Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Hi nobby32,

Thank you nobby32 for the kind words.

I actually prefer Spirytus. I used ISO but am so glad I changed. ALL the food grade alcohol burns off. So this would be my suggestion. I had the exact same issues, cost. I like your plan and budget everything.

Your strain selection looks good. On the Indica dominant for nighttime; it is important to get as close to 100% as possible. Master Kush is a great nighttime sleep and it comes in at 95% Indica. I used it over 2 years ago for a month and after many trails and error I'm back to it and it gives such a clean sleep.

Don't panic, lol. Keep it simple; A high CBD strain mixed with a Sativa dominant high THC for daytime. The Indica for nighttime. You got it right just make sure as mentioned your Indica is a very high %.

For 60 grams of oil I use 12 750ml bottles of Spirytus. Sometimes less and sometimes a little more depending on how dense the flowers are. Always try to get a couple of litres more just to be sure as you can always use it down the road. So your on top of it. Good job! Hope this helps. Any other questions feel free to ask away. Lets make your sure you get it right. Good planning as your doing goes a long way towards getting it right.

420 Motoco

Hello everyone!
Motoco - congratulations on your MOTM!
You thoroughly deserve all the accolades coming your way from all the people you have helped and guided in these forums.
I know personally I have learned an immense amount from you in the last couple of months. so thank you, thank you!
I have a couple of questions for you, however.
Everclear is not available in Australia, and Spirytus is $65 aus per 500ml which is too expensive for me. 99.9% Isopropyl Alcohol, on the other hand, is only $33 aus for 5 litres.
I know you recommend Everclear, but will ISO do the job if I'm careful?
I have seeds which should go into my garden next week -
a 25% THC Indica dominant for nighttime - Barneys Farm - Critical Kush,
a 23% THC Sativa dominant for Daytime - Barneys Farm - G13 Haze,
and a 9% CBD - Barneys Farm - CBD Critical Cure-for mixing with the Daytime blend as per your suggestions. Do these strains fit the bill?
I've also got Barneys Farm - Pineapple Chunk (25% THC Indica dominant) and Acapulco Gold (25% THC Sativa dominant), but I ordered them without enough research, panicked, and ordered more different strains. (I've only got one shot for the Aussie spring, and I haven't got much space in my garden, so I need to get it right).
It will be April or so before the buds will be ready, so I suppose I could afford to buy one Spirytus per month if you think the difference would be worth it. I'd need 10 litres or so for a pound of buds? For a 90 day cure?
Many thanks to anybody for any advice you can give me. You're all top blokes here!!
Thank you for your prompt reply, Motoco. Much appreciated.
I just checked the Barney's Farm site, and the Critical Kush is 100% Indica. I'd forgotten - there's a lot going around my head at present...
So I'm right on track, phew!
Just one further question at the moment re the Spiritys. Do you know of a way to reclaim some of the alcohol after making the oil? Have you used/got a distiller? Do these work or are they too complicated for a kitchen setup?
Looks like the Concentrated Cannabis Oil thread has some recent posts about this, so I'll read up.
Thanks again for your invaluable assistance not only to me, but to all who land here!
Hallo Mr. Motoco,

Thank you from the heart for your thorough of thoroughness! These days while considering your words I came to a conclusion that what you were before is not what you are now, because you became the true healer with a great gift. The heart of the core is in the fact of "not hurrying", "no racing", "baby steps", since any hurry always indicates strong inner faith in own failure. But all cures and miracles come from a deep inner faith that "God will provide" (or some higher creature or "energy" for others), what brings easiness, peace and — the cure. So, You are the man. Interestingly enough I can read that you just became MOTM (hope some of the members would kindly explain what this is, since I and some can follow only this theme of the forum), what I believe materializes my feelings.

About the origin of the oil. I want to explain to you in detail what I know: the provider (kind of healer) got trust from the guys and they showed him everything about the producing. He saw the place, hundreds of liters of spirytus, a few cookers. They cook for days and trusted dealers are coming from different parts of the country. The first of the boys said: "I don't want to be responsible for death of anyone, so we provide the best possible (for the decent price)." They are the people whom Mr. Rick Simpson meets when doing rounds through the countries around. It seems he accepts those who visited him at home. If he hears some of the guys got rotten, they are out. Yes, you are right about this, there are many who are rotten in this business, using coconut and pumpkin oils diluting the RSO and selling it to those who die at the end. Their stuff is good for preventing or relaxing, and the price is a bit lower, same or even higher as I mentioned in the first post. Our RSO stuff use four strains aiming at high THC but we can conclude also CBD since no depression and pains are bearable and no medicals are needed. They also prescribe taking the oil under the tongue, not swallowing, what makes me think they changed some of Simpson's guidelines.

Our provider bought the oils from four different kitchen and brought them to a lab of a pharmaceutical concern for testing. It showed weak THC at most of them, but high in ours. I know neighbor who is a relative of a woman who was completely healed from 4th grade cancer with this oil. The other one lives in nearby town and was healed from glands 4 cancer as well. I was offered to phone or meet them if wanted.

We shall consider cooking it, as you proposed, but the material won't be any better they provide I think, since they use the best it can be obtained in the black market from known growers I suppose. We have now 50 gr yet to use. All RSO features are kind of within what you write, only tumors are still mainly keeping the positions, but descending altogether down towards a bladder for a bit. The mama tumor gots smaller by perimeter for a bit and the smaller ones (attached to the mama) came out and are easier to touch and see.

I understand completely your teaching and accepting it entirely dear Motoco, but still there is a trace of muddle in my understanding and logic so I have a question if you please to answer. We now understand what you mean by not being able to tack correctly one gram daily. So you go down. On the other hand there is an advice going up as fast as still possible when 3 or 4 grade cancers are in question. More the THC faster the healing is said, what meets your recommendation for high quality of the oil, using 2/3 of THC strain. Less quality — more oil for the same effect. We can read about patients who mistakenly took 60 gr in short time, survived and got healed. Of course weak patients can't do this and this kind of race is mistaken, but on the end THC is the chief ingredient in battling late cancers. Right? You see I still search the final logic in this information.

Second question I have is your clue to someone somewhere before that "at this amount of RSO it can't be from cancer". Could you explain please what you meant — where is the point of dosing that should stop grows? The wife feels as she is now full of this bitter and spicy medicine, so we can not even imagine how growths could eventually continue, considering also the non/starchy diet. For me tumors should feel as bad as possible and they will come to a point of their desisting. Soon or latter.

Third one should be interesting news for you. My wife occasionally gets completely stoned, same as when we started with swallowing and digesting. This is very odd for us, following the protocol in complete. She finally found the possible cause: the medicine was the very last one in the syringe. We think it was put with the point up after filled, so some bigger and stronger particles came down at the end, causing overdosing. Some thoughts?

Long post again, but the logic of the heal must be polished.

Dear Mr. Motoco, the rewards for your efforts and wholeheartedness will come in this and the next world for You and all whom You love. Yours tbt

Hi tackbytack,

The upper gums? I would do it the other way around. I would do the small tacks on the upper gums and then the dose on the bottom gums. The bottom gums are ideal, why?. Saliva glands sensors/triggers are there and processes what goes to the brain and what goes to the stomach. Also the oil can drain down from you top gums to your teeth and when eating can carry down and get euphoric. That being said I know people who use their top gum, but mainly if using a night time oil for sleep. They are not eating then of course and like to keep their tacking area's separate from daytime/nighttime.

I knew a gentleman with pancreatic cancer who had some pretty large tumors, don't think they where your wifes size. The moving part of it now is the tumor shrinking I would assume.

Sadly there is so much information on the net that leads people in the wrong direction. A lot of folks start off wrong as they simply don't know better. Its a shame when folks have a serious illness and the wrong direction is taken. Some never get the chance to make it back.

All the details you provided your oil sounds decent to me. An easy equation on using the concentrated oil; just judge/track the cancer through blood work up, or even just how one feels. Off that you can increase/decrease if necessary. I would always try to make my own concentrate unless I knew the person or seen the process. I realize not everyone can do this however, but, it doesn't mean one cannot be educated on it so they know their product is good. Your source sounds legit. That being said I see a lot of people in in my community with the wrong strains, but they say the person they got it from makes the oil just like Rick Simpson makes it and they always have a story 'I healed my Mom's brain cancer, etc. I check their oil and its cut with glycerin or something else and its just the shake trim from a lot of different strains. It is much easier to find high potency flowers and make your own. It is very easy to do and you know your product.

So many folks ask me; 'why do you use a sativa dominant strain when treating cancer when rest is so good for you?'. An Sativa dominant strain raises your metabolism, not your heart rate (maybe a little when first start using it). What this does is accelerates the concentrate through your system much faster for a quicker heal. Also you don't sit on the couch getting depressed. It restores daytime/nighttime schedule. This is why I use a Sativa dominant through the day and use Indica (as close to pure) for sleep, a deep sleep.

It sounds your on the correct path. I think you guys are doing everything correctly now and are doing well tracking your Wifes progress.

I also picked up on your spiritual connection. Believing in the concentrate along with prayer is so fulfilling. As time goes by you will understand more about this as it becomes very clear why this is truly God's gift.

Thank you for your kind words, especially at the end of your post :high-five:

Warmest regards and to a quick heal for your Wife,

420 Motoco
Hi tackbytack,

Your correct Sir, what I was before is what not what I am now. Yes, always kind, etc, but never thought I would be doing this in my retirement. The fact is though when you learn the use of the concentrated oil correctly and see every thing it does this is knowledge we need to pass on simply for humanity reasons. When the Wife and I first started using the concentrate we thought of profit gain and everything we tried to move forward failed. Then one night I said a heartfelt prayer and every since then things have fallen into place. I've meant elite growers that grows the strains I need correctly. I have an avenue of awareness to help folks around the world. Its like we have been chosen to do what we do, helping others in need. Its our fuel for happiness. So now we are richer beyond our wildest dreams; no money, no greed, just fulfillment that we are serving the Lord. I don't speak of this much to others as some may not quite understand. Personally I don't care what anyone thinks of us, I don't need to worry about things like that, there is to much work to be done. Honestly, can anyone ask for a better life? Thank you for your kind words!

There are not many post I make that are short, detail's cannot be short when it comes to healing aliments. Normally I respond faster but had to see a cancer patient who's schedule had to change.

tackbytack; your oil sounds legit. Normally I don't see folks coming on here that has gotten into the 'circle' of sources like you have.

When we learned the oil we stayed off the net for intel. Before we started the oil the Wife and I watched 'Run from the cure' a half dozen times. First couple was hilarious in fact, you know, loose weight on a MJ product? All that was said that it healed? Everything is true. The unbelievable parts like "you never need a man made med or ever need to see a Dr. unless you have a broken ankle or something" was ridiculous to the Wife and I. They are all true, if, the oil is taken properly. Fact of the matter is so much stuff has been edited or bandwagoneers say things to sell the oil it ridiculous and what is worse it sends people with serious aliments in the completely wrong direction. I honestly don't know what is going on in Mr. Simpsons corner but I do know a lot of people are walking around stoned and instead of healing they are getting worse. Its so hard to try to pass along the correct way of using the oil when it seems impossible what we come up against. Digesting the oil, suppositories, sub-lingual, etc. They try the tacking method and because the don't get stoned or something they think its not working instead of being a little patient and see how the oil truly works. It is exhausting and yet each morning when awaking I have new found strength to carry on our mission.

They make the oil brother and the quality can be excellent, but, sub-lingual is close or the same as digesting. They don't know the gum 'tacking' method. If they did they wouldn't bring sub-lingual up. I read many a post throughout the day as well as many patients and no matter what anyone says or does or comes up with different things the uncut version of the oil (no taste enhancers, no coconut oil, no olive oil, no grapeseed oil, no nothing) taken correctly is the best 'heal' I know of. Funny how you read all these ways and they say this and that is how I healed and yet I can show you folks that come here, try this method and heal and do so rather quickly when other methods didn't work. Even better yet, we do this to help people and have no other agenda like money, etc.

To clarify; THC is the cancer killing agent so the higher the THC strain (Sativa dominant) the quicker the heal. CBD; removes inflammation, shrinks tumors and excellent for pain management. The higher the CBD strain the better for what it does. The 2-1 strain I mix for daytime oil (2 parts hight THC to 1 part CBD is not only what I blend for cancer and many other major illness is the same strain I use for preventive maintenance but the dose is only 1 grain of rice a day. Indica; the closest to pure as you can get and is only used for sleep, to increase appetite or a nap during the day. Goes completely the opposite direction you read on line in many other forums. Rick Simpson says Indica dominant and pure Indica, right? After all people with cancer need rest, right. Its true for sleep, but what about during the day? Here is what the result is; couch-lock all day one only thinks about their cancer and they dwell on it, leading to depression. Here is what the daytime Sativa does; it raises your metabolism but not your heart rate (it may a little at the start until your system stabilizes). Not good for cancer patients right? Wrong! The raised metabolism gets the oil throughout your system much quicker (starting with your CB1 receptors) and is a true natural accelerator. Now during the day your not depressed, in fact, your mental outlook changes to a positive outlook. You do things besides sitting or sleeping all day. Now you have a great outlook during the day and baby like sleep at night. I don't even count Indica in my healing regimen. Just a supplement for sleep. Pretty mudh opposite of what you find all over the net. A stage 4 prostate cancer person who I gave intel to only used 5 grains of rice a day and 1 grain of rice for sleep. Keep in mind he was stumbling around for a month and a half digesting Indica oil he bought before he meant me and his cancer counts went up. In a little over two months (his oncologist told him it was to late for chemo/radiation as it melts all over his body and brain), and his cancer was gone. The daytime THC strain (Electric Lemonade) was 27% THC flower before the oil was made. Of course that was blended with CBD strain the was 14% (Harlequin). The more on the gums, not how much you digest is the true healer of the oil. Also with 'tacking' there is no build up to tolerance.

There are only two reasons why the Wife became euphoric. 1. She didn't tack long enough (below the root line) and or some was on her gum/teeth and she ate to quickly afterwards and it carried down. If that is the case she got euphoric but not as bad as simply digesting it (referred to as a sloppy dose). 2. She hasn't drank enough water to hydrate properly or snack between meals (Sativa raises the metabolism, burns more energy requiring frequent hydration and snacks between meals) got nauseous and untreated with water or food can give the same likeness feeling of euphoric. 3. Dosing later in the day and didn't tack properly or rushed it. Or if tacking Indica for nighttime; there is a fine line of getting euphoric and having your body relaxed. One when you get up to go to the bathroom your body is totally relaxed but when you think about it your mind is clear and can walk in a straight line (correct way) and the second is you swallowed more (sloppy tack again) and in this case when you get up you hold on to things to get to the bathroom.

Lastly; sometimes at the very start of the oil syringe will have a little plant wax come to the top. Even if at the bottom of the oral syringe if its the most potent med in the world if you tack it correctly no euphoric. Train to hydrate (don't have to chug bottles of water but keep small drinks coming as it also flushes toxins out of the body) snack in between meals to prevent nausea from lack of drinking and snacking even if you don't feel like it. Stay on a strict regimen with consistency and my comrade, believe in the oil, believe why it is on this earth and prayer. Faith in these two things will fulfill your needs.

I don't know if I answered everything, so if I missed something please advice. I respect your thoroughness and your questions and love helping folks such as yourselves.

God Bless you both,

420 Motoco

Hallo Mr. Motoco,

Thank you from the heart for your thorough of thoroughness! These days while considering your words I came to a conclusion that what you were before is not what you are now, because you became the true healer with a great gift. The heart of the core is in the fact of "not hurrying", "no racing", "baby steps", since any hurry always indicates strong inner faith in own failure. But all cures and miracles come from a deep inner faith that "God will provide" (or some higher creature or "energy" for others), what brings easiness, peace and — the cure. So, You are the man. Interestingly enough I can read that you just became MOTM (hope some of the members would kindly explain what this is, since I and some can follow only this theme of the forum), what I believe materializes my feelings.

About the origin of the oil. I want to explain to you in detail what I know: the provider (kind of healer) got trust from the guys and they showed him everything about the producing. He saw the place, hundreds of liters of spirytus, a few cookers. They cook for days and trusted dealers are coming from different parts of the country. The first of the boys said: "I don't want to be responsible for death of anyone, so we provide the best possible (for the decent price)." They are the people whom Mr. Rick Simpson meets when doing rounds through the countries around. It seems he accepts those who visited him at home. If he hears some of the guys got rotten, they are out. Yes, you are right about this, there are many who are rotten in this business, using coconut and pumpkin oils diluting the RSO and selling it to those who die at the end. Their stuff is good for preventing or relaxing, and the price is a bit lower, same or even higher as I mentioned in the first post. Our RSO stuff use four strains aiming at high THC but we can conclude also CBD since no depression and pains are bearable and no medicals are needed. They also prescribe taking the oil under the tongue, not swallowing, what makes me think they changed some of Simpson's guidelines.

Our provider bought the oils from four different kitchen and brought them to a lab of a pharmaceutical concern for testing. It showed weak THC at most of them, but high in ours. I know neighbor who is a relative of a woman who was completely healed from 4th grade cancer with this oil. The other one lives in nearby town and was healed from glands 4 cancer as well. I was offered to phone or meet them if wanted.

We shall consider cooking it, as you proposed, but the material won't be any better they provide I think, since they use the best it can be obtained in the black market from known growers I suppose. We have now 50 gr yet to use. All RSO features are kind of within what you write, only tumors are still mainly keeping the positions, but descending altogether down towards a bladder for a bit. The mama tumor gots smaller by perimeter for a bit and the smaller ones (attached to the mama) came out and are easier to touch and see.

I understand completely your teaching and accepting it entirely dear Motoco, but still there is a trace of muddle in my understanding and logic so I have a question if you please to answer. We now understand what you mean by not being able to tack correctly one gram daily. So you go down. On the other hand there is an advice going up as fast as still possible when 3 or 4 grade cancers are in question. More the THC faster the healing is said, what meets your recommendation for high quality of the oil, using 2/3 of THC strain. Less quality — more oil for the same effect. We can read about patients who mistakenly took 60 gr in short time, survived and got healed. Of course weak patients can't do this and this kind of race is mistaken, but on the end THC is the chief ingredient in battling late cancers. Right? You see I still search the final logic in this information.

Second question I have is your clue to someone somewhere before that "at this amount of RSO it can't be from cancer". Could you explain please what you meant — where is the point of dosing that should stop grows? The wife feels as she is now full of this bitter and spicy medicine, so we can not even imagine how growths could eventually continue, considering also the non/starchy diet. For me tumors should feel as bad as possible and they will come to a point of their desisting. Soon or latter.

Third one should be interesting news for you. My wife occasionally gets completely stoned, same as when we started with swallowing and digesting. This is very odd for us, following the protocol in complete. She finally found the possible cause: the medicine was the very last one in the syringe. We think it was put with the point up after filled, so some bigger and stronger particles came down at the end, causing overdosing. Some thoughts?

Long post again, but the logic of the heal must be polished.

Dear Mr. Motoco, the rewards for your efforts and wholeheartedness will come in this and the next world for You and all whom You love. Yours tbt
Hi dear Motoco!

Seems You are in a full service these days. Reading Your answer we got an real physical and emotional earthquake of some true healing solidity, logic and Grace. Amazing Grace. You have been blessed with this particular charisma and all real charisma come from the Only Source. We are refreshed and empowered. Saying thank You is nothing what is felt. We know what one single true prayer can bring, as it did to you - a complete turning of life. Your no-calculation for profit is also the gift and quality of those who were chosen and tested out of their heartedness.

I can understand all your teaching about CBD side of the medicine, since we were using todicamp medicine for the first two months and it kept fast grows down just from the same reasons: preventing inflammations and lessening the pains. In your teaching this side-feature becomes the main medicine.

On the other hand we are relieved by recognizing that our THC hemp oil (that's how I name it) must be about 50% THC. We can conclude this according to your information and her body and mind feelings. The wife is getting better, only IF WE TACK CORRECTLY. We do it 9 times a day, each time in two parts (10-15 min in between), each on own half of the lower gum (only). I agree with you that under-tongue is almost same as swallowing. She is active almost throughout the day, with rests, she is in good spirits and mood. Likes to eat and hydrate often in between. The only obstacle is volume. No depression at all, never. Your reason about stoning is correct — last big tack of the day in one blow, waking for bathroom at night and swallowing the remains led to complete failure and KO for two days. It was horrible look and we can imagine how older and weak patients feel about the next doze. But tacking correctly brings joy for the next, since - as you say - carries promises of good feeling, attitude and action.

Until now, dear Motoco, you were right in everything. EVERYTHING IS TRUE. For this reason I tried to inform the unknown producers how to counsel to tack correctly. When the wife cures, we will make much voice about the correct way and the oil.

While waiting for your reply I wrote the text bellow. Though I understand some of THC stuff differently after your last post, anyway please check it out. I feel this "finding" raises patient's faith in the oil even when nothing is happening for some longer time:

1. In the meantime I came to an understanding how THC hemp oil does its job: by gradual saturation the body and especially tumors with THC. When the amount in tumors comes to, say, 75% and more, tumors start to desist intensely. It takes a few weeks at one gram regimen per day, and some more time for bigger tumors, to get this far. The decisive point is in the correct tacking, so a patient gets less beatings. Weak persons need gradual increase due to some side effects of the oil and beginner mistakes at dosing. If a cancer is less aggressive, increasing could be in more leisurely way, however aggressive ones need more decisive increasement.

2. Less potent oil means more oil needed, lower dosing means longer dosing.

3. When tumor growth is stopped, there is no need to hurry in building up the THC amount in them. Simple persisting in correct tacking regimen brings the result. Good daily feeling is the key.

4. Mild nausea can often be controlled by simple change of body posture, like standing up, sitting straight or turning to the other side in bed.

I came this far in my understanding of your math :)

We are on the same string of Life, though we are coming from some other sides. Neither the wife nor me ever in life touched any alcohol, cigarettes or drugs — never needed one even for a try. So it was hard for her starting with the oil. But it seems it really brings Life back on track. Thanks to You. We don't want to imagine where we would be without Your topic of the forum and the photo of the gum.

Very best to You and your Wife from both of us. Thank You a lot for sharing to us Your personal account as well.

Love You, tbt
Hi tackbytack,

Good day Sir. I've read your post several times. I've been waiting for a response like this since the initial 'dosing' instructions. Not that your words agree with my method of using the concentrated oil, as it isn't about me or any one person, but, the way you and your Wife learned and validated everything so quickly is heart warming. Starting my morning off reading your post was much needed for my soul.

An addition to topic number 4; The Wife pinches herself and it changes 'thought' direction. Also, drinking some water and eating a light snack as the slight nausea is a signal you need nourishment. Although your heart rate is stabilized your metabolism is raised and even if sitting you dehydrate and burn calories. To clarify; also the things you mention. The concentrated oil also makes you aware of posture as you mentioned, sitting straight, standing straight, etc.

I literally could write a a complete book on your post as a response, but, I can do this by a simple 'AMEN'.

Again, your post came at a perfect timing for the Wife and I. Thank you to your Wife and you my friend!

Warmest regards :circle-of-love:

420 Motoco

Hi dear Motoco!

Seems You are in a full service these days. Reading Your answer we got an real physical and emotional earthquake of some true healing solidity, logic and Grace. Amazing Grace. You have been blessed with this particular charisma and all real charisma come from the Only Source. We are refreshed and empowered. Saying thank You is nothing what is felt. We know what one single true prayer can bring, as it did to you - a complete turning of life. Your no-calculation for profit is also the gift and quality of those who were chosen and tested out of their heartedness.

I can understand all your teaching about CBD side of the medicine, since we were using todicamp medicine for the first two months and it kept fast grows down just from the same reasons: preventing inflammations and lessening the pains. In your teaching this side-feature becomes the main medicine.

On the other hand we are relieved by recognizing that our THC hemp oil (that's how I name it) must be about 50% THC. We can conclude this according to your information and her body and mind feelings. The wife is getting better, only IF WE TACK CORRECTLY. We do it 9 times a day, each time in two parts (10-15 min in between), each on own half of the lower gum (only). I agree with you that under-tongue is almost same as swallowing. She is active almost throughout the day, with rests, she is in good spirits and mood. Likes to eat and hydrate often in between. The only obstacle is volume. No depression at all, never. Your reason about stoning is correct — last big tack of the day in one blow, waking for bathroom at night and swallowing the remains led to complete failure and KO for two days. It was horrible look and we can imagine how older and weak patients feel about the next doze. But tacking correctly brings joy for the next, since - as you say - carries promises of good feeling, attitude and action.

Until now, dear Motoco, you were right in everything. EVERYTHING IS TRUE. For this reason I tried to inform the unknown producers how to counsel to tack correctly. When the wife cures, we will make much voice about the correct way and the oil.

While waiting for your reply I wrote the text bellow. Though I understand some of THC stuff differently after your last post, anyway please check it out. I feel this "finding" raises patient's faith in the oil even when nothing is happening for some longer time:

1. In the meantime I came to an understanding how THC hemp oil does its job: by gradual saturation the body and especially tumors with THC. When the amount in tumors comes to, say, 75% and more, tumors start to desist intensely. It takes a few weeks at one gram regimen per day, and some more time for bigger tumors, to get this far. The decisive point is in the correct tacking, so a patient gets less beatings. Weak persons need gradual increase due to some side effects of the oil and beginner mistakes at dosing. If a cancer is less aggressive, increasing could be in more leisurely way, however aggressive ones need more decisive increasement.

2. Less potent oil means more oil needed, lower dosing means longer dosing.

3. When tumor growth is stopped, there is no need to hurry in building up the THC amount in them. Simple persisting in correct tacking regimen brings the result. Good daily feeling is the key.

4. Mild nausea can often be controlled by simple change of body posture, like standing up, sitting straight or turning to the other side in bed.

I came this far in my understanding of your math :)

We are on the same string of Life, though we are coming from some other sides. Neither the wife nor me ever in life touched any alcohol, cigarettes or drugs — never needed one even for a try. So it was hard for her starting with the oil. But it seems it really brings Life back on track. Thanks to You. We don't want to imagine where we would be without Your topic of the forum and the photo of the gum.

Very best to you and your Wife from both of us. Thank You a lot for sharing to us Your personal account as well.

Love You, tbt
Hi dear Motoco,

much work yesterday ... Read also Your PM, answer follows, thank You.

I read you post a few times as well, specially the first paragraph touched us like a mountain.

What I wrote above is the truth — about the medicine and You. On the other hand it is so normal that new things are hard to accept from the folks — it happened also to the Lord. Most of engineers, politicians and others disagreed with Eiffel tower constructing, same was with Michelangelo's Sistine chapel, same is with all natural medicine that works well, same is with RSO and now with your way of dosing called 'tacking'. Innovators and re-founders always get their share of blows. This is the nature of Nature. But above the Nature there is no melee. Days come when we lay down supposing never to get up again, maybe, but some rest and prayer regain our strength and freshness prevails. On the end Your way of healing-dosing will be accepted all around. They already quote you, addressing you as Mr. Motoco. Greater shame is RSO (THO) prosecutions, since the grass is used broadly also in destructive ways. For this reason people are hiding their names, the medicine of RSO and their knowledge. But it'll change in time. No way of going back. I'm writing this disregarding the issue of our personal battle.

We understand your soothing AMEN at the end as acception of our main direction of understanding the THC Hemp Oil medicine work, kindly overlooking trifles.

Your thread also came in the last minute for my wife and me. Going to answer the PM. Thank You and very best regards to You both, Yours from the heart, tbt

Hi tackbytack,

Good day Sir. I've read your post several times. I've been waiting for a response like this since the initial 'dosing' instructions. Not that your words agree with my method of using the concentrated oil, as it isn't about me or any one person, but, the way you and your Wife learned and validated everything so quickly is heart warming. Starting my morning off reading your post was much needed for my soul.

An addition to topic number 4; The Wife pinches herself and it changes 'thought' direction. Also, drinking some water and eating a light snack as the slight nausea is a signal you need nourishment. Although your heart rate is stabilized your metabolism is raised and even if sitting you dehydrate and burn calories. To clarify; also the things you mention. The concentrated oil also makes you aware of posture as you mentioned, sitting straight, standing straight, etc.

I literally could write a a complete book on your post as a response, but, I can do this by a simple 'AMEN'.

Again, your post came at a perfect timing for the Wife and I. Thank you to your Wife and you my friend! Please check your PM.

Warmest regards :circle-of-love:

420 Motoco
I literally could write a a complete book on your post as a response, but, I can do this by a simple 'AMEN'.
420 Motoco

You can write a book, not too big nor too short. That would be the best. Printing for maybe 2,5 to 3 euro a piece. That is, along with some Youtube video, the best way to share intel broadly, I think.

Yours, tht
Hi tackbytack,

I only use 420 Magazine to share 'awareness' besides in the local community. The latter might be ending soon. The book has been a concept for quite some time but helping others keeps taking all our time. We purposely stay away from Youtube, our own web page, etc. We have been tempted many times over money to sway our decisions but we have stayed our course. It becomes an easy decision when you understand how greed and power work hand in hand and concern for humans is secondary to them. Just have to wait for the doors to open when they are ready. We never lose site of our dream; a wellness center to help the needy.

You can write a book, not too big nor too short. That would be the best. Printing for maybe 2,5 to 3 euro a piece. That is, along with some Youtube video, the best way to share intel broadly, I think.

Yours, tht
Great, dear Motoco. Matches with what I wrote in private. Book doesn't need to be connected with greed, it can be made for 3 and sold for some more. Intel should go around. Book in pdf. is for free. I have same problem with putting a book out when working intensely with only a few people.

Time will lead and show, the track comes open. Wellnes center could be the house and the World.

Yours and grateful, tbt
Hi tackbytack,
"Time will lead and show" and the track is opening. There is nothing wrong with making money especially when one understands its purpose and how to use it to help others and spread the word. BTW, your message was amazing! Thank you and the wife! It is our house and the World.


Great, dear Motoco. Matches with what I wrote in private. Book doesn't need to be connected with greed, it can be made for 3 and sold for some more. Intel should go around. Book in pdf. is for free. I have same problem with putting a book out when working intensely with only a few people.

Time will lead and show, the track comes open. Wellnes center could be the house and the World.

Yours and grateful, tbt
Hello, Just checking in and playing catch up. Hope all is well with everyone. I am not sure how things are here. My hubby is scheduled for a scan on the 19th. He has been getting short of breath and has no energy. So we are now in CT scan anxiety mode. He has been tacking with about 5 grains a day but is tired all the time. He is also starting to loose his balance more. He actually fell outside twice this morning. But did not hurt himself. I am being extra careful now to make sure that he is not tacking with too much at one time. Will keep you all posted.
Hallo Mr. Motoco,

Interestingly enough I can read that you just became MOTM (hope some of the members would kindly explain what this is, since I and some can follow only this theme of the forum), what I believe materializes my feelings.

Yours tbt

Hi Tackbytack., MOTH stands for Member of the Month. Motoco has been nominated for 3 months in a row in recognition of the dedication and knowledge Motoco has given us here and he won it this month. He now has a nice title below his name. Congrats again to Motoco!!!
Welcome back fightsmallcell,

You have been a very busy lady haven't you? I hope you are seeing more improvements with the husband and yourself. Glad to see you back around and hope all is going well.

Hi Tackbytack., MOTH stands for Member of the Month. Motoco has been nominated for 3 months in a row in recognition of the dedication and knowledge Motoco has given us here and he won it this month. He now has a nice title below his name. Congrats again to Motoco!!!
It appears to be either 2 things, because of the increased amount of dosing more oil is draining down than going up to the receptors. Please try this to make sure. Tack 2 dots (about an 1/8th of a grain of rice one right after the first one in different locations-right next to the first one) wait 10-15 minutes. Then dose the rest of the grain of rice. This should insure absolutely no euphoric. Are blood pressure meds involved? Dosing correctly won't bother these but digesting the oil (more going to the belly than to the CB1 receptors) can cause a sharp drop in BP and fall/passout. Have you tried the strain that you made the oil out of? Does it give you energy? or make you tired? Indica dominant strain can make you feel tired also even tacked correctly. Other than that I can only think he is not getting enough oxygen to his brain, blockage, etc. I know the oil helps breathing immensely taken properly. Will be watching for your follow up. TY

Hello, Just checking in and playing catch up. Hope all is well with everyone. I am not sure how things are here. My hubby is scheduled for a scan on the 19th. He has been getting short of breath and has no energy. So we are now in CT scan anxiety mode. He has been tacking with about 5 grains a day but is tired all the time. He is also starting to loose his balance more. He actually fell outside twice this morning. But did not hurt himself. I am being extra careful now to make sure that he is not tacking with too much at one time. Will keep you all posted.
I should have clarified this more. I have been careful with the tacks all along. But he has had an equilibrium problem for better than a year now. Which is way before he started dosing with the oil. I really don't think it is the oil that is doing this. He is not on BP meds. And when he fell this morning it was before he had dosed. Just as a precaution I want to monitor the oil even closer to make sure it does not add to the problem. I don't know if this imbalance issue is from chemo or the whole brain radiation or the effects of the brain tumors and seizure. Probable all of the above.

We have the scan scheduled for his chest but not an MRI for his brain. I am thinking about asking the doc for that MRI.

And yes. The oil does give me energy. So I believe it is sativa dominate. I have more of the same strain in flower now for 7 weeks and still have clear trichomes. Last harvest was harvested early in the 7th week so I know it is not as strong as it could have been. I plan on starting a 2 week flush when I see an amber trichome. Does that sound like a good plan to you all??

Thanks for your post Motoco. I follow those tack guide lines for the first tack of the day. Then I dose him every 2 hours. He does not have a problem with sleeping. He says he does not sleep good but that is not what I see. He sleeps just fine. He may toss a bit and get up a couple of times for bathroom but then goes right back to sleep. His main problem with sleeping is when he moves around or turns over it actually hurts his skin. This is from the chemo. His skin hurts. I still do not have a CBD strain. My friend's friend's friend did not come through with those seeds. :-(
It appears to be either 2 things, because of the increased amount of dosing more oil is draining down than going up to the receptors. Please try this to make sure. Tack 2 dots (about an 1/8th of a grain of rice one right after the first one in different locations-right next to the first one) wait 10-15 minutes. Then dose the rest of the grain of rice. This should insure absolutely no euphoric. Are blood pressure meds involved? Dosing correctly won't bother these but digesting the oil (more going to the belly than to the CB1 receptors) can cause a sharp drop in BP and fall/passout. Have you tried the strain that you made the oil out of? Does it give you energy? or make you tired? Indica dominant strain can make you feel tired also even tacked correctly. Other than that I can only think he is not getting enough oxygen to his brain, blockage, etc. I know the oil helps breathing immensely taken properly. Will be watching for your follow up. TY
Thanks, Yes I have been busy. My step son visited which was great. And I am getting everything ready for winter. There is a novel I want to read but don't dare check it out of library yet because I have too much to do. Right now I am getting nervous about the scan that is scheduled. He has not had one since March and I am really nervous. Only 1% of patients with his dx stay with clean scans. Of course those stats do not take RSO into account. :) I can still hear the words of his radiation oncologist. "This cancer is what you are going to die from." I am also scared that hubby will chose more chemo if something is on the scan.

I am trying to keep my mind off it and stay positive but it is hard because the positive effects of the oil for hubby seem to come and go. I won't have other strains ready to try for him for a few months. And He still won't give up smoking weed during the day. Anyway, I still stand ready to make a roadtrip if the scan comes back bad.

Welcome back fightsmallcell,

You have been a very busy lady haven't you? I hope you are seeing more improvements with the husband and yourself. Glad to see you back around and hope all is going well.
Thank You FSM! Now I understand. Yes, our doctor here is great in spirit and knowledge. Doctor of the year I would say.

I understand your stress about the husband, we are in a similar situation, finding this morning, that side-lumps still grow. However when the amount of the medicine-oil comes high enough in the body, the process will change in a favourable direction. This is how we look on things, along with the trust in RSO and Lord. And the regiment recommended by Mr. Motoco.

Keep strong, tbt

Hi Tackbytack., MOTH stands for Member of the Month. Motoco has been nominated for 3 months in a row in recognition of the dedication and knowledge Motoco has given us here and he won it this month. He now has a nice title below his name. Congrats again to Motoco!!!
Hi tackbytack,

How much is your Wife dosing per day? Not how many times but the total amount of concentrate used? TY

Thank You FSM! Now I understand. Yes, our doctor here is great in spirit and knowledge. Doctor of the year I would say.

I understand your stress about the husband, we are in a similar situation, finding this morning, that side-lumps still grow. However when the amount of the medicine-oil comes high enough in the body, the process will change in a favourable direction. This is how we look on things, along with the trust in RSO and Lord. And the regiment recommended by Mr. Motoco.

Keep strong, tbt
Hi tackbytack,

How much is your Wife dosing per day? Not how many times but the total amount of concentrate used? TY


It coincides with going down and only tacking 2 weeks ago. One week 0,8, last 1 gr. Need to go up to 1,2 and 1,5. So evening ''meal'' again with tacking + olive-oil-RSO digesting + suppositories? To tack 1,2 only is hard, more even harder? Never had such a quick growth. Eating more in this 2 weeks, likes to eat out of skinny. Good attitude, medium sleep.

Thank You and very best to all, tbt
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