Dwarf Low Flyer: First Grow Journal


Active Member

I thought I would share my first purchase and grow experience. I purchased Dawrf Low Flyer from CKS on October 24. The transaction was painless, quick and overall a simple experience. The order was processed and shipped the next day and I finally received the seeds on oct 30. From start to finish I felt I was in good hands and based off my initial findings will be recommending them to everyone else.

When I finally got around to opening up the package I realized CKS had over done themselves. Inside I found the 5 seeds purchased, a complementary discount coupon for further purchases, a seed start guild, a seed catalogue and a awesome bling pin. This kind of service is just icing on the cake and for these reasons I will stay loyal for any future seed purchases.

Moving on I decided to germinate two seeds to start with. As instructed I put two of the seeds in room temperature filtered water for 18 hours then transferred them over to paper towel for the remainder of germination. I placed them on a low heating emitting pad and tucked them away in total darkness. It has now been nearly 36 hours and when I went to check on the seeds one had successfully sprouted a 1/2 inch tap root but the other cracked completely in half??? Has anyone experienced this? I’m certain the seed is toast now even though it looks like it may be viable? Pictures will be attached.

Anyways today will be day 1 of planting my one good seed. I lack the proper equipment for a high yield but will be obtaining a grow tent set up for the remaining three seeds I do have.

My current set up will look as follows ( keep in mind this plant will be considered a test under the growing conditions )

1 x 18watt LED sunblaster strip
1 x 2gallon Plastic pot
70% Jiffy seed start mix with %30 organic worm castings
1 x DIY Shoe box reflector space

Of course in a few weeks I plan to have upgraded the light too a 300watt full spectrum, have a 2x2x5 grow tent and possibly the air filter and fans set up. At this point I will grow the remaining three seeds in a fabric air pot with FFOF/Coco/Castings mix. I do not intend to do a full on hydro grow as I personally believe soil has multiple benefits.

Nutes on hand will be General Organics biothrive grow, bloom, Camg+ and marine.

I may make adjustments as I progress and fine tune each plant a little differently. It’s not about the destination but the journey and even if I get skunked it gives me that much more experience.


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How ya doin'?

When I finally got around to opening up the package I realized CKS had over done themselves. Inside I found the 5 seeds purchased, a complementary discount coupon for further purchases, a seed start guild, a seed catalogue and a awesome bling pin. This kind of service is just icing on the cake and for these reasons I will stay loyal for any future seed purchases.

It has been a while since I've dealt with that particular seedbank, but when I did, I read that they'll send that stuff to residents of Canada - but for those in other countries, they won't. On the other hand, they sent two additional seeds per pack to make up for this. As the information can be found (many times over) via the Internet, and you can't grow/smoke/eat a pin... I was pretty happy with the way things worked out in that regard. Instead of receiving 10 seeds (two five-packs), I received 12.

I am glad to read that your seed-purchasing experience went well for you, and wish you the best of luck in your grow. You are planning to grow in a tent of four square feet. That's not a huge space, but remember that the sellers of LED panels often use "theoritical maximum wattage" when advertising their products instead of actual wattage, and be sure to use that actual amount when figuring out how many watts per square foot you have (and how many you'll need for best results).
How ya doin'?

It has been a while since I've dealt with that particular seedbank, but when I did, I read that they'll send that stuff to residents of Canada - but for those in other countries, they won't. On the other hand, they sent two additional seeds per pack to make up for this. As the information can be found (many times over) via the Internet, and you can't grow/smoke/eat a pin... I was pretty happy with the way things worked out in that regard. Instead of receiving 10 seeds (two five-packs), I received 12.

I am glad to read that your seed-purchasing experience went well for you, and wish you the best of luck in your grow. You are planning to grow in a tent of four square feet. That's not a huge space, but remember that the sellers of LED panels often use "theoritical maximum wattage" when advertising their products instead of actual wattage, and be sure to use that actual amount when figuring out how many watts per square foot you have (and how many you'll need for best results).

Thanks I will keep this in mind! I have a large outdoor garden and residing in B.C. I have a pretty even split for growing seasons 50/50 for indoor outdoor grow. My indoor plants will strictly be for my own enjoyment too tie me through winter.
Day 2 sense it popped in soil. A cool picture I thought I would share. Seems to be doing well.

I am wondering if I need to Adjust the light higher? I currently have the light at 12 inches


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18-watt? I shouldn't think so. As a matter of fact, I'd be watching for stem elongation/flop.
Day 5 on my one seedling. Still growing at a steady pace. Picture included. No stem elongation so I’m happy with that.
I started the germination process with two additional seeds today. Soaked in filtered water and will be moving too paper towel later today.

My grow tent should arrive this upcoming Monday along with the 2 150watt LED full spectrum UFO lights. I decided to go with a 36x20x63 inch tent. It will just fit the three plants I am growing.

I will be transplanting my current seedling into a 5 gallon fabric pot and will start my other two seeds right in these. I don’t like wasting time and energy on transplanting and can afford the water.

I decided to go with my own soil mix. As a base I am using blue sky organics super soil. Split between the three 5 gallon pots I will expect a 60% ratio in each.

I will mix this soil blend with
CocoGro @ 25%
Organic worm castings @ 10%
Organic steer Manure @ 5%

This should provide me with a good draining and nutrient dense base medium for growing.

I will include 5 products from general organic nutrient line.

Biothrive grow
Biothrive bloom

I don’t expect feedings to start immediately and will base it off signs of defiency.
May add a organic pH adjuster but from everything I’ve read it may not be necessary?
Let me know your thoughts!


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Day 7

Today I decided to go ahead and prepare my soil medium and transplant my one seedling.
I mixed my medium up in each pot and top dressed 1-2 inch of soil with coco coir. I am hoping this will keep any moisture away from the top of the planter and down where the roots need it.

This is my first time watering from the time the seed went in the dirt. I’m sure glad I transplanted as the jiffy pot mix I was using appeared to be a dense wet clump and was not dicipating the moisture properly.

Will keep you posted as this continues. Tomorrow we should see two more seeds go into my prepared 5 gallon pots


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Day 8

Everything is progressing. My transplant seems to be un-phased and if anything I have actually noticed more rapid growth.

My two other seeds germinated successfully and have now been planted in dirt. I’m really interested too see how it fairs as the top inch or two is just our coco coir. Once the roots mature and developed past that the soil should be nice and fertile.

Grow tent, lights, ph monitor, temp humidity thermal, and fan should all be arriving tomorrow!


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Day 9

Today I received all my new equipment and got it set up. I decided to go with 2 150w UFO full spectrum lights for better coverage in my grow space. I hung them at 36” from the plants and will continue to use my sunblaster 18w LED at 12” as it provides a much better veg spectrum. I placed the strip behind the lights so it does not cast a shadow onto the newly emerging plants.

The two seeds I dropped in soil yesterday are just pushing through and I imagine by later tonight I will see them full come through. Current temp in the tent has settled between 78-79f with humidity holding at a steady 55%

I have a small fan circulating air with a few of the vents open. I am not concerned with smell just air flow. I also was able to ph my filtered water for the first time and it came through at 7.3. So far all indications look good! Looking forward to see the progress in the coming weeks. Let me know your thoughts!


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Day 10 & Day 1

Things are sure moving fast and slow at the same time. My first plant at day 10 is doing very well. After a good assessment it would appear the new lights and environment has not stressed it at all. I am seeing steady growth every day. I gave 50ml of water yesterday as the coco was feeling pretty dry. Now that I have a fan in the grow space it certainly speeds that process up.

Day 1 with the two seedlings as today it is safe to say they have broken soil. I noticed planting them in coco is not as beneificial. It appears the medium as a stand alone is not optimal for seedlings and I’m assuming it has to do with its ability to hold less water volume. I see much higher germination rates when the soil remains a little more saturated. All things considered I am glad they have poked there way through. I gave them 30ml each of water last night around each seedling to make sure the medium was moist.

There is no indication that I need to provide nutrients and will hold off until necessary. We will see what tomorrow brings!


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Day 11 & 2

The growth on my older plant continues to look good. I am a little concerned as I noticed some edges of the leaves curling up slightly today. Substrate appears to be drying out and later today I think I will go ahead with my first real watering on this plant.

My two seedlings that popped soil yesterday did not open on themselves. Late in the day I noted that the shells and membranes had dried onto the tips preventing them from opening. I moistened the shells and membrane and eventually was able to carefully remove them.


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Day 12 & 3

My older plant continues to grow. Has shown no signs of slowing down. I have yet to water it as I’m trying to hold off until absolutely necessary. If I put my finger in the medium about 1 inch down i feel some slight moisture. It’s approaching but from everything I have read it’s best not to over water.

Both my seedlings have been growing well. Not much change in these guys except a little more height. My first plant I presume will be quite bushy and short and these may exceed it. The seedlings have stretched higher even though I am now running more light. Medium is roughly at the same moisture content. Everything appears to be on track! Happy growing!


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Day 13 & 4

Today I had my first good water for my plants. The substrate seemed to have dried out enough that it was pulling away from the sides of the planter indicating time for some water. I ran 1l of filtered water for each of my seedlings and applied a very light feeding of calmag and bioroot too 4L of water for my mature plant. I ph the runoff and it can too 6.7

I did notice today that the stem was starting to lay to one side. It would appear the weight of the plant was too much for the little guy. I may apply some more coco coir too the top as to further add support too my plant. Could anything else be causing this?


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Day 13 & 4

Today I had my first good water for my plants. The substrate seemed to have dried out enough that it was pulling away from the sides of the planter indicating time for some water. I ran 1l of filtered water for each of my seedlings and applied a very light feeding of calmag and bioroot too 4L of water for my mature plant. I ph the runoff and it can too 6.7

I did notice today that the stem was starting to lay to one side. It would appear the weight of the plant was too much for the little guy. I may apply some more coco coir too the top as to further add support too my plant. Could anything else be causing this?
Great start my friend. I am
Also growing Dwarf Low Flyer, also Afghani Kush and New York Diesel under the Mars Hydro. Exciting to watch!! Happy Growing!
Day 14 + 5

Wondering if someone can chime in on this. My older plant is showing some deformation. I have attached a picture and you can clearly see a mutation on its second node leaf. What could be causing this? It took well to the feeding yesterday and seems healthy overall.
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