Flytier's CKS Dwarf Low Flyer - Fall Of 2017 Indoor Grow

Sept. 16, 2017
Day 16+

These babies are going up like fireworks. I think I'm finally coming together with strains to suit my equipment, and equipment to suit my space (although there's lots more stuff around to make things easier, I'm starting with the basics). There's also the techniques that I'm continually picking up from the invaluable help, guidance, and encouragement from everybody here, as well as my old friends, Trial and Error.

So yeah, fireworks, right. It's been four days since my last pics of them and I think these girls are my best indoor growers so far. They're getting nice growth, and it's easy to tell which plant hatched on which day. Once again, and I can't stress this enough, don't do the paper towel crap or even bother to pre-soak; it does nothing to increase germination, and a step that is performed is a step that can potentially go wrong, and there's three steps involved there: soaking, paper toweling, and transplanting. I tend to proselytize on that a lot, but it's just some friendly advice from someone that should have followed it from the start.

Anyways, I'm babbling a bit. I put down a pack of five and I still have 100% of the crop. I'm posting one of each of the size grades to compare growth. At this rate I will have to bend at least one plant over to keep them even. I'll get over it.

Here's the star of the show. She was the first one to come up and she definitely has the most vigor of all of them.

This is the runt of the litter, but still a contender. She'll be bigger when budding starts.

And since I've shown you both outliers, here's one from the peak of the bell curve to finish off our comparison.

I'm pleased with my soil/compost/additive mix that I use. I'm pretty sure it contributes to the overall growth. Even the smallest one is getting her roots close to the growout area of the soil by now, if not there already. I'm hoping it all goes this smooth right throughout. But I've said that before hahaha.
Heading out Wednesday morning to do some fall fishing for a few days. Will be targeting Walleye and Pike and will most likely snag a few Rainbow Trout along the way.

My brother in law has fly gear so I might give it a whirl for some pike along the edge of the shallow weed beds but if you tell anybody I'll deny it. lol.
Heading out Wednesday morning to do some fall fishing for a few days. Will be targeting Walleye and Pike and will most likely snag a few Rainbow Trout along the way.

My brother in law has fly gear so I might give it a whirl for some pike along the edge of the shallow weed beds but if you tell anybody I'll deny it. lol.
Hmm. ....I can see it now. Scrog at the river at about midnight, fly fishing for walleye, lmao. Well save you my friend have plenty of time to sit on your butt in a boat when you're old.....we gotta get you active on those mountain fed Alberta rivers; give us another destination lol.
Heading out Wednesday morning to do some fall fishing for a few days. Will be targeting Walleye and Pike and will most likely snag a few Rainbow Trout along the way.

My brother in law has fly gear so I might give it a whirl for some pike along the edge of the shallow weed beds but if you tell anybody I'll deny it. lol.

So the man's finally coming to his senses. I'd love to be out there with you. Freshwater species are rather limited here in the east. I've caught walleye in Primrose Lake back in the 80s. That's up around the Cold Lake area where the fighters do their practicing. Good fighters and delicious on the bbq, And if the pike are as tasty as chain pickerel, you're gonna have yourself a feast.
How's she goin' b'ys! Got some updated pictures of my fellow organisms. One is a bit of a runt, and, as true to my experience with CKS, is an oddball. It a nice plant though; the most vigorous of them all. An are they ever shooting up!

Group photo. It's easy to pick out the different pheno: leaves are different sizes, shapes and colours. I'll keep the runt on the go anyway; I paid enough for it.

The three "average" ones are all about the same. Got some nice branching already. In a few days I may LST the branches away from the stem for a bit of growing room, but that'll be about it.

Of course, the oddball. I always seem to get one in the pack that's different, like the surprise in the Cracker Jacks. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be a Photo. Getting quite the foliage to her though. Obviously the rich organic-ish soil isn't doing it any harm. I definitely recommend fish compost for growing your plants if you can stand making your own.

So that's the news on the plants. We now return you to the Fly Fishing Forum.
How's she goin' b'ys! Got some updated pictures of my fellow organisms. One is a bit of a runt, and, as true to my experience with CKS, is an oddball. It a nice plant though; the most vigorous of them all. An are they ever shooting up!

Group photo. It's easy to pick out the different pheno: leaves are different sizes, shapes and colours. I'll keep the runt on the go anyway; I paid enough for it.

The three "average" ones are all about the same. Got some nice branching already. In a few days I may LST the branches away from the stem for a bit of growing room, but that'll be about it.

Of course, the oddball. I always seem to get one in the pack that's different, like the surprise in the Cracker Jacks. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be a Photo. Getting quite the foliage to her though. Obviously the rich organic-ish soil isn't doing it any harm. I definitely recommend fish compost for growing your plants if you can stand making your own.

So that's the news on the plants. We now return you to the Fly Fishing Forum.

Nice update, girls look really nice. I love that stage lol. You're totally right on the fish compost eh. Their colour is fantastic.

Nice update, girls look really nice. I love that stage lol. You're totally right on the fish compost eh. Their colour is fantastic.

No shortage of nitrogen and phosphorus in recycled fish waste. I can't get over the growth on them. And I'm keeping the CFLs over a foot away from them.
Yeah they look older than they are, no stretch and the color is amazing.

I'm just wondering what the oddball is going to turn out to be. It's always interesting to see what you end up with.
September 23, 2017
Day 23

I just noticed something last night when I was checking on my girls. I left the 2700K CFLs in the sockets rather than switch over to 5600K (or whatever they are). I changed them out for the blue-end lights anyway. I can't picture it making a difference because it's already growing like a dandelion, but if it is, so much the better.

Guy, how long was it before your Short Ryders started to bud? Are they the same as CKS's Dwarf Low Flyers? I haven't checked for pre-flowers yet, but they should start to show pretty soon, eh?

I can't get over the difference in the oddball. It started out the first plant to sprout, but height the averages are a little taller now and absolutely nowhere near as bushy, and they're not even a foot tall yet. Cool plants; so far the plan is to get more of these when I go through what I have now. But who knows, I may find something in the seed bank that I call my fridge that interests me more.
September 23, 2017
Day 23

I just noticed something last night when I was checking on my girls. I left the 2700K CFLs in the sockets rather than switch over to 5600K (or whatever they are). I changed them out for the blue-end lights anyway. I can't picture it making a difference because it's already growing like a dandelion, but if it is, so much the better.

Guy, how long was it before your Short Ryders started to bud? Are they the same as CKS's Dwarf Low Flyers? I haven't checked for pre-flowers yet, but they should start to show pretty soon, eh?

I can't get over the difference in the oddball. It started out the first plant to sprout, but height the averages are a little taller now and absolutely nowhere near as bushy, and they're not even a foot tall yet. Cool plants; so far the plan is to get more of these when I go through what I have now. But who knows, I may find something in the seed bank that I call my fridge that interests me more.
Your girls are looking really nice. Colours awesome like I said last time. My Shorties were showing signs of preflower at 4 weeks, one of the reasons I picked that strain and size.

Questions for you Fly...., how could I use some of these dead salmon that I keep finding on side of the river, as strange of a question as that is lol ? Also my brother works at the fish hatchery locally (volunteers anyway) and he was wondering if any of the products that he deals with daily would be ny good for my organic grow?

Please keep in mind, I don't have a ton of extra space to be able to bring fish home, bury them and then dig them up for use next season LOL.
Your girls are looking really nice. Colours awesome like I said last time. My Shorties were showing signs of preflower at 4 weeks, one of the reasons I picked that strain and size.

Questions for you Fly...., how could I use some of these dead salmon that I keep finding on side of the river, as strange of a question as that is lol ? Also my brother works at the fish hatchery locally (volunteers anyway) and he was wondering if any of the products that he deals with daily would be ny good for my organic grow?

Please keep in mind, I don't have a ton of extra space to be able to bring fish home, bury them and then dig them up for use next season LOL.

Aaaahhhhhh. Dead salmon, he says. Get yourself a composter (aka plastic garbage bin with holes drilled all over it) and some peat moss. Put down a layer of peat on the bottom, lay some fish on it and cover them with more peat. Nature pretty much does the rest. Bear in mind that we only add a small amount of fish per day, so I don't know how fast it will work if you go filling it right up at the start. Also, it's getting late in the year, but you can start it now and have it ready for later in the summer.

Preflower at four weeks? I checked mine today (Day 25) and they have buds on them already. I have some pics that I'll post shortly when I get them Photoshopped.
September 25, 2017
Day 25

So as I just said to Guy, I'm on Day 25 and my plants are budding already. They look like they're a couple days old now too, which is possible since I haven't looked them over closely in a couple days.

Here's one of the average ones (although the runt is popping too)

And here is the oddball (thought I was going to be stuck with a photo)

So far so food.
Looking good brother. My auto that behaved definitely took longer than yours to show bud sites......youre on a roll now man , lol!
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