branches are alternating

Sounds like the preflower stage to me. Alternating internodes are what we old timers have used as a indication that a plant is mature enough to flower. As long as you don't change the light schedual the plant will not set to full flower. It's not something to worry about and it cannot be avoided. EVERY cannabis plant will eventually develope alternating internodes. It's part of the life cycle.
Generally, alternating branching tells me the plant is mature. Though not always true. A11, genius pheno (just grew 2), alternates nodes from the inception, not an even branch on the seedling. Growing trainwreck now, didn't show alternating branching until 2 weeks flower, though it's loaded with bud and the other 4 strains showed alt nodes in veg. Hard to pin these plants down, with the zillion strains/hybrids out there.
Interesting, luvtogrow.
Yeah I grow in a limited space so I don't veg for very long. Never really made it to the alternating branches but I have seen preflowers. So maybe a little longer and they would have alternating branching.
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