Does anyone know the best feeling in the world?


New Member
If anyone has ever wondered :hmmmm: what the best feeling in the world is, I hold the answer for you. There is nothing better. No questions asked. Getting stoned and then having sex. :allgood: The best thing in the world everyone, in case you didn't already know. :peace:
Re: Does anyone know the best feeling in the world???

I personally agree 100%, and if anyone disagree theyare not doing it right
Re: Does anyone know the best feeling in the world???

hmm sounds like it would bee the best feeling in the world but i dunno~
Re: Does anyone know the best feeling in the world???

Yep thats always enjoyable.
Re: Does anyone know the best feeling in the world???

Yah, when you dazed and confused stoned, I kinda like it. It's prolly the safest drug to enhance sex, but definately not the best in my opinion :15:
Re: Does anyone know the best feeling in the world???

To be honest, I think even caffeine would be better, but along the lines of stuff that makes you awake lol. I have heard some people express the same feeling about it as you guyz, but to me stoned or not stoned is very similiar.
Re: Does anyone know the best feeling in the world???

To be quite honest, I always find having sex NOT high to be a more enjoyable experience. *shrug*
Re: Does anyone know the best feeling in the world???

Yeah cogency is definately key for me. But perhaps moreso is intimacy.

Though I suppose you could say intimacy isn't attainable without cogency. Heh.
Re: Does anyone know the best feeling in the world???

sex while smoking tires me out, i get outta breath and stop.... now relaxing on my back while smoking a blunt and getting pleasured:skeptical: is something i do enjoy:goof:
Re: Does anyone know the best feeling in the world???

haha that is only second on my list of my most ultimately powerfully drawn from the fountain of pureity and celebacy that includes a plentiful alotement of the vindicated vivxen of vivid violently enjoyment vis a vie enjoyable moments of pure unadolterated ecstacy. Which leads us to draw the conclusion that we must stop this madness of a long conversation and ultimately agree to disagree. i bid thee adieu and good day.go in peace to love and serve the lord of the stick of prosperity . :peace:
Re: Does anyone know the best feeling in the world???

Yes yes i have an amazing gift for the venacular and ill be here all week. unless im incapacetated by the green monster. Hitherto to fore you must speak to my aforementioned attorney and body gaurd and sex slave. :peace:
Re: Does anyone know the best feeling in the world???

the best feeling isn't during, its when your all done and when that natural high comes is the best dont get me wrong, smoking than some sex is great but you should be able to create that nat. high for you and your lover, than if not and you or your partner really like to smoke before hand, usually means some one isn't that good at all lol anyone agree?
Re: Does anyone know the best feeling in the world???

haha I never said everytime, just to try it is something fun to do. Changes up the routine a bit. :peace:
Re: Does anyone know the best feeling in the world???

I have had sex high and I personally did not like it. I felt like I didn't perform at my best. My partner said it wasn't as good either. When I smoke I mostley just relax and watch tv or jam out. Sex while high for me was not as satisfying as sober sex.
Re: Does anyone know the best feeling in the world???

Sex while high is great, but whats greater is the natural high that you experience with your lover when having an orgasm at the exact same moment, what rushs thru your veins and your body at that precise moment is 420 times greater then just having sex stoned. Believe me.
Re: Does anyone know the best feeling in the world???

There are lots of things that feel better than getting blazed and banging. I think a hole in one would probibly be a better fealing because I've never had one, where as I've banged stoned alot. How about the satisfaction of a decent grow? I think that would feel better. Sex is great and all, don't get me wrong, but it is only physically gratifying unless its with some one you care about.
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