Endless grow questions I'm a noob


New Member
How many plants would be best for a 60x60 grow room and which size led light should I use ? And I'm considering using photo period seeds.
I think inches its the size of my grow tent it I'm sorry I'm very noon. Yes its 60 x 60 inches what size led light and how many plants please and thanks for responding.
Or even a 5x5 room I know its my first grow but I will order at least 20 seeds and I want to make sure i at least produce something
There's a section in the grow room that has a thread called "lighting coverage primer." The info is pretty self explanatory so you don't have to wait for answers... pretty much all newbie questions can be answered by just reading reading reading.
It's really up to you. The longer you veg them for, the bigger they will get. Personally in that space I would grow either 4 plants in ten gallon (or slightly larger) pots (depends what growing medium you're using though) - or else 8 plants in 5 gallon pots.
There's a section in the grow room that has a thread called "lighting coverage primer." The info is pretty self explanatory so you don't have to wait for answers... pretty much all newbie questions can be answered by just reading reading reading.
spot on mate, stupid question's get a bit tedious after a while, Google is their friend and plenty of the same questions answered
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