weeks. My clones and seeds are starting nicely for my second grow and will be potting them tomorrow.
Thank you :thanks: to the staff and volunteers , all your hard work shows when you keep us updated on the news and information relevant to us.
Thanks again to those who have greeted my already, and we'll be talking soon I'm not going anywhere This is a very comfortable and cool place to hang out. :peace:
"what's so funny about Peace Love and Understanding"
LOL... you seem to know your way around but I'll give you the dime tour anyways.

Welcome to the 420 Mag family... it's great to have you w/us. :welcome:
If you haven't already, please take a moment to check out the guidelines: Forum Guidelines - Please Read Before Posting

Here are some other links that may be helpful:
Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

How to Ask for Grow Support

How to Grow Marijuana - 420 Magazine

Mission Statement

Medical Marijuana Lounge - 420 Magazine

Take your coat off and get to know some of the locals, the staff here are great and our members are top shelf... :Namaste:
Thanks Capt. K
I have read guidlines and like the resrictions that keep the B.S. out
I'll stumble along and figure out how to do a journal, Upload, download, resize and regroup as long as I still have a few brain cells flickering
You run into a snag... give a holla... someone will be there to help... cheers and once again... welcome to the fam :Namaste:

Thanks Capt. K
I have read guidlines and like the resrictions that keep the B.S. out
I'll stumble along and figure out how to do a journal, Upload, download, resize and regroup as long as I still have a few brain cells flickering
Welcome Clayhead....
I had a big huge speech in mind to greet you, but I got stoned and spaced what it was.
Thanks Skinny
I know that you had :rollit: good :tokin: intention :tokin:
I watch your state and hope that they put good laws on the books and keep the Feds out
Hi Scoot
Thanks for the encouraging words. :Namaste:
Ive already met a lot of great people with good ideas.
See ya around :420:
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