Can't seem to slow down

yeah man I got the same problem here, I have a lot of weed from my last harvest still and I'm smoking so much, and it's hard as fuck to stop for a while when you have weed to smoke.
Solution: will not smoke til after 6pm eastern.
I will start from there and measure 2 grams out a day. Hope my will power holds.
It's weird how it works, it's largely a mental thing quitting. Just don't stress about it too much, just do stuff you enjoy and don't smoke weed in between. I used to have a problem like you when I had a day when I knew I couldn't smke for some reason I would stress about it, but it's weird just convince yourself you don't need pot and your fine, I smoke way more now then I did then, but if I have to or want to I can put down the pipe for a while without having second thoughts about it. I imagine it's a lot worse for people who use cannabis for medicinal or thereputic purposes, but for a recreational user, just don't worry about it, have fun without pot... Having the seemingly bottonless supply of a grower must be getting to you. Just chill out, take a few days off if you have to for some new perspective.
Man, I guess im lucky because I get addicted to like...nothing, smoked cigs for a year, quit cold turkey with no problems. I can dip for a couple months straight and just stop with no problem. Right now I have 9 grams in my safe, and havent smoked for 3 weeks. I guess im lucky.:allgood:
I didn't read all the responses so forgive me if someone has already said it. I've tried this a few times with much success.

I highly recommend completely stopping smoking about a week or two before you try this, but it's not necessary.

1. Choose a different smoking method. If you have a vaporizer, absolutely use this as it's the most conservative method. Next would maybe be good quality bong or water pipe, etc. Most people smoke too much because they use blunts or joints.

2. Start with a very small amount of weed at one sitting. For a vaporizer, hell you could get by with probably .2-.3 grams, maybe less.

3. Get what you can out fo this very small amount. Crush the bud up extremely fine. If you smoke tobacco, maybe mix tobacco in there as well to conserve even more.

4. Wait anywhere from 5-15 minutes. Are you feeling it? Are the effects kicking in to your liking?

5. If so, STOP. DO NOT smoke again until all the effects have worn off. When you do, smoke the same amount again. If not, start adding .1 gram to your small amount. Smoke/vape until desired effects are reached. Wait 5-15 minutes between each sitting to really see if you're feeling it or not.

What's surprising is, and this has been the experience of myself and others that I have helped with this, is that your tolerance will quickly come down to this level of you smoking such a small amount. True, your tolerance is probably higher than others, but just go by the .1 gram adding rule that I stated above until you establish your setpoint.

I used to smoke blunts, joints, pipe, bong etc. all freakin day. I could go through an ounce a week of decent stuff. I would smoke just for the hell of it, even when I was already medicated. Now, I still smoke out of the same things (minus blunts), but you know what? Hell, 2 grams of some heady can last me a week and that's from smoking 2-3 times a day...sometimes more. But then again, I also smoke tobacco, so adding tobacco to my joints and smoking mix has really helped to cut down. I just found out that I can get just as high off much less herb.

Hope this helps.
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