Cloning the cheap way


New Member
Since mama plant hit 8 weeks, I wanted to try my hand at cloning. I thought about what I could do for a starter pot, and had an idea for just the thing - check it out:



I took the empty container, drilled a small hole through the top, washed it out, then filled it with distilled water with a bit of Vigoro nutrients in it.

I sliced the clone off, slid it through the hole, and since the lid opens, I was able to flick the stem once submerged to knock off any air bubbles as I've read they can be fatal to the plant.

I snapped the lid shut and moved the clone into a corner in the grow room next to mama. I tried this once before without reading enough, and I didn't use the water and I put it directly in the light thinking that would help. As I understand it now, you should give it a little light, but keep it out of direct light until the roots have a chance to develop, which you do by starting the clone in water. Two lessons learned right there.

Once the roots are good, I'll transfer it into a starter pot and move it into the light. If it takes I'll create a grow journal, as just after doing my first grow I have learned quite a bit that I'll apply to the next attempt!
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