Beginner Grower: New Active User On Forum


Active Member
Hello y'all!

First off I want to say that this seems like a great forum, and i've been viewing it for alot of time without registrated.

Here's a little introduction of my life, sit back and enjoy the show.

To begin with I've always had a sweet tooth for growing (all kinds of stuff) , ever since I watched my mom do it.
So in my early days i started germinate all types of seeds that i've could come across.
I even got my hands on some hemp seed that i hid from my mom and planted in the forest.
And as i started to get older, my hobby was to reading about growing in general, and preparing myself for the time when I was going to move out.

I live in a country where it's illegal to grow marijuana sadly, so I have to keep it a secret to many others so that I can continue doing what I love.
My first grow was in a small flat, i used a 600w + 400w HPS in a 3x3 Area.
I was growing 4 plants in 20 Litre Buckets using no nutrience only water.
Overall it was a pretty good grow, even though i made lots of mistakes.
I yielded about 144 Grams in dry weight.

And currently im growing at 2 spots, at the beginning of this summer i planted outdoors in a forest far away from people.
It was 20 plants Autoflower AK 47 from Norden Seeds.
I was using 20x 50 Litre, and divided the beds into 2 beds.
So I had 10 Plants per bed.
I left the country to another country because I got a job. Sadly It isn't legal here eather it is just alot warmer than it is back home.
(I left the plants to my best friend back home, and taught him everything i know)
Steadily getting updated on the outdoor grow.

Anyways a country were it is illegal wont stop me, so I bought a 5 gallon DWC kit alongs with a 1200w LED and started germinating my new seed.
This time I am using Critical 2.0 Autoflower which i will start a journal on soon.

I guess that's it for me
Atleast for the moment, I have to start preparing a joint before work now.
Take care and smell ya later!
Welcome to the greatest cannabis site on earth (in my humble opinion), niighaag.

Good luck with your grow and I hope it stays stealthy. Damn laws!

I'm sure you'll find everything you want here... and more. These threads are comprised of the best of the best, IMHO

I've yet to find a question I can't get answered!

I look forward to following along with your grow.

Thank you!;)

I really appreciate the support you guys give me,
I will be creating the journal by tomorrow already as the seed has already sprouted.
Will also be starting posting HD Pictures soon aswell, as i've ordered a camera that's on the way.

Got an update on the outdoor grow by my buddy yesterday.
My friend even has a worse phone than me, anyways here is 10 of the 20 girls.
Sorry for the poor 8-bits quality, will try to get better pictures from him next time.

So the cold has already began back home, buds are supposedly turning dark purple :)

Question: Will fan leaves die even if plant has nutrient deficiency?

2018/08/19 :

Picture above is from outdoor, yielded total of 370g wet, which my other noob friends are currently drying
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