Brasilian grow period - what's best?


New Member
Hi folks,

I'm a beginner here, so I'am gonna ask a beginner question...

I already grow some plants in the beginning of summer here, but the place I grow the sun is too much and the wind is too wild...I have too watering all the time and rope the plants so the wind doesn't tear them apart...

Anyway, I've just got my new ones an Arjan Ultra 1 + Train wreck...

I'm thinking too start to grow at 1 of may, at the end of summer that a good date to started?

thanx, guys!!
The best brazilian grow period beguins in September so you shall wait till August to soil your beans. I´m growing outdoors since 99 and I had great harvest times doing the sowing of seeds in that period. Right now I´m using only my greenhouse with lights so the plants won´t get too short to start flowering. You can also talk with Fritz from BSC and ask him about some tips for your outdoor growing because he has much more experience of growing outdoors in Brazil. BSC is a sponsor here, go to the sponsor page and click on the add.
Hope you can understand my bad English, se preferir posso escrever em portugues da próxima vez, blz.? Bom cultivo.
hey guys, sorry for my late reply...

Thanx for the tips helped a lot:grinjoint:

specially Cannadicted ( where u learned portuguese, man? are u brasillian??)

I will take your advice for shure!!
The best brazilian grow period beguins in September so you shall wait till August to soil your beans. I´m growing outdoors since 99 and I had great harvest times doing the sowing of seeds in that period. Right now I´m using only my greenhouse with lights so the plants won´t get too short to start flowering. You can also talk with Fritz from BSC and ask him about some tips for your outdoor growing because he has much more experience of growing outdoors in Brazil. BSC is a sponsor here, go to the sponsor page and click on the add.
Hope you can understand my bad English, se preferir posso escrever em portugues da próxima vez, blz.? Bom cultivo.

Thanks for helping out. +16 reps
Yep I´m from Brazil, that´s why I know so well Portuguese.
Sou brazuca e não desisto nunca...hahaehahe. Muito importante nunca desistir.
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