Burning a 1 ounce Blunt

Yea it is pretty wasteful but fuckin awesome ... My buddies having this big ass party in like 2 weeks .... I wanna get everyone together and all buy a half oz or something .... And just role up like all of it lol
took the words right out of my mouth
Man I think I see tarzan swingin in that Blimp of a blunt bra. Whered u get dat a patch of da amazon! Damn my hat go off to u my friend. Whoa
420am&pm said:
Yea it is pretty wasteful but fuckin awesome ... My buddies having this big ass party in like 2 weeks .... I wanna get everyone together and all buy a half oz or something .... And just role up like all of it lol
thats what me and my friend are planning for his b-day... 1 blunt for every year... but the last ones gonna be fat as hell...
what kind of papers did u use to roll that joint?
The joint papers is called elements and the 1 ounce blunt consists of 12 flavored blunt wraps. Total of six I think.
i just noticed that u rolled that freakin jay nicely or was it rolled with a machine?
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