E-rok /first grow bagseed/ 09

thanks l8. cant wait! get to check on em all tomorrow.
see how much they've grown.
and i really want to try messing around with LST with at least one of the plants.
update tomorrow night!
ok so i finally got the nerve to put some off the plants down into the earth. so atm i have 5 plant in the yard. two of the older plants were put in. and some of the younger plants are out there now too.

i put them out now cuz i didnt have big enough pots for all the younger ones getting root bound in their cups. so hopefully they'll be ok. should put some kind of animal deterrent around them tho.

have some new seeds that've popped up. still carrying their seed coat.
transplanted most everything.

pics up tonight hopefully.
I've seen the term bagseed all over this site and you use it too. what is bagseed?? is it a particular strain, or method of growing, (I know people who grow potatoes in gunny sacks!!). Just curious
Bagseed just refers to the seeds you pull out of your sac of weed. We call it bagseed cause we have no idea what strain it is. Wow never knew you could grow in a gunny sac lol, bet it provides plenty of oxygen to the roots.
oh bagseed? haha yea dude that means its bombin stuff.

syke. bag seed is just the seeds you find in your bud whenever you buy some. commonly found in cheaper weed like mids. doesn't mean its bad or good. just that you found it in your bag-o-pot.
pics up in a few guys. been busy playing farmer all day. and the shots should be better since it was on a actual camera and not a phone.
ok here come the pics!
show you some of the plants outside.


pic didnt come out as good as i was hoping.
one of the older ones.


young'n i put out.


another older one.

young ones indoors.


weird bent leaf but doin ok.


spouts came up.


older plants. too big for cups.

so the ones outside...really hope nothing happens to them. resorting to soapy water till i can get a better repellent. but they seem to love it. i kinda worry about the soil in my area tho. its mostly clay and compacts really tight. i heard worms are a good sign for soil n theres a bunch of them. anyone think it'll be a problem when the roots hit clay?

....i mean i guess every other weed or plant grows just fine in it....:hmmmm:

anywaysss....new plants! have 5 new plants growing nicely and 5 more new sprouts and 2 more on the way. growing these is so much fun. i can hardley keep myself from planting more. :cheesygrinsmiley:

light is bad for plants right? should i cover the sides of the plastic buckets the plants are in? they were the only thing i had just lying around. were'nt too big, not too small.
AGH!!! I FORGOT! two more plants are outside in pots... really should check on them... bb in a few.
E-rok lets hope the compact soild doesnt stop the roots from growing. And yes worms are good because of their pope worm castings! if theres a bunch of them then a good sign of lots of good ferts. Light is not bad for the plants but yes for the roots and yes i would cover the sides. Other than that looking good!
ok! so haven't updated in awhile. pics are up. tremendous growth since last time i saw the plants and im reaaly surprised at how fast the indoor plants have grown. i guess thats the difference between vegging and going straight to 12/12.







plants outdoors



there are a few more plants outside that are about the same size as this.

theres a few more plants that aren't in the pictures. some sprouts and small plants. i may move the 5 large plants outdoors with the others. they've been on 24 hr light for almost a month now. should i switch to 12/12 now?
also i need fertilizer.
anyone know of a cheap fertilizer that can get me through this grow?
sweet ok so i've put the older plants on 12/12 so im guessing i should see sex in in the next couple weeks....?

just noticed theres gonna be some construction near the outdor plants. i mean they'll be safe for awhile but is there anyway to move a plant in the ground? i could just ditch em but rather not.
sweet ok so i've put the older plants on 12/12 so im guessing i should see sex in in the next couple weeks....?

just noticed theres gonna be some construction near the outdor plants. i mean they'll be safe for awhile but is there anyway to move a plant in the ground? i could just ditch em but rather not.

yep, should start to notice in the next 2 weeks or so, and then you've got about 8 weeks from that point til home base.

measure how tall the outdoor plant is and that will give you a pretty good idea the diameter of the root system. dig around that estimate (give yourself a bit of room) then start to dig in and loosen it, :grinjoint: good luck!
ok problems happen. nothing to bad.... well sorta.

anyone think its too late to plant outdoors for the rest of the season?

cuz 3 plants have magically disappeared. 2 young ones and 1 older one unfortunately.
that leaves me with 1 older plant outdoors and 1 younger plant and MAYBE another young one....haven't had a chance to check it.

if it isn't too late i can plant more outdoors. but i rather not waste my time if they wont make it by harvest time.

indoors are doing great. they look fantastic really. i've been having problems keeping up with the 12/12 but i've been having some rough times around. hoping to really keep on it.

pictures up soon, probly tomorrow.
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