White flies


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I had mint in my back yard that attracted a lot of those tiny little moth like looking things. The mint had them in droves on the back of the leaves, and since it is growing wildly, I cut it all down (they grow back fast) almost eliminating them from my yard, but there are still some here and there on my plants. I am using neem oil to control them but they are still around. I think the roses may be the culprit.

My plants are small but are exploding in growth. What. Am I use to get rid of them please?
Those little buggers are tough to get rid of- I'd say keep it up with the neem oil,
be sure to mainly spray the undersides of the leaves...
They also like those yellow sticky traps,and you can use a dustbuster to vacuum them off of your plants-you won't get them all,but you can put a dent in their population with it...
I was gonna give that sticky yellow paper a try to gauge how many insects are in there. Kind of like a ongoing test to see if population is increasing or decreasing with the Neem treatment

Has that Sticky Yellow Paper worked for Anyone else?
If I am understanding what you wrote, you have mint in the back yard and that is where the white moth like things are. It is best to know what they are before attempting to kill them off. They could be one of the pollinators which many gardeners are now trying to protect. Mint attracts pollinators, anything from moths and butterflies to small insects like look like houseflies (but are not houseflies) to small bees (which are bees I believe, just not honey bees) especially when it starts blooming.

Now that that is out of the way, where are your plants? Are they outside or inside? Have you found the moths on your plants or just on the mint and a rose? I have yet to find any insect that hangs around the 3 mint beds I have come over to the couple of plants that I have by the house. My plants might be a stealth grow but I am not good enough to hide them from insects. In other words, the insects might just be interested in the mint, and maybe the roses, and could care less about any weed you have growing.

You might want to consider letting the mint grow back and act as an attractor for these insects. That keeps them happy and away from your weed plants. Many organic growers have done that.

Have a fun day.
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