Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Hi WynotMMJ,

I absolutely saw a reaction my first 12 hours dabbing (spell checker corrected my spelling of dabing---clear proof of something!). I've only told Motoco, and pray to my HOLY they keep it to themselves!!! Kidding...solid stool...hahahahaha.:Namaste:

Got to come up w/ a better story abt dat...:thedoubletake:

Aaannnyyyway...da stuff wok goooood and qwik.:high-five:

:love:Big hugs and power your way!:love:
Suppositories aren't working, I've tried for several weeks.
As against capsules as I am, I'm shelving the flaxseed oil & replacing with coconut oil.
Taking a medium chained fat like coconut oil gets the meds to the portal vein better.
I don't use coconut oil due to this, but it's perfect for the liver.

On that, EVERYONE should be eating MCF's 30 mins prior to tacking. It keeps the enzymes produced by the liver & digestive tract busy while the oil does it's thing. These enzymes are what keep our bodies from letting non polar substances like the oil from doing their thing.
The specific carrier oil source that you choose, directly dictates where in the body, your CO is absorbed. The digestive advantages of MCFAs over long-chain fatty acids are due to the differences in the way our bodies metabolize these fats. Because the MCFA molecules are smaller, they require less energy and fewer enzymes to break them down for digestion. They are digested and absorbed quickly and with minimal effort. Unlike other fatty acids, MCFAs are absorbed directly from the intestines into the portal vein and sent straight to the liver. (Longer fatty acids are absorbed into the lymphatic system) that's why we don't use coconut oil.
Normally you want to keep the cannabinoids away from the liver. The liver metabolizes the CO, causing the majority of the D9-THC to convert to the more psychoactive 11-OH-THC. 11-OH-THC produces a molecule many times more psychoactive but with most all medical benefits deactivated.Just because a cannabinoid has found it's way to the liver does not however mean that it will remain there to successfully treat any disease there.
The enzymes that metabolise cannabinoids are mainly found in the liver. A cannabinoid entering the liver is more likely to connect with an enzyme and be metabolised than to connect with a cancerous cell. This makes liver cancer a trickier one to treat without additional supplements.
Certain plant molecules are metabolised by the same enzymes that metabolise most THC molecules. The enzyme is called CYP2C9 and the molecules are apigenin and amentoflavone. Apinenin can be found in tablets and certain foods and amentoflavone is available in supplements for weightlifters such as Amentomax. These molecules, as well as having additional benefits, will give the enzymes "busy work" allowing the cannabinoids greater opportunity to circulate, connect with and destroy mutated cells both in the liver and throughout the body.
This enzyme busying effect is called competitive inhibiton. A well known example of this is the grapefruit effect. A molecule in grapefruit called bergamottin competitively inhibits an enzyme called CYP3A4 that metabolises many pharmaceuticals causing a risk of build up and overdose. Bergamottin from the grapefruit slows drug removal by 50-80% making it a moderate inhibitor.

I don't use caps usually. Been there done that. But, for the liver (portal vein) it's works better. My liver is reducing now due to the constant pressure from the oil. Hopefully. won't be long.

Olive oil & grape seed oil are the best as Motoco mentioned.

Understood cajun! Funny thing is we have mentored a couple people with liver cancer using our protocol, thing is they didn't have big tumors. However they always ate before their oil dosage. Perhaps they just ate the right chow? The same thing is going on with you three as mentioned with large tumors. Why I was hoping with the downstairs application the nausea would go away by now. The Dr. who is helping us on tumor info (especially large tumors) keeps on mentioning at these late stages many Dr.s have no experience with large tumors shrinking as most never get to this point of them shrinking. He confided he only found out because the patient wasn't normal with late stage stomach cancer. All his large tumors started shrinking when in hospice (Dr. said most they have written them off when tumors that are large in size and metzing) . When he went to the hospital with excruciating pain he confided with the Dr. he was using cannabis oil. This is how we learned about the excruciating pain when tumors are shrinking as well blood in the urine and stool from imploding cancer cells (Dr.s will think people are bleeding internally and start paying attention to their hemoglobins which quickly stabilize). Also he mentioned when people get severe nausea and throw up they become dehydrated as well as losing all the nutrients (most know this) so everything snowballs and can be worse than hypothermia. Oil can relieve nausea but nausea can become worse when the body needs calories and water. Sucks Bro!
Work through it Brother you know how low your count is now. Crazy stuff ! I wasn't really talking suppositories brother, there pushed in past the anal gland. just applying around the anal mucous gland, nothing past it. Let it absorb just like upstairs and a then your normal dose. I know in pain like this it is hard to focus especially with a clean tack via the gums. But it will really help with severe issues you have if its done right. Otherwise everything can amplify.

Hi WynotMMJ,

I absolutely saw a reaction my first 12 hours dabbing (spell checker corrected my spelling of dabing---clear proof of something!). I've only told Motoco, and pray to my HOLY they keep it to themselves!!! Kidding...solid stool...hahahahaha.:Namaste:

Got to come up w/ a better story abt dat...:thedoubletake:

Aaannnyyyway...da stuff wok goooood and qwik.:high-five:

:love:Big hugs and power your way!:love:

Solid stool is a biggie! Perhaps that was a bad dream I had, now I know it wasn't, lol. You are listening to your body and paying attention to what the oil is doing. Many things will change John. Keep the list and check them off. The results will impress you Brother!

LOL!! Too funny john!

But I think i may have spoke too soon about my husband... I had to go to work today and I called him 3 times and no answer... So I was going to make some excuse and run home to check on him when he called me. He said he had no control over his umm... well... pooh ... and well this is gross but he said it looks like he was pooing the oil? Like the color of it.
Sorry if this grosses anyone out but ... could that be? I mean ... I'm not home so I didn't see it so I don't know. Anyone have something like that going on?

Also, since "that" was happening today he did not do his dosage :( Now I'm really worried.
Wondering what should i do? could these mean he's not dosing correctly? Or maybe because he's just starting and needs to "get used to it" ?

LOL!! Too funny john!

But I think i may have spoke too soon about my husband... I had to go to work today and I called him 3 times and no answer... So I was going to make some excuse and run home to check on him when he called me. He said he had no control over his umm... well... pooh ... and well this is gross but he said it looks like he was pooing the oil? Like the color of it.
Sorry if this grosses anyone out but ... could that be? I mean ... I'm not home so I didn't see it so I don't know. Anyone have something like that going on?

Also, since "that" was happening today he did not do his dosage :( Now I'm really worried.
Wondering what should i do? could these mean he's not dosing correctly? Or maybe because he's just starting and needs to "get used to it" ?

I always tell people if the oil is taken correctly it will always make you feel better unless it is a tumor in a precarious area. 10 out of 10 times its a side effect of a med or something else. Which by the way look up the side effects of the med and see if this can be the issue. I'm thinking it could've been something he ate, stomach flu, or something else. Could be he has been constipated and the oil is clearing it out. I found out in short order when something like this happens to Mo or I it has been something we ate (we take no man made meds). Last time a few weeks ago it was the super bug stomach flu going around. Everyone else we knew was throwing up and had the diarrhea. Ours was just like your Husbands, soft stool. Never a good idea to stop the oil once started. Also he has a lot of stuff going on in his stomach and the oil is clearing things out as it's getting in his system. Also his urine should be very yellow and bubbly. It took Mo and I about a week for the stool to look normal. Pay attention to really hydrating now as well as eating primary meals and snacks 30 minutes after taking the oil. If he is sloppy dosing he won't feel as well also. You never sent me your email addy. Could be all the mixes of strains he has in his oil? What this does is some of it might make him feel a little more perky and then wants to sleep. Keep on the dosing, a lot of flu bugs going around and when on the oil its hard to distinguish sometimes because it not as severe as normal. Does food taste bland? Irritated throat?
Its a fact in our experience when people don't feel good, nausea, pain they just want it gone and sloppy dose and now they don't feel as well. In our opinion the oil is getting in his system and clearing out his intestines. Black stool can be a sign of cancer (which he has) and also dehydration. We always preach have water right by you and whether you feel like it or not drink it. Dehydration has the same symptoms, soft/runny stool and can be turn into more complications. Learn to drink water on a regular basis and it becomes muscle memory. Whether its cold outside or hot, drink, drink and more drink. It flushes toxins out as well. Glad you posted.

Hope this helps and say Hi to your husband as well, TY
Hi WynotMMJ,

Stay strong, keep the faith, listen to Motoco, and don't let your hubby stop dabbing (unless he wants to, I guess). Whatever is going on, the oil will help...:ciao::love:
Hi Folks,

Some things have come up recently and decisions have to be made regarding and maintaining our personal "life" situations. We have a lot of things to do to get ready for, downsizing, putting things in storage and getting the house on the market as well as many other things.

There are many 'basic' tips, tricks, and general knowledge on 420 Magazine in place in this thread and the oil concentrate thread as well as other Members helping out. To my knowledge presently everyone is on the right track and doing excellent. Hopefully after things get settled in we have some extra time to participate helping out again as we love to do. It truly has been a pleasure and honor for Mo and I to helping others at 420 Magazine and have made some great friends in the process.

Warmest regards to All!

Motoco & Mo
:hmmmm:I sure don't like the sound of that most recent post Motoco, but you have to take care of yourselves. Holler out if you need help. We're here for you like you've been here for us. I assume you'd tell us if you need help....or just a break. Or to lay low!!!:hmmmm:

Best:high-five:I'll call.
Well Motoco, that sounds like a 'So long' and not a final "goodbye", thank goodness!

I'm sure everyone on these threads will sincerely wish you all the best in getting your affairs in order - you've gotta look after No.1!!

However if it's a financial problem I for one would be very happy to donate to your cause, if that's an issue. You've given all of us a massive amount of free advice and I've felt somewhat guilty in the past infringing on your valuable time and your wealth of knowledge. If you PM me details I would truly love to help out.

I have to say, selfishly, that I now feel a bit anxious that 'Big Brother Motoco" won't be here to hold my hand on my forthcoming journey and answer all my dumb questions so generously, but as you said, there's a wealth of info on this site, and a wonderful family of helpful folk, all willing to help out.

Bless you all!

Please check in down the track to see how we're getting along, Motoco.

:) All the very best! Nobby.
This isn't a goodbye by no means. Life issues come up and unfortunately we have to take care of ourselves and our problems at hand. We will be there for you Nobby with the help of wi-fi. If we don't get our house on the market and the market dips again we won't recoup this time and we won't be able to get our travel trailer and get out of the hellish traffic in So. Cal. It's our last chance to get off the grid and enjoy a little slice of heaven on earth. Thanks to all for your generosity we feel truly humbled. Givers do not know how to take, lol.
We also want folks to understand there are no other reasons that this has came up regarding anyone on 420 Magazine. As far as we know their is absolutely no disention with anyone, if there is it's hearsay and gossip. Might be bad timing but 'issues' never seem to pick a good time in life. Honestly if Mo and I are together with our little gal Yorkie 'Sheeba' we could be on the street and be content :) We will be fine.
Just a little bummed we cannot spend as much time now on 420.

Warmest regards to all
Motoco & Mo
Motoco and Mo - you have been a godsend to all of us and while it may seem a bit over the top; the two of you are lifesavers - it's as simple as that. I've read this entire thread twice and it's obvious how much time and energy you have invested in 420 and in these forums - through thick and thin you have always been there for us.

Now other members it's time for us to take the burden off Motoco and Mo - almost all of the questions I see are questions that have already been answered at least once if not multiple times. It's time for us to step up and help guide the new folks - Yes - many of us (myself included certainly) feel inadequate in responding - especially given Motoco's vast knowledge base - I know the one or two times I've jumped into an answer it was always with the caveat that Motoco would soon be here and give a vastly superior answer - well, we just need to step up and give our collective best help - and I have a hunch that Motoco will still be lurking around to keep us on track.

Thank you Motoco and Mo - and god bless you in all of your endeavors!

This isn't a goodbye by no means. Life issues come up and unfortunately we have to take care of ourselves and our problems at hand. We will be there for you Nobby with the help of wi-fi. If we don't get our house on the market and the market dips again we won't recoup this time and we won't be able to get our travel trailer and get out of the hellish traffic in So. Cal. It's our last chance to get off the grid and enjoy a little slice of heaven on earth. Thanks to all for your generosity we feel truly humbled. Givers do not know how to take, lol.
We also want folks to understand there are no other reasons that this has came up regarding anyone on 420 Magazine. As far as we know their is absolutely no disention with anyone, if there is it's hearsay and gossip. Might be bad timing but 'issues' never seem to pick a good time in life. Honestly if Mo and I are together with our little gal Yorkie 'Sheeba' we could be on the street and be content :) We will be fine.
Just a little bummed we cannot spend as much time now on 420.

Warmest regards to all
Motoco & Mo

Headed your way before long bro. If not, ill find ya on the road!
Love y'all
Motoco and Mo - you have been a godsend to all of us and while it may seem a bit over the top; the two of you are lifesavers - it's as simple as that. I've read this entire thread twice and it's obvious how much time and energy you have invested in 420 and in these forums - through thick and thin you have always been there for us.

Now other members it's time for us to take the burden off Motoco and Mo - almost all of the questions I see are questions that have already been answered at least once if not multiple times. It's time for us to step up and help guide the new folks - Yes - many of us (myself included certainly) feel inadequate in responding - especially given Motoco's vast knowledge base - I know the one or two times I've jumped into an answer it was always with the caveat that Motoco would soon be here and give a vastly superior answer - well, we just need to step up and give our collective best help - and I have a hunch that Motoco will still be lurking around to keep us on track.

Thank you Motoco and Mo - and god bless you in all of your endeavors!


Well said Brother! I am in. ba2bb
& I hope to join him soon?...:hmmmm:
This isn't a goodbye by no means. Life issues come up and unfortunately we have to take care of ourselves and our problems at hand. We will be there for you Nobby with the help of wi-fi. If we don't get our house on the market and the market dips again we won't recoup this time and we won't be able to get our travel trailer and get out of the hellish traffic in So. Cal. It's our last chance to get off the grid and enjoy a little slice of heaven on earth. Thanks to all for your generosity we feel truly humbled. Givers do not know how to take, lol.
We also want folks to understand there are no other reasons that this has came up regarding anyone on 420 Magazine. As far as we know their is absolutely no disention with anyone, if there is it's hearsay and gossip. Might be bad timing but 'issues' never seem to pick a good time in life. Honestly if Mo and I are together with our little gal Yorkie 'Sheeba' we could be on the street and be content :) We will be fine.
Just a little bummed we cannot spend as much time now on 420.

Warmest regards to all
Motoco & Mo

Aah, this is the best news I've had for a while! Thanks Motoco and Mo - go and do your thing with all our blessings and we'll see you when we see you!

I made my first batch of oil on the weekend and got just over 3 grams from my ounce. I was expecting a bit more but I was more than relieved to get through relatively unscathed. Had a few issues with the decarbing because of the hotplate going berserk, but I managed to get it done without burning the oil and the next lot will be so much easier.

My distiller worked flawlessly and I reclaimed about 80% of the Spirytus - no probs at all.

I'll be back in a couple of weeks when I've got all my oil done and I'm ready to start tacking!

Cheers from Australia and all the best to all,

Hi guys & gals, and bless the troops--:love:
I've been dabbing and building up doses since the day after cinch de mayo. All is going well I think. I'm doing some fat dabs but not a gr. a day yet. Done abt. 6 grs. so far. I don't get high at all, darn it! Not even when I smoke my friends under the table! Oh well...the sacrifices one must make for science.
Waiting now for KleenExtract to arrive to make my first batch of meds myself. Very excited. Out of night meds...smoking the Mazar I'll use to make it with when the alcohol gets here. 100% Indica. Very heavy, acidic, medicinal, and wonderful lights out night night:sleep:
Best to Motoco's and all...:love:

ps. Feel much weller:jaw dropper:

pps. Motoco, you were right......AC/DC...... .9%THC/19%CBD That's what the dispensary people told me, but I thought (yes, again) that they must have it backwards, but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! (w/ rising, winey voice). I'll mix it in with my sour d and sour d og (harvest in 3 days--mondo buds) for daytime medication (aft dry/cure).

ppps. New outdoor for oil:

Gorilla Glue #4
sour D

Blessed be the little girls.
Still up. Night oil = good sleep. No night oil = here, typing!!!
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