Can anybody ID these tiny little nasty black flying bastards


New Member

They appeared in my grow a couple days ago, and I nuked 'em with NEEM which seemed to lower their numbers, but what are they? and can I get rid of 'em permanently.

I'll try to get a shot of one of them in my grow, but they are quick and TINY.

They like hiding under the hydroton pebbles.... don't think I've seem them up under the leaves.

Re: Can anybody ID these tiny little nasty black flying bastarards

Looks to be Adult Fungus Gnats, which means you probably have tiny larvae crawling aroung in your medium. Once they are Adult, and fly, they die easy. I had the hardest time getting rid of the larvae.

I now use the Hot Shot - No Pest Strips. Google it. The work on Mites, and other flying type insects. I have not had Mites, Thrips, and/or Fungus Gnats since I started using it. They are only about $7 at Lowes. Get it! I think they will prevent the larvae from becoming adults, and with no adults, there will be no more eggs.

Note: They are not supposed to be placed in areas that Humans frequents for more than 4 hours a day. So I leave it in the Garden 24/7 on days of minimal visits, and store it in a Zip-Lock bag during the days of heavy visits and work. Does not harm the plants at all that I can tell, and did not effect the Harvest taste. Best of All.... NO MORE BUGS!
Re: Can anybody ID these tiny little nasty black flying bastarards

Gnatrol is a natural product that is inexpensive and designed just for fungus gnats.
Re: Can anybody ID these tiny little nasty black flying bastarards

I'll give the Hot Shots a try, and if after several weeks i still have problems, I'll nuke 'em with some Azamax... :eek:) Thanks


Great! You will know if it works in 24-48 hours! Damn thing is potent as $hit!

:thumb: Good Luck!
at what dosage are you giving the azamax in res....i did only 1ml per gallon. i hav 100 gallon res's....should i up that..
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