Best way to dry and cure step by step


New Member
Can somebody tell me the absolute best way to dry and cure your harvest.
I have a good idea but I'm always up to hearing new ways or different timelines or schedules
Please help?

Cannabis Carter
I like to think of ambient humidity & temperature for slow air drying which normal takes 10 to 14 days in ideal conditions but we do not all have that !

I use my main flowering tent at present with exhaust running / carbon filter as drying/curing bud may smell more than the grow period depending on the strain.

I use a dehumidifier for the first few days set on full whack which may keep RH around 40% to 50% with average temp around 21c as this helps ward of bud root & ye it can happen in the slow air dry, after that & for the next several days i lower the setting on the dehumidifier on average 50% to 60% RH average temp 19c... if you dry to fast it may trap chlorophyll & other pigments in the bud which may lead to a slightly harsh/bad taste etc

Not every body cares about that it is just the end results their are interested in... my own interests is about taste & over all effect that is often achieved with a longer curing process tho of 2 to 3 months if ya can wait that long :thumb:
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