Early flower? Deficient?


Active Member
Hello guys, I got some issue with my new plants.

Day 28 seed in soil.
Medium: Soil, 9 litre fabric pot.
Nutrients: Have not added any nutrients untill yesterday when they had the first feed at 50% strength. Always PH down to 6-6.5.
Strain: Skittlez Auto from 2fast4buds.
Climate: 18/6. 24-28C during light, 19-20C during dark. Humidity around 50%, I mist them during veg.
Light: 450w LED.

So the plants lower leaves has started to get yellow and brown spots has started appearing on the leaves. I did transplant this autoflower for 10 days ago from a 1.4 litre to a 9 litre pot, the plant was looking perfectly healthy untill that, then it started to droop and this began. I have now really dried my pot out and also given the first feed at 50%. I do think they are looking happier today.

Why did this this happen you think?

Is there anything I should do?

I also feel like the plant is small, I struggle with really filling my tent up with buds! Any tips for me?


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Hello , they will recover , just give them time , maybe a little calmag , what kind of water are you using , r.o.? maybe next time you grow auto`s dont use such a large pot , 5 gallon is plenty and transfer the seedlings to their final pot no need to up pot , i find auto`s dont require the same ppm of nutrients as photo`s do (less).just provide a good wet dry cycle , lift the pots as it is easy to over water a small plant in such a large pot . yellowing usually means the plants need food and brown means to many nutes usually , this is just a general rule .
I am still getting the same symptoms. Some leaves are starting to look like THE picture.

I been giving Them growth technology grow soul and calmag at 50% strength twice. But have not seen improvements. The newer leaves looks healthier but can see some Brown dots appearing.

Please help me diagnose!

Hi I’m silver and I like to ask dumb questions.

since you mentioned increased nutrients with no change in plant do you think your ph is correct? Are you adjusting before or after you add nutrients to the water.

we will get it positive vibes :Namaste:
Hi I’m silver and I like to ask dumb questions.

since you mentioned increased nutrients with no change in plant do you think your ph is correct? Are you adjusting before or after you add nutrients to the water.

we will get it positive vibes :Namaste:

I add nutrients to tap water that has been sitting for atleast 24h, then i use pH drops to get pH. I aim for 6-6.5 i would think more towards 6.5.

Gonna get a vetter pic of THE plant asap
This is a picture i have taken from above. Overall green and happy, some leafes even some upper part starts getting these Brown spots.

It is a autoflower, not 100% sure how Long into Bloom they are. Should i give a 100% Bloom nute feed next watering?


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Hello , i have never grown a plant that needed full strength nutes , 1/2 strength is plenty , dont get caught up on all the b.s. less is more with cannabis , ,watch the new flowering sugar leaves at the top , forget about the yellow leaves at the bottom (fan leaves ) they are already dead and wont come back , plus the plant will naturally kill off the bottom leaves as it moves further in to flower as it no longer needs them for fuel , plus it steals stored up nutes in the fan leaves for food.A good environment is crucial when in flower , light , temps and humidity and good air flow , the plant will take in what it needs as long as the ph is correct , you can always give your plants a small amount more nutes with the next watering but its a bitch if you have given to much.
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