Bud or seed?


Well-Known Member
Is this a bud or a sign of a hermie?
Not a hazzard likely just a calyx as Chris mentioned. That's what they look like but that's also where hermies form and those are the calyx that produce the natural S1 seed.
Usually if there's a hermie it will be directly above that large calyx right in your pic.

If there's a hermie and I dont see one, it will only "maybe" impregnate that single calyx.
Sometimes the plant will grow another flower around that site to hide the developing seed and you might get a few more seeds. Most times the hermies are sterile.

They (hermies) develop because of some sort of stress.

If you look closely, you should see some more of them along the stem where the big fan leaves stems (petioles) connect to the plant stem. Check the size of the other ones and compare. This one looks large enough to maybe have a seed in there.
I'm pretty sure I stressed it out last weekend rinsing it off with cold hose (used milk for PM, nasty film), soaking with H202 and drying with fans for 6hrs.
I squished another one that was almost as big. No seed. If it is a developing seed I would like to keep it. The plant was a gift and neither I or the gifter have any idea what strain it is. It's my first grow and I'm obviously clueless and it still grew 7ft tall and healthy even though it's in a pot meant for a 4ft plant. If that's the only seed I get I would like to keep it as long as it's not going to screw the rest of the plant.

Side note. Also new to forums. Do people prefer if you post a thumbnail image?
Thanks chris, first time lucky. I have a panic attack every time I see something weird. Don't want lose my little princess so close to the end. Lol
Is that caylx a sign of how fat my buds might get?

Yes. lol

Yer on your way. Doing very well. You plant looks awesome. You're hitting it full on brother.

PM - milk is a good treatment.

You can get yourself a sprayer from Azon - get a 1 gal Chapin 20000 sprayer. Use that and there are natural fungicides that take care of the mold and PM a bit better than milk + no residue.

Southern Ag- Garden friendly fungicide

Its what I use and I'm organic and I use this ^^^ stuff.
Cool. Thanks Bob. Appreciate the pep talk. Lol yes milk worked awsome but nasty film. Used too strong a mix too, 1:1, should have been more like 9:1. Lol. Frickin' rookie! Lol
The milk does its job over night. Next time you can just rinse off with a sprayer and water or water and kelp tea.

Whatsa matta you don't like the smell of vomit?

I guess you dont have any children? lol

My vote for vomit over poop wins. :passitleft:
I have a son. No longer a child though. He's 20. lol. And yes the smell did seem familiar but I couldn't quite place it until now! Lol
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