Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Jumping in here!

I've yet to start my oil process, I haven't even harvested yet lol. But I'm working it! I'll be reading along and then jump back in when I'm ready to heal!
Hi wynotMMJ,

Those in legal states sometimes take things for granite. Mo (wife) and I count our blessings everyday that we have access to what we need. It gets my blood boiling that our government can watch people suffer and do nothing about it because the big money comes from chemo/radiation. Enough, let's get you started with what you have while the mets is still in a small area. Good idea to check with the Company that made your oil to get some specifications. Just to be sure make sure it's been decarboxylated, what was used to make it as you mentioned and the % of potency. Even the name of the strain so I will know if with have a little Sativa in the strain also. Really sorry you had to go through this and feel like a criminal while trying to save your Husband's life. Crazy! TY

Now that you have the oil we will move forward with the strain you have. We will just start the dosing regimen a little later in the morning more around noon time so your husband won't feel like sleeping 24/7, be more motivated to walk and do some things between wake up and starting his dailey dosing regimen. Also a list of all medications will be needed, not right now but please get that info together.
Warmest regards,
Hi Motoco - Sorry for late reply - I'm exhausted and just got up and am fighting off a migraine :(

I did get an email response about the oil I have:

I use as many strains as I can get my hands on. My criteria is that it is indica dominant hybrids (sometimes pure indica gets in there) and the strain was picked for its medicinal value as well as it has to be organically grown. I use hexane as my solvent and I use the coldfinger method of extraction (a name that arose from the process I developed. I also have another doc written by a student that is so detailed that patients said it was confusing so I will spare you that unless you request it. As a oil maker outside of the law I cannot get my oils tested.

I did get a student to test with some of his pot and he came up with 94%THC. Not sure what the CBD was.

He teaches a class in Durango, CO on how to make the oil. I was thinking of going there with my husband, making the oil and holding up for 90 days somewhere in a hotel so he can take the treatment. But I didn't think he could make that trip. We live on the east coast in a southern state. We are in EST.

If I understand correctly, I believe this oil must be high in THC because he was ingesting it (just a few times) before we found you and he got incredibly high and did nothing but sleep. Would that indicate a high THC oil?

My husband did 6 chemo treatments (he was supposed to do 12) and it was killing him so he just stopped, we told the doc he wanted a break, but we are not going to start back on it... once I stumbled across all this information on big pharma, cancer and oil we knew that was not the cure. But I didn't and will not tell the doc that we are doing the oil.

We just started the "tacking" method yesterday and he did not get high, so I believe he is doing it correctly.

Right now he is only taking blood thinners because he has a blood clot behind his knee. They put him on the 12 hour injectible kind that he injects twice a day (every 12 hrs).

Is this enough information for you to go on? Let me know if you need anything else and thank you so much for helping us and everyone else that you are and have helped. You must be an amazing human being.

Bless YOU,
Jumping in here!

I've yet to start my oil process, I haven't even harvested yet lol. But I'm working it! I'll be reading along and then jump back in when I'm ready to heal!

LOL! Sorry Colesdad, most of the time I'm so concerned about getting folks started as soon as possible so their ailments don't progress. Gain as much knowledge and when you're ready it will become very easy. Thank you for clarifying but its too late you're in our thoughts now, lol. Yep, you at least made it in our 'prayer' list :thumb:

Hi Motoco - Sorry for late reply - I'm exhausted and just got up and am fighting off a migraine :(

I did get an email response about the oil I have:

He teaches a class in Durango, CO on how to make the oil. I was thinking of going there with my husband, making the oil and holding up for 90 days somewhere in a hotel so he can take the treatment. But I didn't think he could make that trip. We live on the east coast in a southern state. We are in EST.

If I understand correctly, I believe this oil must be high in THC because he was ingesting it (just a few times) before we found you and he got incredibly high and did nothing but sleep. Would that indicate a high THC oil?

My husband did 6 chemo treatments (he was supposed to do 12) and it was killing him so he just stopped, we told the doc he wanted a break, but we are not going to start back on it... once I stumbled across all this information on big pharma, cancer and oil we knew that was not the cure. But I didn't and will not tell the doc that we are doing the oil.

We just started the "tacking" method yesterday and he did not get high, so I believe he is doing it correctly.

Right now he is only taking blood thinners because he has a blood clot behind his knee. They put him on the 12 hour injectible kind that he injects twice a day (every 12 hrs).

Is this enough information for you to go on? Let me know if you need anything else and thank you so much for helping us and everyone else that you are and have helped. You must be an amazing human being.

Bless YOU,

Totally understand how beat down you are physically and mentally. Mo always says the person next to the bed can have it much worse than the person in bed. Also understand how your husband feels when being so sick. But also understand we see this quite often and understand their state. That being said we also understand how uplifting it can be talking to someone who can bring a 'ray' of hope to them. No offense to the guy in Colorado making his oil but its just all kinds of trim left over from many different strains (the buds sell at the dispensaries). Hexane is the most expensive part he is using. People who do not smoke or use MJ on a regular basis can get extremely high off of 10% THC. Also a worthy mention and I always say this; if someone who makes oil just out of Indica dominant strains doesn't know how the oil works taken via gum absorption. They get this info off of Mr. Simpsons site as many others do also and start off on Indica. So in this respect how does he truly know what it does medicinally? Enough of that and trust me I'm not knocking his oil, just stating a fact. Is your husband feeling very relaxed? Does the taste dissipate rather quickly? Also a worthy mention. I can send you links to everything you need from A-Z. Its not that expensive and it also has one of the best carriers that is natural organic food grade. I would give you the strains needed that are Sativa dominant for the day and close to pure Indica at night. Your Husband could be healing with what he has now. Possibly have a family member to watch him, go to Colorado and get the strains you need (flowers) bring them home and when you get there everything you need would be at home (buy it off the net) and you will have the best meds possible. It really is so easy to make and also very safe. Your meds will also be conducive to the gum application. The best mind relief one can have is knowing their meds are quality. Not saying what you got isn't potent enough, just saying there is nothing like knowing what you can have doing it yourself. Then you will find out the 20-30 dollar a gram seems impossible using flowers only. The stronger the oil the faster the heal. The proper strains make a difference you wouldn't believe. The cost for us helping you out on 420 Magazine for our oil tutorial, dosing, and walking you through from start to finish? Free! Except if you would like to give to the cause on awareness for all the hard work these guys do to keep this site up, no I'm just a member, not the ones in the back room working hundreds of hours to keep the wheels turning at 420 Magazine. Hard to believe, but it gives a whole new meaning to 'free'. Refreshing in my humble opinion as well as the wifes. Use what you have now, never stop once started as cancer loves when the defenses are down to come back stronger. Amazing person? LOL depends on who you ask, lol. Never really thought about it, only hope the ONE understands as he has been the wife and I guide/mentor through this whole learning process and journey. But, thank you for the kind words but we know he rejoices when we help someone and that is important to us. Thank you for the information requested. Keep in mind nourishment (calories) are very important on the oil as well as staying hydrated. Strenght is critical now.

Warmest regards
Yeah bro. Not having lots of fun. Apparently, my liver is all swole up. They don't know why & I certainly don't.
I'm ignoring it for now, but the pain is giving me goose bumps. Has the fountain of youth Bern discovered yet? Lol.
How are you 2 doing on this awesome Sunday?

I'm with you on the "awesome" Sunday Brother, we are alive and that is what is making it awesome. Here is one for you Brother. We are learning. As we speak we have three people including yourself that is going through the exact same thing. What you all have in common is that you all have LARGE tumors. All three tumor counts are going down rapidly. Also all have this in common, sever pain (tumors shrinking), severe nausea, and unable to eat. Some are on 'morphine' patches and other meds aiding to the nausea, making it even worse. The light bulb went off for Mo and I at the same time. Mo and I know from experience that taking oil on an empty stomach aid to nausea also. This is what RS means by you cannot always take the oil via the gum method as what isn't absorbed through the gums drain down to the belly adding to the nauseous making eating (you have to have calories and hydration) and you end up throwing up. This is the time for downstairs application. Take a little grapeseed oil and blend a couple of drops per gram to make it pliable. Apply a grain of rice to the rectum mucous membrane and rub it in right inside of the rectum as well as a little on the outside so most of it is absorbed by the mucous membrane. This will help subside the nausea so you can eat/hydrate. Then you will be able to start back upstairs via the gums as well as downstairs, less up stairs until you can control the nausea again. Your liver is swollen we believe because of the tumor around there shrinking and severe nausea causing inflammation also. Give the bottom dose time to kick in the add more downstairs. Please keep us informed for improvement. We are trying to decide if large tumors are worse in the stomach region or anywhere else like the brain and came to the conclusion there is no good place for large tumors. Keeping in mind when they shrink the pain is much more severe as things settle back in place. God speed Brother. If you complain about pain with your mental toughness these other two are off the charts bringing them to their knees. It is so important to have food lining your stomach as well as hydrating. Doesn't help if you keep throwing up. Again,take it downstairs now to keep pressure on and help subdue your severe nausea so you can eat and drink more without adding more meds in the stomach. Hope this helps friend!
Wow.. so much info... thank you, Motoco.
He does feel very relaxed and he said the taste dissipates within around a 1/2 hour or so.
I understand what you mean about the quality of the oil and 'peace of mind' and as I said I really wished I had discovered 420 magazine before.

I will think about trying to go to colorado and get flowers, but not sure yet if that will be possible. I would probably need to drive, since bringing back material on a plane would be to risky. That would be about 1500 mile drive...hmmm..Also I don't have a MMJ card and I don't know where to go in colorado? Is that something you could help guide me with?

In the meantime, you said to keep doing the oil that we have, what regimen do suggest we follow as far as dosing?

We started yesterday afternoon, and we did it 3 times with 1/4 grain each time. 12:00, 6:00, 11:00pm
Today (so far) he did 1/4 grain at about 12:00 (this is in EST).

Ans yes, I would definitely like to donate... once I can get my finances figured out after buying all the stuff I will need lol!
when I'm ready ... how would I donate?

I'm going to the kitchen now to juice some fruits and veggies for him when he wakes up :)

Thank you so much,

Day three and slogging along - as I only have an indica-dominant oil (nighttime oil) I don't start dosing until 11:00am - and recommended dosing was 2 dots at 11:00am, 1:00pm, 3:00pm, 5:00pm and 7:00pm - on day one I was pretty maxed out and didn't do the 7:00pm dose.

Yesterday went better - did all of the doses without being paralyzed but I certainly understand the need for a daytime oil that is sativa based.

Got frustrated as hell tacking the first two days - seemed I would get one tack just fine and then screw up the next one. Couple of things in play I think - rushing the second tack and not adequately flattening out the oil - to me, intuitively a dot means a little round orb of oil and I was forgetting to flatten the grain - need to remember that a dot is a measure, not a shape. For those who need a reminder some time ago Motoco posted excellent photos in post #255 of this thread.

Seem to be back on track (or is that "on tack"?) today - am taking my time tacking and remembering to flatten the dot. Have done the 11:00am and 1:00pm doses and am obviously not couch-locked as "she who must be obeyed" just had me mow the lawn!

Thanks Motoco for the continuing help and support!

Wow.. so much info... thank you, Motoco.
He does feel very relaxed and he said the taste dissipates within around a 1/2 hour or so.
I understand what you mean about the quality of the oil and 'peace of mind' and as I said I really wished I had discovered 420 magazine before.

I will think about trying to go to colorado and get flowers, but not sure yet if that will be possible. I would probably need to drive, since bringing back material on a plane would be to risky. That would be about 1500 mile drive...hmmm..Also I don't have a MMJ card and I don't know where to go in colorado? Is that something you could help guide me with?

In the meantime, you said to keep doing the oil that we have, what regimen do suggest we follow as far as dosing?

We started yesterday afternoon, and we did it 3 times with 1/4 grain each time. 12:00, 6:00, 11:00pm
Today (so far) he did 1/4 grain at about 12:00 (this is in EST).

Ans yes, I would definitely like to donate... once I can get my finances figured out after buying all the stuff I will need lol!
when I'm ready ... how would I donate?

I'm going to the kitchen now to juice some fruits and veggies for him when he wakes up :)

Thank you so much,


Yes, we can help as when you put your thinking cap on, options that seemed impossible become possible. Fly to where you need to go like Colorado, pick up what you need, rent a car and drive back. I can give you some contact names I know in Colorado to make this much easier. Keep this same regimen up don't go up right now or don't go down. Make sure the Husband is eating and drinking as much as possible, always keep in mind to eat before you take the oil and wait 30 minutes after you take the oil to snack in between doses as it is a major biggie to get calories and stay hydrated. This aid tremendously in building the autoimmune system back up while treating cancer. You answered my question I was concerned about decarboxylation and now that you gave me the details on how fast the taste dissipated it has been. I cannot find the donate button, lol. Never used it as I'm too poor but we do our part donating our time :). I know there is one somewhere but lets take one step at a time and get your Husband healthy again. Oh, and you made it in time as your husband will need Indica to sleep. Lets stay focused on what's at hand, as mentioned it is just as important to build his strength up with food and water. Baby steps if you will. As long as you see improvements you're headed in the right direction. I'm off the forums the rest of the day for chores and local appointments. GB!
Suppositories aren't working, I've tried for several weeks.
As against capsules as I am, I'm shelving the flaxseed oil & replacing with coconut oil.
Taking a medium chained fat like coconut oil gets the meds to the portal vein better.
I don't use coconut oil due to this, but it's perfect for the liver.

On that, EVERYONE should be eating MCF's 30 mins prior to tacking. It keeps the enzymes produced by the liver & digestive tract busy while the oil does it's thing. These enzymes are what keep our bodies from letting non polar substances like the oil from doing their thing.
The specific carrier oil source that you choose, directly dictates where in the body, your CO is absorbed. The digestive advantages of MCFAs over long-chain fatty acids are due to the differences in the way our bodies metabolize these fats. Because the MCFA molecules are smaller, they require less energy and fewer enzymes to break them down for digestion. They are digested and absorbed quickly and with minimal effort. Unlike other fatty acids, MCFAs are absorbed directly from the intestines into the portal vein and sent straight to the liver. (Longer fatty acids are absorbed into the lymphatic system) that's why we don't use coconut oil.
Normally you want to keep the cannabinoids away from the liver. The liver metabolizes the CO, causing the majority of the D9-THC to convert to the more psychoactive 11-OH-THC. 11-OH-THC produces a molecule many times more psychoactive but with most all medical benefits deactivated.Just because a cannabinoid has found it's way to the liver does not however mean that it will remain there to successfully treat any disease there.
The enzymes that metabolise cannabinoids are mainly found in the liver. A cannabinoid entering the liver is more likely to connect with an enzyme and be metabolised than to connect with a cancerous cell. This makes liver cancer a trickier one to treat without additional supplements.
Certain plant molecules are metabolised by the same enzymes that metabolise most THC molecules. The enzyme is called CYP2C9 and the molecules are apigenin and amentoflavone. Apinenin can be found in tablets and certain foods and amentoflavone is available in supplements for weightlifters such as Amentomax. These molecules, as well as having additional benefits, will give the enzymes "busy work" allowing the cannabinoids greater opportunity to circulate, connect with and destroy mutated cells both in the liver and throughout the body.
This enzyme busying effect is called competitive inhibiton. A well known example of this is the grapefruit effect. A molecule in grapefruit called bergamottin competitively inhibits an enzyme called CYP3A4 that metabolises many pharmaceuticals causing a risk of build up and overdose. Bergamottin from the grapefruit slows drug removal by 50-80% making it a moderate inhibitor.

I don't use caps usually. Been there done that. But, for the liver (portal vein) it's works better. My liver is reducing now due to the constant pressure from the oil. Hopefully. won't be long.

Olive oil & grape seed oil are the best as Motoco mentioned.
Hello again Motoco. A question - can we tack to the top gum rather than the lower one? My partner wears a mouth guard/splint on her lower teeth at night. So I was thinking bottom gum during the day and top/upper gum at night?
Day three and slogging along - as I only have an indica-dominant oil (nighttime oil) I don't start dosing until 11:00am - and recommended dosing was 2 dots at 11:00am, 1:00pm, 3:00pm, 5:00pm and 7:00pm - on day one I was pretty maxed out and didn't do the 7:00pm dose.

Yesterday went better - did all of the doses without being paralyzed but I certainly understand the need for a daytime oil that is sativa based.

Got frustrated as hell tacking the first two days - seemed I would get one tack just fine and then screw up the next one. Couple of things in play I think - rushing the second tack and not adequately flattening out the oil - to me, intuitively a dot means a little round orb of oil and I was forgetting to flatten the grain - need to remember that a dot is a measure, not a shape. For those who need a reminder some time ago Motoco posted excellent photos in post #255 of this thread.

Seem to be back on track (or is that "on tack"?) today - am taking my time tacking and remembering to flatten the dot. Have done the 11:00am and 1:00pm doses and am obviously not couch-locked as "she who must be obeyed" just had me mow the lawn!

Thanks Motoco for the continuing help and support!

Hi Hendo! Thanks for pointing me to the thread#255 that helps A LOT!
Can you please kindly tell me if that amount of oil on the 2nd pic would be considered 1 rice grain?

OMG!! I just have to say my husband is starting to show signs of improvement already after only 1 day with tacking and no high!
It is just a very very very small improvement, but we'll take that. At least he stopped going downhill.

Oh good, I'm so glad it sounds like the oil is good. ummm.. what exactly is decarboxylation? Sorry for dumb question but I'm just so very new to all of this. Why is that important? Curious minds want to know lol!

Also, Motoco ... hubby and I were just talking about possibly buying his brothers RV and making the trip to CO.
Not sure if that is possible yet, but we're working on it. I will email you if/when that becomes a reality for contacts. :cheesygrinsmiley:

If this oil tacking keeps working like I think it is... we may be able to take the trip trip together especially if we have an RV that we can just stop and rest whenever we need to.

Thank YOU so so much...I know we've just begun, but we both feel a renewed positive attitude where just a couple of days ago we were down in the dumps!

Hi Hendo! Thanks for pointing me to the thread#255 that helps A LOT!
Can you please kindly tell me if that amount of oil on the 2nd pic would be considered 1 rice grain?


Boy I'm not sure whynot but it looks like less than a full grain to me - remember the oil expands a bit from the heat on the finger. Motoco will be able to answer - awesome news about your husband!
Hello again Motoco. A question - can we tack to the top gum rather than the lower one? My partner wears a mouth guard/splint on her lower teeth at night. So I was thinking bottom gum during the day and top/upper gum at night?

That will be fine Sam. Normally I would say no but because it is nighttime she will be doing this it will be fine. How are things going Brother?

Day three and slogging along - as I only have an indica-dominant oil (nighttime oil) I don't start dosing until 11:00am - and recommended dosing was 2 dots at 11:00am, 1:00pm, 3:00pm, 5:00pm and 7:00pm - on day one I was pretty maxed out and didn't do the 7:00pm dose.

Yesterday went better - did all of the doses without being paralyzed but I certainly understand the need for a daytime oil that is sativa based.

Got frustrated as hell tacking the first two days - seemed I would get one tack just fine and then screw up the next one. Couple of things in play I think - rushing the second tack and not adequately flattening out the oil - to me, intuitively a dot means a little round orb of oil and I was forgetting to flatten the grain - need to remember that a dot is a measure, not a shape. For those who need a reminder some time ago Motoco posted excellent photos in post #255 of this thread.

Seem to be back on track (or is that "on tack"?) today - am taking my time tacking and remembering to flatten the dot. Have done the 11:00am and 1:00pm doses and am obviously not couch-locked as "she who must be obeyed" just had me mow the lawn!

Thanks Motoco for the continuing help and support!


Hi Hendo,

Oh Brother, you post just split my sides with laughter as well as Mo's. Day 3 and slogging along, OMGosh I cannot stop laughing but you just put so much humor in this post we are going to dub you our 'good cheer' mascot!

Your welcome Brother, so glad your aboard here at 420 Magazine

OMG!! I just have to say my husband is starting to show signs of improvement already after only 1 day with tacking and no high!
It is just a very very very small improvement, but we'll take that. At least he stopped going downhill.

Oh good, I'm so glad it sounds like the oil is good. ummm.. what exactly is decarboxylation? Sorry for dumb question but I'm just so very new to all of this. Why is that important? Curious minds want to know lol!

Also, Motoco ... hubby and I were just talking about possibly buying his brothers RV and making the trip to CO.
Not sure if that is possible yet, but we're working on it. I will email you if/when that becomes a reality for contacts. :cheesygrinsmiley:

If this oil tacking keeps working like I think it is... we may be able to take the trip trip together especially if we have an RV that we can just stop and rest whenever we need to.

Thank YOU so so much...I know we've just begun, but we both feel a renewed positive attitude where just a couple of days ago we were down in the dumps!


Your very welcome, its the power of the oil and a helping hand. Hope; at times like these that can change everything. This can conquer the fear that if you really think about, comes from western medicine. Use this or die! We have seen this over and over especially the past year. Best thing on earth is simple prayer and belief in positive direction. What an attitude change with the help of our fantastic members here at 420. You can feel the vibes going around. Nothing short of awesomeness! Great news on the improvements already! They are the real deal :). Opps forgot, decarboxylation is a process that naturally occurs with MJ overtime. Doing a decarboxylation (in my case at the end of making the concentrate) expedites this process. It allows the cannabinoids to be absorbed (in this case through the gums) to pass the blood brain barrier and set in the receptors in the CB1/CB2 receptors. Also I would like to mention, if your Husband is up to it the travel to Colorado shared with you will do wonders for you both! Might be the best vacation in your life.

Warmest regards

Motoco & Mo
:love:T & M forever!...:thanks:


Too much?

LOL, look Brother, the way you are welcoming in others with serious ailments and such a positive direction it is nothing short of awesomeness. We truly appreciate your thoughts John. We feel the Oil gets the credit, and the one who put it on earth for us to stay healthy. We are just too humble and would hope anyone would share this knowledge that keeps growing daily to help others. But also understand how you feel and thank you for the accolades. You studied, learned and applied the knowledge. Now look what has happened! Folks, keep an eye on this guy! He is going to amaze us in a short time :Namaste:
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:Oh Hendo!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I love "she who must be obeyed"... I have a female cat too!
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