Do you run coconut water in your reservoir?


Well-Known Member
I am growing autos with biotabs that are organic dry amendments. I plan to run them with autopots with only tap water in the reservoir. I have some coconut water powder from buildasoil. I was planning to only give the coconut water by hand 1 time per week when I do real growers recharge though I have been wondering if it would be a good idea to add the coconut water powder to the reservoir and give it coconut water with every watering or maybe even do the 1 time per week watering with recharge with no coconut water to give a 1 day break each week on there.

What do you think? Do you run coconut water in the reservoir? I have drip clean that I can use if it is needed to keep the lines free of clogs on there. If you do run it in the reservoir do you do the full amount or like 1/2 of the recommended amount that is detailed on the bag for it on there?
Thanks. I have read that you the coconut powder in water like I have is not recommended for the reservoir for it. It details to use it within 1 day on there. I plan to do it 1 time per week with hand water on there.
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