Breeding help please choosing male


Active Member
Please help choosing a male

So here are the contenders

Short stature good node spacing some smell

I will be uploading the others shortly
1 has tight pollen clusters the plant is pretty much one main cola and a little smell
2 has the best smell tight node spacing and branching
3 has thick stalks some smell and is just starting to flower good spacing all around pretty plant

I really need help I've read so many different opinions on choosing males. EXPERIENCED GROWERS AND BREEDER PLEASE HELP
It's really just a matter of opinion. That's the best part about breeding, YOU get to choose the traits you want to see in the next generation. Also you could take pollen from all three males and pollinate different branches on your female so that you get seeds from all possible crosses. That way you won't feel like your missing out on any particular trait by choosing a single male.

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