Brown tips on the leave


420 Member
Hello everyone,
I am using Plagron Light Mix Soil as a medium. Ph and environmental conditions are at the optimal level. I thought I overwatered them as the leaves started to droop but today they are in good condition.

But these silverish signs in the bottom leaves seem to me like nutrient burn.

They also started to show up in the new leaves.

It is 14th day.
I gave them 0.8ml/lt of Sensi Grow, 0.30 of Sensizym, and 0.30 ml/LT of Voodoo Juice by Advanced Nutrients couple days ago so it might be nutrient burn.

I ended up thinking that it is calcium defficiency so gave them 1ml/lt of calmag.

What do you think?

hi @desertkush and welcome to the forum! It looks like simple overwatering due to watering too often to me. Your lower roots are in trouble and you are in danger of losing this plant. Let your soil dry out all the way to the bottom before watering. Please read my link on how to properly water... I promise it will help.

thanks a lot I am reading it now and it started like harvard business school's intro paragraph.
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