Blue Dream, Pineapple Express & Sour Glue: First Grow & Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
WEIRD STORY......, so I'm gonna try and be as quick and detailed as I this all started when I found a seed in my bag of blue dream,thought nothing about it and put it in a pill bottle, well 2weeks later same bd, got another seed so in the bottle it goes following week I find a seed in my white widow bag, so I plant the seeds in some dirt from the backyard. At this point I know very little about marijuana except that I use it for pain and the high of course. Anyway 4-5 days later I have 3 plants staring at me...I'm like ok this shouldn't be hard, water, sunlight, what else do they need...? So I researched, everyday I'm getting more and more knowledgeable..but all this stuff I read between out/indoor grow and I decided that if I kept them inside I don't have to worry about all these nasty I take apart a desk lamp so it's just a cord and a bulb,2 bulbs actually because the lamp had 2 bulb 60 watt house light bulbs go in and I build a tent in my closet made out of a cardboard box, and aluminum foil, wk or 2 go by and now I know temps,humid,and sun light spectrum. So the bulbs go out and I buy 4000 lms 100 watt bulbs, and I think ok I'm good, mind you I'm doing whatever I can for this project with 0$...following day I'm watching TV and a loud boom...the fukin shelf in the closet crashed down on all my plants,lost 1 bd and my white widow,(not knowing their sex)my big girl now 10 weeks old now lost a limb and her main stock split down the middle, so I panic and what do we do when we (Google it) tape her stem make a clean cut on the broken limb that is off I save 100$ and buy foxfarm ocean forest soil,and gb,bb,tb(foxfarm trio nutes) a cheap 30$ amazon light(only red and blue leds)..make her a new house, this time I make an intake fan out of a old 12 in window fan and some Gatorade bottles as a kinda ducting if you would, duct tape,and put a fan on her ...., things are looking good...! But now it's been 6 weeks and I have to put her to sleep for 6 hrs..this light has a, 3,9,12 only..oh this fukin light i set up alarm on my phone to turn light off and on every day, anyway I do this job and get some extra change ...tent..(ck) 300 watt full spectrum light with 1-24 hour setting along with full,veg,bloom options(ck),ventalation I didn't follow the nute schedule proper and fed her grow big instead of big bloom for a couple weeks and then I researched it and found out I have to mix 2 diff bottles at once and now 3 bottles, all mixed together..I have tds meter and ph meter but it showed up not working so now I have no way to ck my soil ph, so here are my concerns...she's only 19 inches tall at 10 weeks which I think is small due to stunted growth I feel because of the backyard dirt that just turned into mud and suffocated her I think but anyway,,,I barely have fed her nutes but slowly catching up to the proper schedule.. the pics suck but if you look closely you can see she has a couple what look like burn holes on the leaves 4 fan leaves actually, and her tips have very slight brown burnt tips...her new growth is amazing though, and she been in flower for 10 days, right before I switched her to 12/12 ,I was stumped by these leave oddities so I pulled her out of her pot, because the only thing left to ck is her roots, no smell , nice and white looks good so wtf...? Anyway I gave her 2 more inches of new bottom soil and throw down some (MYKOS) microbes and put her back in...I also think she might be drinking less water but not sure...I feed her every 3-4 days (7 oz)...nutes,then water, then nutes ,water and so on, I mean I ain't trying to fix something that isn't broken but this problem has drove me crazy...I also read that it might be this diease called (blight)..also i give her silica as foliar spray and mix with nute feeding as well... how does she look...?......I broke down and bought pineapple Express fem seeds from (the seed pharm) never again worst service and takes 3-4 weeks here's my pineapple Express girls as well as a (sour glue, sex unknown so far)..anyway my bd naps in the closet for 12 while the others suntan, I put her in the tent with the others at 5pm to 5am, I have humidity level of 42-51%..kinda stays in the low 40,s so I read that If you put older plants in with the young it raises the humidity which it did stayed at 50% all night, was her first night in tent(last night 8/16/20) I have my light set at full with dimmer at max...I plan on using this on my whole grow and decided that I would not use the veg or bloom mode ...just the full on reason behind this is the sun never goes low or loses different spectrum colors as far as I know...beside I feel bad for my bd cuz she's lived alone her whole life up until last night...and the others have lived in a condo on the beach lol...(good light and tent) is this a good idea...? I plan to do this until the young catch up to my big girl as far as stages goes obviously bd will be done first and as sad as it sounds she's gonna live and die in the closet....! So my main question is should I keep her in closet under the blue , red , light, or move her daily in and out until my younglings catch up...? So the first 5 pics are bd suck but if you look at leaf pics u can see tiny little pests either btw....the next are pineapple Express and sour glue(sour diesel x gorilla glue) and the little one in solo cup is is 16 days old(unknown strain) found the seed on my porch lord knows where or who,s bag it came from but it sprouted..if female might send to strain lab.for results
My grow set up

Soil-foxfarm ocean forest
Nutrients-foxfarm big bloom,grow big,tiger bloom
Supplements- MYKOS microbes, silica for foliar as well as feeding
1 gallon vivosun air pots for young ones and 1 gallon plastic pot on blue dream
Ventalation- 4 in vivosun 195 cfm inline exhaust with vivosun 4 in carbon, intake- 4 in vivosun 100 cfm inline.
Tent 2x2x3 (argg I need more height)
Lighting-300 watt full spectrum with full/veg/bloom options as well as dimmer 25%-50%-75%-100
Training- Lst, topped..may scrog sour glue, have if needed


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1 gal plastic pot with 1/2 gal of soil in it is woefully inadequate.
Will give you nothing but trouble.
I'd advise transplanting to a minimum of a 5 gallon fabric pot.
And get a real light on them.
They have 8 cups of soil in each which is a gallon give or take and they are in air pots.... 300 watt full spectrum light hung 18 in above tops...but thanks and trust me if I had the room I would upgrade to at least a 3 gallon but my tent is I gotta kinda keep them short especially since I have 5 plants in there..the one in solo cup gonna be transplanted in a week. My blue dream is in the plastic pot 1 gallon ...wish I could transplant her she wants to be a monster but I have to restrict her grow will be at least a 5ft tent and all organic
Hey @Sem521 - I'm Jon. I have a suggestion for you given your space. Grow one plant. An auto. Train the heck out of it so it stays very very short. I have autos right now that although I didn't train to stay as short as yours would need to be, I easily could have, and they are easy three ounce plants or more. You can get a lot of yield from one auto in a five. I just got 7.3 ounces from a Chunkadelic auto. In a 5. I would research which autos are short by genetics anyway, pick one you like, and max your space that way.

Just two cents for what it's worth. At least you'd be in a real pot and could develop some real roots, and potentially some real buds.
Hey @Sem521 - I'm Jon. I have a suggestion for you given your space. Grow one plant. An auto. Train the heck out of it so it stays very very short. I have autos right now that although I didn't train to stay as short as yours would need to be, I easily could have, and they are easy three ounce plants or more. You can get a lot of yield from one auto in a five. I just got 7.3 ounces from a Chunkadelic auto. In a 5. I would research which autos are short by genetics anyway, pick one you like, and max your space that way.

Just two cents for what it's worth. At least you'd be in a real pot and could develop some real roots, and potentially some real buds.
Yes thank you.....but as promised I now have a 27x27x63 in mars hydro tent
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