Can You harvest while hairs are still white?


New Member
I know this should probably not be posted in the grow light section, but I have a plant about ready for harvest but it doesnt seem like the white/clear hairs all over are going to turn red. Some have, but there seems to be quite a bit all over that arent changing and the 2 other plants of the same strain have been cut down a week ago. I dont want to cut pre maturely, but I was wondering if maybe some strains have this characteristic. Also I have a really weak floro setup which Im sure has a lot to do with it. Just kinda waiting till this one finishes and then ill step up the sunshine production. so, any suggestions? thanks everyone.
it could be ready but without pics i couldn't say.

Even thou you are growing the same strain and the others have finished already, you may have a mor sativa pheno that takes longer to flower!

you dont have to chop the plant when all the hairs have turned as it might be past its optimal flowering window by that point, imo

Anyway if you do decide to chop her when some of the hairs are still white, some if not most will discoulour once you've dried and cured your buds
Some strains are different from others. The changing of color in the hairs is not a definitive answer on harvest time. You want to inspect the trichomes close up, ideally with something like this:Carson Optical MM-100 Micromax Microscope

Check in the harvest forum. There is a great post with pictures that shows the stages of THC development in the trichs. They start out clear (too early), then get cloudy (a sign of THC forming), and final stage is amber (THC has reached its peak and will start to degrade). Most harvest around 50/50 cloudy to amber. Some growers go almost all amber. Again strains vary.
Some strains are different from others. The changing of color in the hairs is not a definitive answer on harvest time. You want to inspect the trichomes close up, ideally with something like this:Carson Optical MM-100 Micromax Microscope

Check in the harvest forum. There is a great post with pictures that shows the stages of THC development in the trichs. They start out clear (too early), then get cloudy (a sign of THC forming), and final stage is amber (THC has reached its peak and will start to degrade). Most harvest around 50/50 cloudy to amber. Some growers go almost all amber. Again strains vary.


Cannabis pistils are kind of like the ones on corn plants. They wither when the flowers are fertilized. The fact that unfertilized ones wither towards the end is purely coincidental, lol. Always go with the overall appearance of the trichomes.

If you are using a normal lighting schedule, not changing the lights in the middle, are using normal lights (threw that one in for CYA, lol, you never know), and are NOT using any kind of aldultarant (for example, Bushmaster)... You can get a good estimate of the harvest date by carefully keeping track of the number of days of the stretch during the first 40% of the flowering period - because it is 40% of the total. Multiply the # of days from day one of flowering until the last day of stretch by 1.5 and that is the number of days remaining. (Modifiable for personal preference, of course.) See my blog entry on The 40:60 Rule for more information.
Cool Man thanks for the quick answers from everyone, sorry it took me a while to get back to this thread. I couldn't get on my email for a little while and I dont know how to keep track of my threads or posts without it. Im suprised 420 mag doesnt have a section on your homepage where you can access all of your posts easily.. but it could just be my computer. for some reason it doesnt load links properly so all the advertisements and links are like little broken scripts :(

but I did cut 'er down 2 days ago. Once I saw that some strains can be harvested without changing of hairs as oppos'd to the real focus being on the trichs.. I decided it wasnt worth wasting anymore time with this plant. Its still pretty wet but im estimating about 2 1/2 oz.'s, maybe a little less. The main bud is about 11" long and what should be the best part (the very top) is actually the very worst part, comprised of just small water leaves and no substantial resin production. All I can think is the lights (cool white floros.. i know,bad.) were just too weak to properly develop.

Weak lights and a weak yield has made me eager to try again with my newly gained knowledge. I figure I'll save up a bit and get a real good mag. glass now that I got some time till my next flowering cycle. Thanks for the help guys:peace:
Here ya go: How To Know When To Harvest Anything you read posted by Racefan, you can take to the bank. Its money! :thumb: Welcome to :420: Its great here!

Thanks dude! I cant explain how much I've learned here within the last couple weeks!! Everyone is very helpful (like you) and theres tons of info consistently at your disposal. I just need to get a little saavy'er with navigating the site. thanks again homes!
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