Budding Politician Caught in Bali Drug Bust


420 Member
A would-be politician and unionist from Western Australia has been arrested on drug charges in Bali.

Indonesian authorities allegedly caught Robert Paul McJannett, 48, with two grams of marijuana in socks in his luggage at Denpasar Airport.

Officials say McJannett, a crane operator, was initially uncooperative following his arrest, attempting to flush the marijuana down a toilet.

He had been detained after arriving in Bali with his 21-year-old son on a Virgin Blue flight from Perth on Monday night.

"He even ran with the marijuana and tried to flush it in toilet, but the officers managed to avoid it," airport customs official Bagus Endro Wibowo said.

McJannett, who is from Queensland but now lives in Perth, unsuccessfully ran as an independent in the 2005 by-election for the south-east Queensland seat of Redcliffe.

He has also been embroiled in a legal battle before the WA Industrial Relations Commission over his attempt to gain a top position within the powerful CFMEU.

McJannett stood against the union's assistant state secretary Joe McDonald twice but lost both elections.

The head of the Bali drugs squad, Colonel Kokot Indarto, said police intended to charge McJannett with article 112 of the narcotics law for carrying drugs from abroad, which carries a penalty of more than five years' jail.

"Because he carried more than two grams, this could not be indicated as user's because user's limitation is only 0.15 grams," Colonel Indarto said.

The Department of Foreign Affairs has confirmed the arrest and says McJannett and his family are receiving consular assistance.

News Hawk- Weedpipe 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Contact: ABC News Australia
Copyright: 2009 ABC
Website:Budding politician caught in Bali drug bust
What an idiot! :rofl: No wonder he never won any elections. He's screwed now but good.

0.15 grams max for personal. WTF! That's not even a good bong hit. :bong:

Maybe five years in a rat hole will smarten him up. I doubt it tho. There's no cure for stupid. LOL Poor guy . . . snicker.
Thats pretty harsh LabRat!! lol :roorrip:
Not as harsh as what 5 years in a Balinese prison is going to be like. I mean, how stupid do you have to be? A public figure, traveling to a country that he KNOWS has very strict rules about these things, but just has to pack his stash.

I can see the defense now. "Due to my clients raging addiction to marijuana yer 'oner and his fear that he may go through severe withdrawl without it, in his deranged frame of mind, he made the wrong decision and pleads that the esteemed members of the court find him not guilty due to temporary insanity brought on by the demon weed." (Long winded I know but I was trying to make it sound like a real lawyer)

I used to hide my stash in my old baby socks in my mom's old hope chest and I got busted by mom. But I was young and supposed to screw up like that.

This guy is so stupid they should find any kids he's had and sterilize them to stop the pollution of the gene pool! ;0)

Ok. I'm done my rant. lol

Dude,, Stop, yer killin me,,lol :roorrip:

Bali Drug Smuggler Says It Was A Set Up

An Australian man arrested for allegedly trying to smuggle drugs says he's been set up.

He's being held in jail but hasn't been charged, he'll find out on Wednesday whether charges will be filed.

Robert McJanet was arrested after arriving in Bali on a flight from Perth.

Mr McJanet called the media from a phone smuggled into his jail cell to say someone put the marijuana in his bag.

Indonesian police allege that he was hidding just under two grams of marijuana in his travel bag.
Was'nt his eh?? How many times have you heard that on Cops? :roorrip:
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