can anyone help me?


New Member
I was wondering if anyone could give me any info on amsterdam?? Me and a buddy are going to be goin over there in a couple months. if you could point me to some good site or soething that would be awesome.
Also, should you not know what the difference between the dollar and the euro, just google a currency converter. When using a converter, always convert foreign money into dollars, simply because you don't want to guess at the price. Find out how much what you want cost in foreign money first, then convert it to u.s...........................................hope this helps. One more thing, the weather over there during november is just like a winter here, it is cold.
Hi Wentz

Welcome to the 420 Magazine. :welcome:

I've always wanted to go to Amsterdam. I've been to Ireland and Germany and England but always on business; so close but yet so far :(

If you go, please write a post on the site about it; I'd love to read it.
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