Dankula's Risky Autos & Shenanigans


Well-Known Member
I'm almost done with my first grow, and how I envision things going from here on out, is I'll grow starts and auto-flowering strains inside the house. I've got land out back where I can grow my legal limit as provided by the state and out of sight, but close enough for me to set up watering. So I did a thing. I figure I'm about a week or less away from chopping my photo's in my grow tent and I went out and got me some new supplies.

Five-gallon black buckets, six-inch net pot lids, Hydrofarms air pump... going to continue with AN micro/grow/bloom, cal-mag, kool bloom when it's time, and some Voodoo Juice with hydroton. For seeds, I've got a grower's choice Northern Lights Auto, and a Dinefem White Widow XXL Auto. Just the two plants to start...

Here's my bet with myself-- I'm going out of the country around the end of the week. So I want to see if these seeds pop, I can get them in root riot plugs, plugged into my system, and then be able to pretend like I'm not going to be sampling some local dank in Jamaica the week I'm gone. I'm hoping when I get home, I'll have a good head start on my next grow. Utter failure means my first hydro auto grow goes down the drain, and I start more seeds.

I'm going to do a perpetual grow of autos in hydro from here on out on the inside, and use my tent to do soil or coco starts to transplant outside.

Note to self - Seeds:
Ringo's Gift - outside
Blueberry Cookies - outside
Master Hemp Fem - outside

GCS Northern Lights Auto Fem - inside
DF White Widow XXL Auto Fem - inside
BF Triple Cheese - Unknown
RQS Diesel Auto - inside
VS Super Mazar Auto - inside

And... I cannot start a journal unless I have a great picture! Ta-da!

I know, I know, it's not that exciting yet. But let's wait n see. I'm starting to feel like a mad scientist here.
After 18 hours in a cup of water and a full day in a wet paper towel, the white widow popped. The northern lights looked like one of the seams was cracking, so I misted two root riot plugs, coated the seeds in some cloning/rooting gel and dropped them into the plugs. Humidity dome is on and plugs were gently misted with ph'd water (again). They have my ministrations until Friday, when whether or not they're ready, they're going into the buckets :D

With my photos finishing out the week in the tent, I may or may not put these in there. I picked up an extra light I might suspend over the buckets while I'm gone to give these plants 24/0 light and let my photos finish (if they aren't chopped). Cuz I'm... leaving... on a jet plane... don't know if I'll be............... :D heh.
Tomorrow is the big day. Already my plants are starting to grow and peek, but nothing green out of the top of the plugs yet. I won't be around to mist the plugs and keep them happy, so it was time to get the buckets out, pop some holes, run some airlines and measure out some chemicals.

I went extremely light and know I probably shouldn't use much before they've pushed roots down, but I did it more for the PH effect of the AN micro grow bloom. I've been using a very light version of this to mist the babies for a couple days now. To 3.5 gallons of water, I added 7.5 ml of Micro/Grow/Bloom, the recommended dosage of hydroguard, 10ml calmag and some rapid start root enhancer.

I'll be gone starting tomorrow night. I'm hoping to have my photos finished and a good start on my autos for this journal in the two buckets.

From left to right, Northern Lights and White Widow XXL. Did I mention I want to expand and I haven't even finished my first grow yet?


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Back from vacation!!!! Good news and bad!

The Northern Lights sent it's taproot up top instead of down low and didn't survive. One dead soldier. The White widow on the otherhand, shot up almost five inches, stretching for the light I had up higher to finish off my photo period grow. I added more grow medium until the first set of leaves and misted heavily with my spray bottle last couple of days and added more water and more nutrients to the bucket.

Last night I popped two northern lights to replace the dead one, and decided to try the Super Mazar. I put those on plates/paper towels and am about to pop them in the tent on top of my LED for ambient heat with something covering the beans.

This will be my second grow, so I'm hopeful I am going to be a better DWC gardener than I was in coco/soil. Too many issues on my automatic watering and let's be honest... I'm a lil lazy so I love the set it, forget it for a day aspect. In the case of the White widow that lived, it was on it's own for almost 9 days?

Also, I found in Jamaica, weed is often handed to you as an incentive to shop at a vendors store. I wish I could tell you more, but after Margueritaville and some local shops... I don't recall much of the trip. Apparently, I had a good time :D
This week has been crazy. Moved from home office to a new office and getting ready for a biz trip. Lots of pictures to catch us up.

My little plant has exploded in the last week! Look at these roots!

This was a few days ago:

Topped off the res, added more nutes... and here I am today:


This is the white widow. Since I've been back from my trip, I popped beans for a Super Mazar Auto and the last two beans I had for Northern Lights. Both Northern Lights from growers choice were a lil slow to germ, but they did. Once I put them in a root riot plug and waited not much happened. I put them into their own dwc buckets a day or two ago to make sure the plugs would stay moist which they did.

Gently, I looked in the hole where the seeds are. Taproots look to be separated at bean. Both of them. Soooooooo.......... when I get back from New Orleans I'll probably just pop two more seeds, bringing my little 3x3 tent up to 4 plants, though I did just figure out how to wiggle a fifth bucket in the middle... Hm.....
It's been 9 days since my last update. I had to travel again and topped off all my buckets before I went. The three seeds I put in didn't make it. My fault :( The white widow auto however, has grown like... well, a weed. I probably missed the optimal time to introduce it to BDSM, but I did my LST anyways. I did that last night but just took the picture. Already the plant has come back from the LST and is growing up. DWC is the way to go for me, if I have the time to properly nurture the seeds. I've lost four to my own risky shenanigans, but I've learned from them too.

Since I have a local event in a week and have to leave town again in mid April, I'm going to scale back and let things ride. I might pop one more seed since I don't have to be anywhere out of town for a while, but I'm not going to try to fill the four/five buckets in my tent. I'm almost ready to start my seeds for my outside growing and I have to stay under the legal limit.

Live and learn.

Yesterday took a day off of writing. Did some cleanup and a full res change. The tips of a couple of leaves looked like they had nute burn before the rest change, not horribly though. Just very tip.

Today I have more of the same, but it's a little more widespread. I did up the nutrients to full strength as things were starting to flower. This White Widow XXL now measures from floor to tip almost 36" and it seems to be stretching between 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch in length daily. I also worked on some LST, to at least get more light down inside the canopy. I'm thinking of hanging a second light in there down low and seeing if I can feed her more...

... And two weeks later--

I popped the seeds into water on 2-16, and here I am two months later. I'm about at the end of my second week of flower. I just did a heavy defol after this pic. The light was not penetrating. I'll get some pics tomorrow :D

In two months, one five gallon bucket, one bean, I have one plant that's filled a 3x3x5.5' tall tent. I think if I grow some more of these white widow xxl auto fem I'll do it in a bigger area, or outside :D
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