Cloning stations


Active Member
hwy Guys looking at cloning stations and wondering how hot the pumps run and do I need to run the mister 24/7 or should I put it on a timer?

Looking at the seahawk 24 for now, I see a few of the more expensive models have a fan built in aswell to help cool it but thinking good conditions and a regular desk fan will suffice the extra $200 I’ll pay
I use Dewey misters no problems with generating heat and for $200 you could build a massive one

The one I’m looking at is only $100 (AUD) next one is $300 and only difference I can see is the built in fan.

The seahawk one is the same as the Dewey by the looks other the shape.

Do you run your mister full time or on a timer? And the pump doesn’t run hot at all or create too much heat for the clones? Seems to be the only downside I can find doing research
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