Craig Macks Indoor Critical Kush & Royal Cheese Auto Grow Journal 2014

I'm not really sure, I water them when the top inch feels dry, that's roughly every 3rd day. A friend of mine with a lot of experience said that I should just plant new seeds and throw these away, and the fact that they sort of stopped growing supports that..
Oh dude, there's your main problem there. You gotta let the soil/medium get completely dry before watering again. It always dries from top to bottom, and an inch down isnt far enough. Let those dry out for a few days, put a fan oscillating on them. They'll snap out of it. Let them tell you when they need water.
Hmm, what do you mean? I have a fan pointed at the plants. So putting my index finger down as far as possible isn't enough?

My friend claims that my yield will be very limited, since they have been through so many difficulties, which is why he thinks I should just get rid of them. What do you think?
I think you should germinate some seeds just in case they don't make it, but if you let them dry out completely they will most likely start growing strong again. The yield might be affected but it might not, depends on the nutrient fed to them after they come out of this shock. I'm rootin for ya brother!
Damn man, it's a tough time! I'm tempted to start all over, and build a cabinet/closet completely dedicated to a grow of 4 plants.

Well, guess I'll have to sleep on that decision and think it through.. Sucks to have wasted a month, but I guess that's learning :rollit:
Start all over man, it's all good. I'll be along for the ride. How big are those pots? They look like buckets You should start out in solo or dixie cups for the seedlings, because they hold way less water. Transplant when the roots are wrapped around the entire thing, I don't do it until I can pull the whole cup of soil out as a whole held together by the roots. That is so much less stress for that little root system.
Sounds good man, I will start out slowly when I've set up the new closet, using plastic cups as you said :Namaste:

Will post pics of the process. Is it possible to edit my first post?

And the pots are 5 liters, I guess!
How did this grow turn out?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

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