Critical sensi star first grow all advice appreciated


New Member
Hi i am starting my second grow and I learnt a lot about growing first time around and am still learning loads everyday but I have recently bought 5 critical sensi star for this time and can't find any grow diarys so if anyone could share some advice it would be much appreciated.Well I have.....
1.2x1.2x1.8m grow tent
600w hps light
5" exhaust fan with carbon filter
Ionic soil nutts (for veg)
Canna Pk 13/14 (for flowering)
Rootit rooting cubes (which I never used last time)

I think thats it I am going to buy 5 2 gallon Pots unless anyone thinks different please let me know also can anyone recommend which soil to use as the last stuff I bought had added John innes which gave my baby's nutt burn but managed to get sorted (I know noob mistake lol).Please if anyone has any advice and or help please don't hesitate to post and I will reply ASAP thanks everyone.
re: Critical sensi star first grow all advice appreciated

If you have enough room for 5 or 7 gallon pots, I would use them. The more dirt, the more food for the roots. The more room, the more roots ..... better growth.

I use 5 gallon cloth pots. They work really well. If you want to see how they would look, click on my grow journal in my signature block. You can also see how big they are in a 3 foot x 4 foot box. The lady at the nursery said the cloth pots would last 18 months to 2 years of continuously being potted. I figure I can use them at least three or four time ... if not more.
re: Critical sensi star first grow all advice appreciated

Hi muttt thanks for looking at my post and replying .i have just had a look at your grow diary (thanks for the link) yes I think bigger pots are in order.on my last grow I think the pots I used where 30cm in diameter I don't know what that is in gallons but I felt even for autoflowering plants that they were too u think I can get 5x 5or 7 gallon pots in my tent comfortably enough? And how much did ur cloth pots cost u as they sound good
Thanks wizhigh I will look into where I can get them :thumb:

you can get pro mix from lowes or home depot if there not at your hydro store. Happy frog will be in your hydro store or buy it offline. You can find perlite any where. Or you can exchange FF happy frog with FF ocean soil. You wont need to give nutes for a while using this. Just give additives. Like hydrozyme and B-1 or what ever you choose:thumb:
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