Do these seedlings look ok for 2 weeks?


New Member
This is my first grow, they sprouted on 12/7. I am worried that I am under watering them I usually water every 2 days. Lately the soil is getting very crusty and dry should i water them more?

Medium- FF light warrior 160z cups
Strain- 5 nirvana WW, 2 freebie autos
Humidity- 40-50%
Temp- 75-80 light on 70-75 light off
light-4 26w 5000k CFLs on 20/4 light cycle




They don't look to shabby for a few weeks of age. Mine are that size by the first week, but at least they look decently healthy.

You do want a good wet dry cycle, but it's really BAD if you let your soil dry out to much before watering. If your soil is to dry most of your water will run right through instantly. Your soil wont hold as much moisture as it should.

I grow with CFl's a lot and have never bothered with 5000k in veg. I can say I tried them once but didn't get the growth I wanted and was used to. I would use 1 x 2700k and 4 x 6500k in my veg box. I did however find a use for my 5000k bulbs. I use them in the last few weeks of flowering, and it seems to help a little with size. Not anything to write home about but I did go hmm on my last grow. So I will be using them again late in flowering next time.

The only other thing I would recommend you do is kill the 24 / 0 light schedule with a massive axe. 24 / 0 is excellent for clones or the first few days of veg but thats it. If you must pump them with so much light at least go with 20 / 4 instead. It will promote better root growth. Thats probably the biggest reason why your two week plants are the size of my less then 1 weekers on an average grow.

Anyways over all good job! Keep up the good work. :goodjob:
Thanks for the advice I will try watering them a bit more. I plan on getting a 400watt MH once these seedlings get mature enough, I just dont want to fry them yet. And the 5000k are the only ones I could find I checked home depot, lowes and walmart.
Dude, You are not going to "fry" them at all with a 400w. As long as you dont have it too close to the tops. You wouldnt fry them with a 1000w if used correctly. I agree with the light cycle reduction. I roll with 18/6 personally and do fine. Plants need natural light cycles. Especially if you are in week 2. Another opinion,,, lose the CFL's asap. You WILL see tremendous growth once you switch over. Its like night and day,,, no pun intended. Good Luck!
They look a helluva lot better than mine did at 2 weeks. mine are a month old now and still don't look as healthy a yours do. I had some pest and mold issues and all my efforts to fix em were futile, until i realized why i was having all these problems.
Yeah just make sure you're not over watering/ feeding the little girls. In the beginning they'll take to minor changes and show it quite well how they're feeling. You seem to have the light spectrum and watering down, (Just make sure to not over/ under water). Letting them just grow, and they'll do just fine. Marijuana is a resilient plant and can thrive in many conditions that most think it would not.

Happy growing!
I picked up a 400watt high bay lamp and started watering them a bit more and they perked up. Only problem now is the tallest one is slightly yellowing so I moved it away from the light.
if you going to put them under intense light. than is best to water them before doing so if is time for them to be water. than after that start put them under the intense light, after that.

this way you'll be safe and not get the top dry out. seedling won't be growing to much untill they take root. so that's not untill like atleast 3-5 day after they rooted well and than shoot to cum up. by than you is still not too late to start putting intense light on them.

using a 400 hid light for right now. it won't hurt. and the leave might grow alittle better. but the root hasn't take place yet. so there no reason to be hurry. is not going to start growing fast untill there is enough root.
so it won't hurt but is not necesarry to to use that much light at this put because it just wont be growing all that much without now root. if your plant is dying without light that yes give light to them. otherwise i say save some money eletrictricity and wait untill they are ready. it won't hurt by giving plant alot of light right now, but it wil only help a little more than with cfl bulb. is really up to you what you want to do. if you want the plant to grow fast right away than do it, if you can wait i say wait. wither way will work but if you want to save money and not have to wait too long. you don't have to put to much light on it at this point, not untill i say a good 13 more days.

so is really bad if you want to grow but not want to use to much electricity at this point. cause 13 more days is still alot of days of light if you talking hids. cfl now is only about a function of the price but is no wrong or right anwser here. if you can afford it that i say try it once and try cfl next tiem and see what's work best and choice if you want to save money for the extra growth during this time. than go with that later on your growing years.
The humidity has been a real problem with this grow. Ive been using an air pump and 1 gallon jug, plus hanging wet towels but I cant get it over 50%. current space is 30x20x16 and im using a 45cfm pc fan.

So over the last 2 or 3 days the all of the seedling are turning yellow and have black looking tips. I Ph tested the water it was 5.0 distilled and the run off was 6.0, so either I am over watering them or do I need to transplant?



You should ph your water going in at 6.5 - 6.8. Ph 5.0 water is going to be totally brutal on the roots in soil grows. You will experience lockout of nutes at 5.5 ph in soil. I know these are babies so thats something you need to keep in mind later down the road if they mature and make it to flowering. You really need to make sure you don't ever water your babies like that again. It's the PH of your water that is causing the problems right now. :goodluck:
ok thanks I heard vinegar work would that be sufficient to get the ph up I accidently bought ph down so I cant do anything til tomorrow and they need watering
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