Dans First Grow - Poor CFL - Trashcan


New Member
Hey guys, my names Danny or Dan, and this is my first solo indoor grow, it will be out of a 45 gallon (or 35 gallong) garbage can that i picked up at wally world, the walls are lined with Mylar (emergency blanket) and im using 2x 150w = CFL(42watt) and 2x 100w = CFL's(23watt), i calculated approx 8500 lumen when using all 4, currently using the 2 largest lights (5200 lumen) while the seed is sprouting, i have a plastic bottle over the fert as an active humidifier. its being cooled by 1 120mm comp fan and 1 80mm comp fan, and the temp is pretty much 82-86f, with 20-29% humidity. Im watering every day "very little" with a spray bottle, just to keep the top 1''-2'' moist. the lights so far will be on 24 hours a day, and after sprout i will add more ventilation to keep it a tad bit cooler, and the 2 other 26w bulbs.

ive VERY newbish to growing so any advice is welcomed, and constructive criticism is welcomed aswell. the more i get, the more pot will grow. the more ill smoke/make :D

anyways this is the build, Day 1

What strain is it? - Unknown
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? - Unknwon
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? - Sprout/Veg
If in Veg... For how long? - Blank
If in Flower stage... For how long? blank
Indoor or outdoor? - Indoor
Soil or Hydro? - Soil
If soil... what is in your mix? Scotts potting soil
If soil... What size pot? McDonalds Cup, then 1/2gallon, then 1 gallon home depot
Size of light? - 2x 150w = CFL 42w (5200 lumen together) and 2x 100w = CFL 26w 1600x2 lumen (8500 total)
Is it aircooled? - 120mm pc fan exhaust, and 80mm pc fan intake
Temp of Room/cab? - 82-84 degrees 26-29% humidity
RH of Room/cab? - unchecked
Any Pests ? - none
How often are you watering? very little each day to keep moist
Type and strength of ferts used? No fertilizer yet, using potting soil
Additional Info - i bought some 15-30-15 Colourburst because it was cheap and on sale, not sure how to use it, or when to use it, but ill have to study :D

anyways here are some pics
9 Months Pregnant, she should pop any day now :D

First initial setup with the lights, 2x 26watt, and 2x 42watt (bassically 100watts x2 and 150watts x2, but you cant really go by the box can you?

Intake side of the garbage can, and the old exhaust shoot setup, weve since changed to a quieter but bigger 120mm pc fan, and added an 80mm intake fan, and dropped the temps from 105 with 0 humidity, to 84 with 29% humidity

:welcome: :bong:
First initial question - should i keep that humidifier bottle ontop of the soil like that (the seed hasnt sprouted yet) will it help the seed poke through or is it just blocking out light?

also ive since downgraded and am using just the 2 biggest cfls while waiting for it to sprout, should i just use all 4?

and 1 more!! lol, what temps should i be aiming for? is 85-90 ok?

i didnt buy nutes, i forgot... are they needed? when am i supposed to use them?

sorry for all of the questions.. i just wanna treat my little girl right!
85 no higher if you can lower it Cool, No nutes needed now. Keep cover on until seed pop up. ok? Keep reading and Asking Question Bro.
:goodjob:Brother grower Alright, Alright you got it going on! Nice set-up you got together quick. Wishing you much luck. :nomo: :peace: Be safe!

Hey bro, thanks alot for the good wishes, i really hope things work out aswell.
this is going to be a huge deal to me. and i will continue asking questions if that is ok with everyone. i dont wanna ask too many
another question - would 4x 23 watt bulbs be cooler than 2 42 watt bulbs?
5200 lumen (2x 42watt) vs 6400 lumen (4x 26watt)

i want more lumen, but less temp. its hanging out at 84-86 degrees
How about better ventilation? To keep the higher Lumens. :scratchinghead:

just switched the 2 42w (5200 lumen) to 4x 23w (6400 lumen)
ill let it run for another 10-15 minutes and check my temps again
if they are still the same, or lower, ill add 1 bigger bulb at a time until i find the sweet spot.

more picture updates to follow... (im hoping this seed can even sprout. it would suck if it were a dud)
Update - 82-84 degree's 20% humidity.

the temps are getting better, the light output i also higher...

anyone have suggestions on watering ? its in the humidity dome right now.
i watered it earlier until water dripped out of the bottom, but havnt watered again
should i water every 24 hours?
Nah Hotboxed,
Water When 2-3 inches deep into the soil feels dry, or if you pick the cup/container up and it feels abnormally light. ;)
Nah Hotboxed,
Water When 2-3 inches deep into the soil feels dry, or if you pick the cup/container up and it feels abnormally light. ;)

Yeah bro,
im still learning what "Abnormally light" feels like.
i think im going to need to water more then once a day.
the soil on top feels pretty dried out. but the temps are stable, humidity is stable.

Ninja Edit - scratch that, the water level is fine, i picked it up for the first time since ive planted it. gave her the right and left hand test
and it has some weight to it, also stuck my finger in the soil (on the side to not disturb her) and its still moistish even 1/2 inch down.
im hella stoked/excited about this. i hope you pops soon.

im wondering if the soil level is too low, and with the humidity dome on top, if its not just blocking out most of the light.
its about 1'' to 1.5'' down from the rim of a McDonalds(small) cup. what do you guys think?
Seed is Cracking!

Just a small update, the first seed was a dud, so i threw her out and started germinating my super silver haze, this afternoon i checked her and i can see the seed cracking, i see a glimpse of white!!!

hopefully within the next day or 2 ill have it in the soil and growing.

Wish me luck everyone!
Question - the seed that cracked.. im wondering. will it sprout quicker if i plant it now and add light, or would it sprout quicker if i left it germinating in warm water/pitch black?

also i want to move locations... i need to build something different then what i have.
i have a dresser in my barn that i could convert to a grower. question. its VERY dirty up there, with bugs flying around.. would it be an issue if i cleaned it up in there? or no?
Is this grow still alive?
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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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