Ca Deficiency Suggestions?


Active Member
Hi everyone. I'm on my 4th grow and I have what I believe is a calcium deficiency on two girls which are ready to flip at any time now. It started on one plant (the smaller one) so I upped the CaMg to 1.5 the recommended dosage, which I fed to both plants. I did this for two feedings and the problem seems to have resolved itself. But lo and behold, time for today's feeding and now the larger plant has it too. So I doubled the CaMg this time around, but I wanted to get some opinions before my next feeding which will be in 5 days. I'm wondering if maybe the problem is more complicated than just upping the CaMg, like maybe there's a problem causing the plants to have trouble absorbing Ca from the soil. I was hoping to flip at my next feeding, but now I worry I should hold off even further. They're already so big though ...

Some info:

2 Feminized Northern Lights, FF Happy Frog, 10 gal air pots, 1000W LED (actual draw 350), GO Box nutes, water pH'd to 6.3-6.5, 1100-1200 PPM although now close to 1400 with extra CaMg

Any input would be useful. Thanks all!


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I would like to know as well. At first I thought pH but you're in range...I'm assuming your pen is calibrated regularly being your fourth grow.

Then certain angles looked like a P def.. I'm not seeing a Ca def so maybe I have really bad eyes. That's why I am curious. If @Pennywise is available I'm sure he can give you a better opinion.
It looks like classic calcium deficiency to me, I'm not familiar with your nutes but 1400 ppm's is a lot of nutrients. If you overfeed certain nutrients it will lock out Calcium.
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