Dropponys Outdoor Med Crop

wow, i knew from the beginning this was gonna be an IMPRESSIVE as hell grow lol

What was the final yield? did that 1 plant hit 3 pounds? It was a MONSTER
i harvested 2 more plants, the big one i have been working on for 2 days lol.and it will be close to 3. wont know for a week or so.
no bs the big fat girl yealded just under 3 lbs of dank ass meds!!! my cam is in theshop will post pics soon!. only 4 plants still in the ground.so far so good!!
oh fuck yes drop, very very nice, iam very pleased with how you did, infact, iam so impressed iam gonna bring in my plants that are outside that have been there for 2 weeks lol.... since birth hahaha. gj , i want pics as well.
thanks a lot guys. ya the hog yealded 3 pounds vin, i could of got more if i would of spred them out more , and started them earlyer than that.. im going to grow more hog next year, i like how it grows and the finished smoke is awsome!
damn guys i did better than i thought i would do, imnot going to say how much i got , but lets just say i have more smoke than im going to need for 2 years. peace!
droppony said:
damn guys i did better than i thought i would do, imnot going to say how much i got , but lets just say i have more smoke than im going to need for 2 years. peace!

That's really dope, Droppony.

Whats your take on that HOG?

Friend of mine just finished that strain. I thought it was quality smoke. Kind of a garlic chicken taste I could do without though. Whats your opinion?
ya vin i just got my beans for spring. and as for the hog, its a good plant that produces so much bud it will amays you! its easy to take care of and a light feeder, im going to have 3 or so again. and the buds are fruity. imo it is worth growing.
Thanks for sharing your grow with us brother!...

I'm moving this to completed journals now...

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?...

If so, please start one here Journals in Progress - 420 Magazine

Hope all is well in your world...

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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