Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Doing better today. I did a patch test yesterday and all night on normal skin and nothing irritation or reaction at all. Also, I've been keeping the bandages off my lesions (except at night) and that is helping a lot to reduce the itching and burning. :) But one of my lesions is growing wider, which I guess means there is abnormal skin tissue around the lesion that wasn't visibly abnormal like the red spot, because from what I understand, cannabis oil doesn't react with normal skin tissue.
Good morning Motoco,
Sorry I have not been on. I have a lot of catching up to do but I don't have the time right now. I have a HUGE delima on my hands. My dad's wife has been fighting ovarian cancer for a year now. 6 months after her last chemo her cancer came back. During chemo treatments they made friends with several cancer patients that are all dead now. They are desparate and my dad says to me, " Is there anything else we can do?? Your husband is the only one we know that has survived this" I want to tell my dad about the oil but am so very afraid of the legal issues. She went to an alternative cancer treatment center and they gave her one dose of chemo and she ended up hospitialized. That is where she is right now.

I have something that could help but am too afraid to tell them. I guess I am just venting here. I don't even know what I am asking you. My dad's wife's life is on the line. Do I tell them and risk people finding out?? This question is killing me. :-(

Hi fsc, this is something Mo and I come up against quite a lot. You're correct. You have something that that will heal her (if its not too late) but sometimes it is very touchy subject to be sure. Sadly when all else fails they turn to the concentrated oil as a last ditch effort if you will. Personally I would give them 'awareness' on the concentrated oil but the bottom line is she would have to be on board. It really is a tough predicament. If you say nothing it will bother your conscience. If you do say something and perhaps it is too late then the blame could be placed on you. Perhaps if you mention you have been reading/researching how to use the cannabis oil (they don't know your screen name). Give them a link to the cancer thread and I will help them out with knowledge? The concentrated oil is the only 'alternative' method I know of that I would recommend.

Sorry for the late response. I have to check why I'm not getting some of these 'alerts' on subscribed threads? Hang in there fsc, something always seem to have a way of working itself out, but time is important also. Let your heart be your compass.

Best to Red and You!
Okay, I'm worried. You said actinic keratosis will look nasty when treating topically, so I hope what I'm experiencing is normal. I think they're actinic keratosis. The doctors I've seen didn't say what they were, just that they weren't skin cancer. Whatever they are, they are itching like mad and also burning. It's only been 2 1/2 days. I just took the bandage off hoping to get a little relief. They're raw with a few open holes and some parts with pus oozing out. I hope I'm doing the right thing.

Hi naturalway, You're doing it right. Whatever it is it is pulling out nasty toxins. It sounds to me it is a little past precancerous. Nonetheless keep applying the oil correctly. Do not stop or reduce treatment (stay on top of it even if you have to write down the day you applied the oil as a reminder). The longer it takes to heal the worst the skin cancer is. There is no specific time line when healing skin cancer, when its gone its gone. Keep us posted and updated on your progress. Again, the oil is doing its job and I'm glad you ask your questions instead of seeing your aliment getting worse. A lot of info on the net but few 'what to expect' out there. Keep up the good job of dressing your skin cancer.
Motoco, I just love you and the vast information you give to all of the people that ask of you. You are a man among men. :adore:

FSC, good job on over coming your fears with your father. I have found that most people are receptive when I talk about MMJ as a healing herb. I stay away from the stoner talk and just talk about the healing power and how to dose correctly. It's my guess that you are standing at the ready to give the oil and instruction when asked. Love and respect to you my friend.


AKA 60cal

Thank you RSOiler, I've been called a lot of things since Mo and I started our 'journey' into concentrated oils but I like your description the best so far, hahaha. :Namaste:
Hi 420 Motoco!

Yeah, I am freaking out a little bit because I feel like I'm making it maybe I'm unnecessarily pulling cancer to the surface and it's scaring me a bit. I guess in order to get rid of it, that has to happen anyway.

I did try the oil a couple times a week or so ago and stopped because I knew it was at a time I couldn't be consistent, and after a week or so, it did look a bit worse. I began again yesterday morning and wore the bandage all day and night. This morning, it really itched and one of the lesions developed a little bump. It's not a waterproof Band-Aid, though, because my skin breaks out in a rash from that. So I use gauze pads and first aid tape.

Thank you for the info on prepping and proper way to apply. As far as the wording about how the oil is processed, it's not my wording, it's the company's wording that's written on the package.

edit to add: You mentioned it's time to change the bandage when it itches. I put a new one on this morning and it pretty much continuously itches.

Best thing you can do is 'leave' the bandage on. It keeps foreign dirt/debris from sticking to the oil and getting it infected (even though the oil takes care of infections it slows down the healing process fighting two fronts). Also the covered area keeps the oil warmer and it absorbs in the skin better. The procedure laid out for applying topical, especially for cancer should be followed to the T for best results. Laying off a couple days, leaving bandage on, then off, changes how the oil penetrates as mentioned. This is the case of 'same o, same o' every time. As far as the 'itching' goes as you mentioned in post past this one, it is tamed down.
Hello 420 Motoco,

Okay, I will try to leave the bandage on 2 to 3 days in a row before changing. The itching intensifies when something is against it, but it seems more manageable now. One of my lesions is growing wider. I wonder how wide it will get. Like you said, it must be pulling all the toxins to the surface, and I can't wait until it kills it all off! :-D And you're right, there's info on the net but nothing about "what to expect." I tried to look for itching and burning in relation to treating skin cancer like this, but I didn't find anything...I'm thankful for this site. Thanks again for your advice!
Hello 420 Motoco,

Okay, I will try to leave the bandage on 2 to 3 days in a row before changing. The itching intensifies when something is against it, but it seems more manageable now. One of my lesions is growing wider. I wonder how wide it will get. Like you said, it must be pulling all the toxins to the surface, and I can't wait until it kills it all off! :-D And you're right, there's info on the net but nothing about "what to expect." I tried to look for itching and burning in relation to treating skin cancer like this, but I didn't find anything...I'm thankful for this site. Thanks again for your advice!

It will get better and better. Just stay very regimented. Perhaps next time we can make your own oil because you could use a little CBD in it to remove the itching and inflammation. Not to much as the THC is the main cancer fighting agent. Just enough to remove any uncomfortable feeling. Yes, it becomes discerning when you see the area spread, little cancer cell buggers have been hiding. The head is the main treatment location however. Trust me, it will go away. The stricter the regimen the quicker the heal. Oh and a final mention; the reason why you do not see any 'what to expect' because many do not know, they just copy and paste stuff they find on the net but few know anything because they haven't used it or have no experience helping those who do. Glad that you did find us on 420 Magazine and really glad you know how to apply the oil topically now. So much better than having it surgically removed and it always seems to come back. When the oil heals it there are no scars, no returning cancer (at least in the area you treated). Best of all its natural. If you have other aliments 'tacking' will take care of those also.

Keep on it :high-five:
My oil has been working marvelously. Left for vacation with far too little oil. Reason we only took two days to get home. Back titrated and feeling great. Got faced first two days. My oil is still high THC even tho it was decarbed to no bubbles at all. Gol dang blood pressure only problem. Hits me same time 0730 but not every day. Oil works through the day but 0730 chest pain and my BP 18※/11※ I tack at 2100 and 0900. I am going to see what moving tacks back or forward to see if the 0730 changes. I cannot figure which way is better to adjust. Any thoughts?

Brother Jim, I think you should adjust your regimen to get on top of the blood pressure.

In my experience, you can tell when it's not dialed in correctly by watching the bp.
When your system is happy with the dosing regimen, your blood pressure should be the 1st thing corrected/lowered.

I just dropped in cause I'm between Netflix shows, but I have some thoughts right off the bat.
Just real quick, take smaller, more frequent doses. At twice a day, you might not have enough mg/ld of cannabinoids working constantly.
Are you using a sativa dom strain?
Thanks guys. What I have this time is supposed to be Fast and Vast. It went for over 150 days. Heavyweight swears it is a Fast and Vast. It tastes the same as a correct pheno I grew at the same time. Normally a 60 day bean pop to harvest. It is mostly an Indica. I want to try a sativa. I have a bean my wife chose for me for it's medical uses as written in the breeder's description.. Pineapple Slick. It'll be in my spring medical grow. Can't wait to watch, smell and taste her. Deja Vu...

I am looking forward to trying a Sativa from all the reviews I've read. I've had that bean for 1 year. I think she'll pop and grow. Need a Sativa for my daytime oil. If mixing Sativa and Indica, can it just be mixed prior to the first wash? Or do you mix the different oils in their oil form? With the first way, accurate percentages seem easier to attain. Am I right in my thinking?

Thanks guys. What I have this time is supposed to be Fast and Vast. It went for over 150 days. Heavyweight swears it is a Fast and Vast. It tastes the same as a correct pheno I grew at the same time. Normally a 60 day bean pop to harvest. It is mostly an Indica. I want to try a sativa. I have a bean my wife chose for me for it's medical uses as written in the breeder's description.. Pineapple Slick. It'll be in my spring medical grow. Can't wait to watch, smell and taste her. Deja Vu...

I am looking forward to trying a Sativa from all the reviews I've read. I've had that bean for 1 year. I think she'll pop and grow. Need a Sativa for my daytime oil. If mixing Sativa and Indica, can it just be mixed prior to the first wash? Or do you mix the different oils in their oil form? With the first way, accurate percentages seem easier to attain. Am I right in my thinking?


Wow, high blood pressure on an Indica dominant ? Only think I can think of your not doing a complete tack (sloppy dose) which doesn't control blood pressure, sugar levels, etc., as well as a proper dose. Easy to do a sloppy dose on Indica as there is a fine line of body relaxing clear headed and and a sloppy dose where you are not so clear headed. Make sure and take your time dosing correctly and see if you can see a change. As mentioned it is easy to sloppy dose after a while as the mild euphoria is easily handled. Your Indica dominant if anything should show low blood pressure. Also a worthy mention: reviews on strains are judged by smoking and what the person felt reviewing the strain. You can get a 'general' idea but really never know exactly how the oil will be when dosing. It has always amazed me how these big companies who pump out the oil know how their strains are if you do not take the oil properly. wj, try tacking efficiently (extra time) to make sure it is nice and sticky on your gum, make sure no swallowing for at least 10 minutes. Pay attention and see if you don't feel better, especially in the BP department. Everyone needs to make sure they are taking it correctly if they feel different. You could also have a bug (some nasty viruses going around). I just got one of those really nasty viruses, felt a little off, some congestion, a little sweating the first night (when it started) and knew I sloppy dosed. The second day I made sure I tacked properly and all the symptoms from the night before became almost nill. The more oil you can actually get through your CB1 receptors the better regulated everything is, especially BP, sugar levels. Your missing out on a good active daytime without Sativa dominant strain. I never blend my Sativa with Indica. I blend it with a CBD strain for the daytime. I was referring if you're on daytime and it was a little to up for you simply tack a small dot of Indica to chill it down. Even using a Sativa dominant, a sloppy dose will not make you feel alert, or give you a 'wellness' feeling (good mental attitude). Even if dosing for cancer, you can take the oil properly with no euphoria, follow up with a bigger dose size (which you cannot control tacking properly) and even if you feel o.k. you are getting a lot more oil digested which isn't conducive to healing properly. An easy check is 'tack' a grain of rice properly and see if your good positive attitude comes back. Also you spend time on one strain, get use to it and then when you try another one you feel different and in some cases, mentally it just doesn't work for you. Look for a Sativa dominant no lower than 60/40 and no higher than 70/30. Remember if you got heavy Indica at nighttime you normally don't need as much because the daytime has some Indica in it also. Always do you decarb when all the bubbles are gone, and completely flat. Use your grow expertise to harvest at the correct times on how you want your strains grown. My daytime oil always consist of a 70/30 hybrid Sativa dominant or close to it and harvested at peak THC (the healer), then a high CBD strain (in my case I use Harlequin a 75/25 sativa dominant) and grow this full term 12 week flower. Blended in the mixing bowl together (2 ounces of Sativa, 1 ounce of Harlequin) comes out to about 55/45 Sativa dominant. If the CBD wasn't grown full term it would be a racehorse oil.
Don't get me wrong, I am feeling great other than the BP. Blood sugar back down. And I am calmer than I remember. I can only wait for my Sativa. Start in a week or two. I Have enough for another batch of oil, but it'll wait another 3 weeks I think. I am trying to learn as much as I can but my damaged brain won't let it stay long enough to help. Sorry if I keep asking simple questions.

Happy Easter my friends.

Don't get me wrong, I am feeling great other than the BP. Blood sugar back down. And I am calmer than I remember. I can only wait for my Sativa. Start in a week or two. I Have enough for another batch of oil, but it'll wait another 3 weeks I think. I am trying to learn as much as I can but my damaged brain won't let it stay long enough to help. Sorry if I keep asking simple questions.

Happy Easter my friends.


Your questions are not simply wj. Perhaps I forgot to answer one of your questions. I prefer mixing Sativa & Indica after the oil is made and syringed. I put my strain (in this case Sativa) 1 gram of Sativa in a SS measuring cup. Warm it up to 110F. Then I would take my syringed Indica and add a few drops, mix really well (I use a SS cuticle pusher). After slightly cooling I would try a small 'tack' and see how the blend turned out. If I need an adjustment that will be the next dose. You should have it very close after the second go around. I normally get mine correct in short order but it comes with experience.

Happy Easter Brother!
As far as MS, smoking is probably the worst THC delivery method because of the high heat. You will notice that most people with illnesses that affect the central nervous system do get some benefits from smoking but get considerably better results with oil taken orally

The best method is via 'gum absorption for MS or any other major aliment. The cannabinoids pass the blood brain barrier directly to the brain. I'm surprised Lab Rat you haven't tried this method with your illness, especially when you are not doing so well? Please don't take this personal or go on a 'rant', just trying to help. I sent you a PM that went unanswered. What exactly is your issue with me? I didn't just make this stuff up, I've tried every method there is so I can speak with some knowledge. With your disorders the concentrate needs to get to the CB1 receptors. Puzzling to say the least.

Just trying to help:Namaste:
I look to try oil in the near future so a question regarding tacking.

What considerations need be observed when there be dentures involved?
Full uppers and a gawdawful brobdingnagian partial on the bottom deck.

Tack on the outside of the denture plate? Under the plate?
I have a son who just turned 4 months and has been keeping me busy so I haven't been home so much since me and his mom don't live together but I sleep over to help out.

In Costa Rica its still quite illegal (although legalization is being discussed) so getting your hands on any strain its still quite difficult and most strains in the black market are high THC and quite expensive so you end up with similar sativas and very little room for experimentation. People react differently using the same strain, dosage and dosing method. Just because I'm not tacking now doesn't mean I haven't tried it. It did work for me on many levels but I did notice some negative side effects like a loss of balance; perhaps a more balanced 1:1 strain would help but I can't get that here.

My illness is a cavernous angioma in the brainstem; out of all cavernous angiomas (which are quite rare to begin with) only 5% are in the brain stem and oficially have no treatment other than surgery . A cavernous angioma is a vascular mutation, like a ball of veins so its not really a tumor and therefore behaves differently than a tumor and most of the healing effects of THC are lost on me. I've found that higher CBD Indica strains work better on me but "the medicine" varies from illness to illness.

I recently attended a lecture at congress about MMJ and got to speak to Dr. Denis Petro after his presentation.
Denis Petro, MD - Medical Marijuana -

He's a neurologist and a MMJ activist; I asked him why (as per your thread) different dosing methods (digested, rectal, sublingual and tacking) had different effects on the body. His reply was that with those dosing methods the main difference was absorption speed and therefore effects varied but that the strain and not the dosing method was responsible for how much the CB1 and CB2 was stimulated.

The main reason for my "loss of health" has been the fact that I've been running out of oil (new priorities); even with my higher yield methods I can't buy the stuff as often as I need an my mom can't be swayed into letting me grow my own as long as its illegal. I'm currently waiting for a friend who will smuggle a 5ml syringe of oil from a high CBD strain from SC Labs in California.
I look to try oil in the near future so a question regarding tacking.

What considerations need be observed when there be dentures involved?
Full uppers and a gawdawful brobdingnagian partial on the bottom deck.

Tack on the outside of the denture plate? Under the plate?

Hi older than dirt, dosing tutorial is here;Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Good question, had a friend who use to remove his bottom dentures, apply the oil to the top of his gums then put his denture back in. It worked as far as not getting euphoric but the bitter taste remained too long. Then he just removed his denture, tacked on the gum, holding firmly for 20 seconds till it tacked, removed finger, looked at where the oil moved and kept reapplying till it was all gone off of his finger except for a thin transparent film (normal for all). Then took a sip of 'ice' water, not swishing, just sitting for a couple of seconds and spit it out. Put his dentures back in and it had much improved 'taste'. Just make sure you take your time, start with small amounts to learn correctly and work your way up. Nothing to do with building up tolerance as there is no tolerance with no euphoria, just learning to apply it correctly. When done correctly you feel sensations up in your head, this is normal and what you want to feel as you took it correctly. Hope this helps.
I have a son who just turned 4 months and has been keeping me busy so I haven't been home so much since me and his mom don't live together but I sleep over to help out.

In Costa Rica its still quite illegal (although legalization is being discussed) so getting your hands on any strain its still quite difficult and most strains in the black market are high THC and quite expensive so you end up with similar sativas and very little room for experimentation. People react differently using the same strain, dosage and dosing method. Just because I'm not tacking now doesn't mean I haven't tried it. It did work for me on many levels but I did notice some negative side effects like a loss of balance; perhaps a more balanced 1:1 strain would help but I can't get that here.

My illness is a cavernous angioma in the brainstem; out of all cavernous angiomas (which are quite rare to begin with) only 5% are in the brain stem and oficially have no treatment other than surgery . A cavernous angioma is a vascular mutation, like a ball of veins so its not really a tumor and therefore behaves differently than a tumor and most of the healing effects of THC are lost on me. I've found that higher CBD Indica strains work better on me but "the medicine" varies from illness to illness.

I recently attended a lecture at congress about MMJ and got to speak to Dr. Denis Petro after his presentation.
Denis Petro, MD - Medical Marijuana -

He's a neurologist and a MMJ activist; I asked him why (as per your thread) different dosing methods (digested, rectal, sublingual and tacking) had different effects on the body. His reply was that with those dosing methods the main difference was absorption speed and therefore effects varied but that the strain and not the dosing method was responsible for how much the CB1 and CB2 was stimulated.

The main reason for my "loss of health" has been the fact that I've been running out of oil (new priorities); even with my higher yield methods I can't buy the stuff as often as I need an my mom can't be swayed into letting me grow my own as long as its illegal. I'm currently waiting for a friend who will smuggle a 5ml syringe of oil from a high CBD strain from SC Labs in California.

Hi Lab Rat, thanks for the reply. When ingesting the oil you don't have loss of balance problems? Normally when the oil is taken properly (gum absorption) it is complete opposite resulting in great balance. I cannot speak of your ailment because I have no experience with it. I would imagine surgery is too risky? What positives did you have from gum absorption?

No offense to Dr. Petro it does matter how the oil is taken. Digest a grain of rice of high THC whether it be Indica or Sativa and see the result. In two days take the same amount and 'tack' it properly and it is night and day. There is a fine line with 'tacking' Indica but you can clearly see the difference between clear headed and heavy euphoria. Interesting he would make that comment as no posted research is done on gum absorption. It is all digesting, capsules, edibles, sublingual. I've corresponded with the 'grandfather' of cannabis research Professor Raphael Mechoulam and ask him this question; 'how can you digest a high THC concentrated oil and have extreme euphoria, then do it via gum absorption and have no euphoria. A complete opposite result, clear headed, clear eyed and energetic compared to heavy euphoria. He told me he didn't know (more into studies of the cannabinoids). I ask him if he knew someone that did and he basically said to his knowledge going to the CB1 first there was little to no research done. I can guarantee you all on the forums that have learned to 'tack' will not agree with what the Dr. told you. Reason why I'm mentioning this Lab Rat is there is so much misinformation on the net it is a 'world' of confusion out there. Just saying. I thought when the wife and I learned how to use the oil for 1.5 years everyone in the world would of known about it. Sure, they heard of of it but nada on how/why/effects. The reason the 'dosing' thread has become popular is most staggered in from RS site because they were trying to heal serious ailments and were getting ripped out of their minds. Some were digesting large amounts while trying to heal, tried the 'tack' method and healed in quick fashion. Not to mention the ones who were digesting, capsules, butter, suppositories etc, their tumor markers went up, not briefly, but over a 1.5-2 months. Locally in our community it is taking off like wildfire. Point is sometimes if you really want to know the truth you have to find out yourself. If something threatens the big Pharma's you will not see anything (at least for any length of time) on the web that is correct. They want people to smoke/vape/digest, edibles as they know it is not the true heal. Just my opinion.

Running out of meds is no joke and hopefully one day the laws will change so it can be easily accessible. Just hope the best for you and your family Lab Rat.
Hi older than dirt, dosing tutorial is here;Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Good question, had a friend who use to remove his bottom dentures, apply the oil to the top of his gums then put his denture back in. ...Hope this helps.
Read the linked thread and several others as well Moto, good stuff all!

So if I'm understanding rightly, best to have the oil applied directly to the gums for best absorption?

Looking forward to giving this a go.
While the smoking has been plenty fun it hasn't been that awfully therapeutic for me so far. Read a couple of recent articles regarding possibility of CBD helping to promote bone growth.

If true, that along with effective pain control would be worth the world to me!

Thankee (-:

ETA: Top gum or bottom, any reason for directing to tack on the bottom?
Hello to All
On Sept. 29th 2014 I was diagnosed with stage 1 cancer. Motoco helped me with the tacking process as I can not stand crawling out of my skin or what is described as the euphoria effect of THC. I further developed my own process that worked for me. No euphoria at all unless I got carless. My PSA was 10.6 so I started the oil in late December. I went to the Dr. Last week for follow up blood work. Just got the results today. PSA now 1.2 yes that is correct 1.2. Thank God for RSO. I did not have my prostate removed as the Dr. Suggested.
Thank you Motoco for all your help. I will not have to use the oil every day now just use as a maintenance dose once a week.
I will write out my tacking procedure if anybody wants it. I know most people can deal with the euphoria so it may not be needed.
Thanks 420 magazine, without you I would still have prostate cancer or chemo to kill it.
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