Durban "not" poison


New Member
Hi Guys,

Got a strange one here that has stumped me...

I live in Southern Spain, which has the same climate as Southern California. I have been growing outdoors here with very good results for the past ten years.

This year I decieded to go for Durban poison seeds which I got from the Sensi seed bank in Amsterdam. I have used them before and have always been happy with their products.

As I am sure you all know, Durban poison is a full on sativa and produces a mind blowing cerebral high. I have grown it here before and didnt grow it again because the plants were about 2.5 metres tall and produced a kilo of bud each... The bud was very strong and it left a few of my friends as grey, sweating wrecks.

So, I get them in early... thirty litre pots. They grow very nicley using "plant magic" organic vegative fertilizer. They start to bud and I switch to flowering fertilizer and off we go!

Six months later and I have four two metre plants with about two kilos of bud after drying. Some of the branches are so fat with bud that they need to be supported with gardeners string to stop them breaking off!

So I start curing and wait in anticipation... Well, what a let down. They looked the part but did not live up to expectations. I am not saying its rubbish but it is not the strength that Durban should be. I mean you get a sort of smiley, light high thats not too bad but it is nothing compared to my last batch.

I have five seeds left but dont know if I will risk putting the effort in if they are going to turn out the same.

Any ideas anyone? The plants were all very healthy and disease free.

The only thing I did differently was fertilize every watering which is what "plant magic" recommend but I cant see how this would affect strength...

Thanks, Happytraveler. :Namaste:
Re: Durban "not" poison...

Blame the breeder, mate! Durban Poison has been the essential sativa to most of Dutch seedbanks since the 80's and some of them have definitely watered it down. Did you try Dutch Passion's version? They carry old school, but very reliable genetics, which usually produce top of the line buds!
Re: Durban "not" poison...

Blame the breeder, mate! Durban Poison has been the essential sativa to most of Dutch seedbanks since the 80's and some of them have definitely watered it down. Did you try Dutch Passion's version? They carry old school, but very reliable genetics, which usually produce top of the line buds!

You could be right... its the only thing I can think of... Actually the last South Africans I grew here were from the Flying Duthchmen. Maybe I should try them...
Re: Durban "not" poison...

Yeah, or check your homies from Ace Seeds. They got a great collection of sativas and sativa dominant hybrids!
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