Digby's New Auto Tent

First round will be some of these Dinafem XXL white widows. Shout out to Midweek Song as well, I ordered them 7 days ago today and they arrived yesterday - internationally no less. I don't even get some domestic orders in 6 days.

The freebie purps and NL x Chronic will go nicely in the other photo tent, maybe on the next reset. Not thrilled about the cbd freebie, but meh, it was a surprise freebie.
Very groovy light,, indeed,, gonna be lookin that up for sure

CCheers friend,, karma sent
wow,, i looked those lights up,, hloey,, moley,, just when i thot that cobs were the latest and greatest and the only way to go,, along comes the next latest and greatest lighting system

the specs say they 'replace' cobs in the grow room,, ha

so it looks like you did not build the light, as you just got it and there it is,, built

still a bit pricey,, would about 700 cover that light?

what a great looking piece of equipment,, will do good for you looks like

cheers agin,,

wow,, i looked those lights up,, hloey,, moley,, just when i thot that cobs were the latest and greatest and the only way to go,, along comes the next latest and greatest lighting system

the specs say they 'replace' cobs in the grow room,, ha

so it looks like you did not build the light, as you just got it and there it is,, built

still a bit pricey,, would about 700 cover that light?

what a great looking piece of equipment,, will do good for you looks like

cheers agin,,


You're right, I didn't build it, although it wouldn't be a terrible amount of trouble to assemble yourself. I paid the extra for Rapid to put it together for me, the difference is only $50 for the assembled price vs just the parts kit. You can go even cheaper if you want to put together your own frames from angled aluminum or some such.

They are a little more expensive than HID fixtures, but it replaces their output with less watts input so saves you money in the long run. You can pick one up assembled for less than $500 if you use a coupon. "growmau5" is a 5% discount I believe, but there are probably better ones out there
All Tupur'd up and ready to get this tent rolling. I still need to buy the exhaust but at this point the tent is staying at a fairly steady temp of high 70/low 80s with the light dimmed. I don't think I'll crank it to full blast until they have some size and probably not until they start flowering so I should have a little while to get that put in.

The white widows have now gone into a paper towel in a box on top of a lamp that keeps it nice and warm. It's worked well for me so far. Hopefully this time tomorrow they'll be ready to put into those 4 gallon buckets

Great stuff,, look athatan ya got there,, the best little fan there is,, i collect that very model from the re store every time I find one.

MMine go 24/7 in my flower room, bet I have gone thru ten of those things so far,,

PPerhaps I could buy a new one one day

PPerhaps,, sir dig,, you could spell out the name of that light and where you,purchased it,, perhaps,,
I would love to research further,, i spend a bit of time researching lights these days

I will be making a purchase soon but funds are tight, as always,, so i go old school and cheap, or new school and not so cheap,,hmmmm

CCheers friend,, karma sent to the tight lipped seed,,
Yeah I've had that little fan for a long time. I need to buy some more, that's the only one I have like that.

I bought the light on rapidled.com . Check the 2x4 horticulture lights. You can buy all of the pieces individually, all together as a kit, or preassembled. They will assemble pretty much any configuration for you if you contact them. Their frames are nice and so far the light is doing great.

Thanks for the karma on seed #3, hopefully she decides to come out today!
well,, thanks for the info about rapidled. most interesting, indeed

only thing i could not find out about them pucks was a chart showing the pattern they make

but, i just dig these lights to death,, and, think i might go that route,, same as yours

but,, alas,, just when i think i have found a good light,, the light recommender decides to possibly bail on this brand new technology for perhaps even newer tech

so are you thinking perhaps these growmau's are not the ultimate,, or do you simply like to collect new tech??

cheers friend,, thx for heading me this direction,,
well,, thanks for the info about rapidled. most interesting, indeed

only thing i could not find out about them pucks was a chart showing the pattern they make

but, i just dig these lights to death,, and, think i might go that route,, same as yours

but,, alas,, just when i think i have found a good light,, the light recommender decides to possibly bail on this brand new technology for perhaps even newer tech

so are you thinking perhaps these growmau's are not the ultimate,, or do you simply like to collect new tech??

cheers friend,, thx for heading me this direction,,

Hey NIv,

Check out this link ChilLED Logic 100w PCB - v2 - Samsung 301B LEDs - LED Grow Lights - Commercial Grower Max Yields | ChilLED Tech

I'm not sure if you're looking for par readings or what but it has the spectrum graph and a bunch of the efficacy and driver combo info on there. That's the site of the manufacturer of the pucks, but they don't assemble them into nice fixtures like rapid.

Lol, I assume you're talking about my other thread asking about HLGs. They use the same diode and driver tech, just a different manufacturer that puts them into big rectangular panels instead of the round pucks. They're basically the same generation of tech. I think the pucks are actually a little more efficient than a lot of the HLG boards, plus they have the extra 660nm red boost. I was mainly asking because the HLG fixtures are pretty competitive in price (sometimes a little cheaper) and a lot of growers really like them. There's a good chance I'll stick with the pucks, I'm really enjoying mine so far.

Oh btw, the 3rd widow popped and was put into a pot this morning. Thanks for the karma, I think it helped!
karma sent to all them this time friend,,

a q for you if i might, pls,,

i am close to ordering a light from rapid led,, just like yours except a three puck array with an upgraded driver mounted on 34 inch rails,, pumping 250m watts, dimable

for my upper grow space measuring 3 feet x 2 feet

i asked them for a 3 puck system and this is what they recommended, for 336$u.s.

so,, my q to you,, is there any reason you might dissuade me from this idea??

cheers friend,,
karma sent to all them this time friend,,

a q for you if i might, pls,,

i am close to ordering a light from rapid led,, just like yours except a three puck array with an upgraded driver mounted on 34 inch rails,, pumping 250m watts, dimable

for my upper grow space measuring 3 feet x 2 feet

i asked them for a 3 puck system and this is what they recommended, for 336$u.s.

so,, my q to you,, is there any reason you might dissuade me from this idea??

cheers friend,,

I've been really enjoying mine so far. I can't speak to the results yet other than what I've seen from others on the forums, but from what I've seen they grow some fatties.

Are you looking at an assembled one or a kit?
a kit,, i played mechano as a kid,, i can handle this stuff,, i do remember you saying the instructions were not all that clear,, so i may seek your assistance once more in this regard,,

much appreciated,, cheers

side note,, whilst researching these lights, over the past couple weeks,, i noticed that the price they quoted to assemble the unit for one,, was 50$,, then, one day,, was 75$,, ha,, the christmas greed rush,, ha
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