Ethos Cherry Gar See Ya: Grow Journal 2020

July 20th:
Maintaining a 5.8 PH all day. Plants look gorgeous.
6:30am & 12pm changed the ice packs a super my schedule. Jesus is praying to the son God's. Christ is coming along.
Grooves and Shady Grove seem to be the biggest with the most roots.

Yes I named them.


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July 23rd.

It's getting hot out and I can no longer maintain a 6 hour schedule for ice packs. They melt too fast now.
It's been exhausting only getting 4-5 hours sleep a night.

Regular duties last few days - PH monitoring, ice changes. Plants look pissed off their roots arent cold.

Shady Grove has a hole in his leaf, begging for more food.
I emptied a third of a bucket and refilled a third.

Ripped apart my dehumidifier and it's now half in my res bucket. My chiller isn't here but i can sleep now.
I'm literally too tired to take more pics.
Oh and I added a new air conditioner in the tent.
Everything is back to normal and growing rapidly.


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July 24th
Got the best sleep I've had since I started this gig. Keep in mind - I had a show of CANDYSTORE R1 CLONES I destroyed on Canada Day, 3 weeks in when I added the "R" to my DWC. Leaks all over, couldn't save them.

Woke up to comfy temperatures all around. Having the proper equipment is vital.

Speaking of - I've noticed when this "chiller" turns off the frost on the rad. melts into the bucket. Guaranteed that ph is not balanced. This is definately a temporary fix for this size of grow. Can't wait for my chiller.

When I stopped using ice packs, obviously I had to add water. Well I added too much. My leaves arent praying as I have provided optimal conditions. I have now only assumed the bubbles are soaking the rockwool which is unnecessary now. The leaves were kinda droopy, too. I lowered the water level and now waiting for the rockwool to essentially dry up before going to get a bigger air pump and stones. I have eliminated the rest of the potential causes.
When I lowered the water the leaves instantly looked a bit happier. So it's either not enough oxygen or the rockwool got too wet.
By the end of the day I should know.

Maintaing normal duties. Ph check. Oh wow. It's nice not to have to do ice packs!


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July 26th
Yesterday was a busy day.
Exhausting what I thought could be all my issues with leaf stress I have reached the culprit. Low humidity.
Wasn't light stress, heat, res temps.
I thought 28°C was the highest I could reach, therefore I have been running an air conditioning unit to combat that. Only problem is, it brings down humidity. Same with my modded chiller (dehumidifier), facepalm*.
Now that I realize I can reach 30° the tent is at 26.5- 27.5 and 45 - 50% humidity is all I can get from this unit with this dumb 'chiller'.
The leaves instantly reacted and overnight they straightened out a bit.
My air pump showed up yesterday. I bought some air discs and switched them out. Took the 4 stones and their pump and tossed them in the res bucket. Shouldn't have oxygen issues now (if it was even an issue).
This air pump, however, doesn't push the air evenly through the last circuit. I'll adjust the valves to fix that. I also switched my lights around for more direct light. The veg bloom's have lenses to direct the light straight down. The HiStard doesnt and the light is spread out.
The plants have stopped growing weird.
They all look less drowning
PH is more stable.
Chiller will be here tomorrow.


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July 26th Continued
The pics of the plants on the last post were from yesterday.
Here is today.

I'll just take this opportunity to thank y'all for being here with me!

Thank you!


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July 28th
What a ride. I can now confirm my humidity was way too low. Over night even with low PH from the robot chiller they sprung back into action.

I have my chiller!!!!!
It is now hooked up and doing its job. I am so relieved. I can now stabilize all aspects of this environment (baby steps).

I have drained and replace the nutrients, bringing them to the recommended early veg ratio.
My res water was so clouded from adding vials of PH up to combat the robot chiller, I wasn't pumping that through my new unit.

Now that all is well I can finally relax.
Today marks the first two weeks of veg. :morenutes: :adore:


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July 29th

Well I guess it's time to get humble. I didn't clean my system properly and what ever was living in there stayed in my connectors and pump tube. PH kept dropping rapidly.
I drained everything, AGAIN, cleaned everything with H202 and wow it was gross. Reassembled my system only to have the PH keep dropping... okay, I am certain I killed whatever was in there. I tested the pen and wow, what garbage. $90 for a PH pen that works for a month.
Was the robot chiller actually dropping my PH? :lot-o-toke:
I retrieved an analog tester I gave to a friend to find out my water is perfect.
I called Amazon and they're sending me a new one.
Woke up this morning to humidity a bit low (60%), so they're not looking too great. Good, but not fantastic. My humidifier is kind of rude sometimes but that's what you get for $20.
I slapped it upside its head and humidity is rising again.
PH is stable as expected and water is clear.
Chiller is working as well as it should for nearly $600.
To secure my sleep, was worth every penny.
FYI - my tap water isn't acid.


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August 1st.
Great news! The environment is now stable.
It's an exhausting battle of climate in there.
Yesterday I just let them be to recover from all the stress. The roots that were exposed to the high levels of PH UP are brown. Not dead or slimy, just died brown. Almost all but the first fan leaves have picked back up. All the rest of the roots and new growth are silky and perfect.

This is a great journal for beginners to troubleshoot with.

The analog PH test kit is obviously not accurate enough for this system. While waiting for my pen, adding PH DOWN to my system I relied on pure instinct.
I was putting 2-3 drops per bucket to drop the PH, .1, twice a day. Not wanting to over do it I added 20 drops just once a day. When my pen came the PH was at 6.2. I adjusted the PH back down to 5.8 and the plants are meeting expectations, visibly growing rapidly and almost praying.

This morning PH was at 6.0. Diluted 12 drops in 2.5 L and that'll last till the evening.

So, Wednesday just after my last post I noticed more, but a different droop in the leaves. Long story short- building humidity without your exhaust fan on suffocates plants. They need fresh air.

Now after that, they were drooping again! They need to drink too! Realized they drank just over 3/4 of a 5gallon jug! Thirsty. Imideately after correcting the issues the plants show positive responses. I'm not sure if it's instinct, attention to slight detail or what... but I can just tell.
Yesterday they drank about 4 L.

Shout out to my Wife for the continued support and help with research.


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August 2nd
Just reporting growth basically. With the proper equipment this system watches itself in most cases. Just monitoring the PH once a day as it's stable as can possibly be.
This Tuesday I will be changing water and nutrients to late veg and begin topping.


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August 5th
What a blessing it is to not be in such demand of my time. If you don't have a proper chiller, get one. Starve/fast, if you can't afford it. It's worth it.
Since my last post I have not had to PH my res. It's stayed at 5.8. Apparently that means everything is perfect.
When I woke, Christ was praying to the sun gods.

I dropped my fan on Shady Grove. As you can see, she's a bit squished. It bent the top node and decided this was the time to top.

The squished one (Shady Grove/ top left), and the bottom left (Jesus), I cut the nodes off.

It's worth noting now that the CHERRY'S that were germinated in blue light are shorter than the SHERBERTS germinated with a paper towel in the dark. They might be shorter, but they are definately more bushier.
Might be better for SCROG, we shall see.


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Hey y'all! Everytime I backspace my keyboard dissappears.
I lost interest in keeping such a detailed journal.
So here's an update:
Switched nutrients 2nd week into flowering everything is beautiful. Added hydroguard and roots are fresh. Site is glitchy. Probably won't be back very much.


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So I'm sad to report the one S.Sherbert was a male.
The 3 are looking quite nice.

So the main reason I stopped being so detailed and lost interest was my fan fell on the little one. Just so frustrating dealing with all the fine tunings to report everything.

Glad to see the keyboard bug fixed already. Kudos, admin.
So two are male and have been murdered.
Gave the girls new nutrients. 3/4 strength.

Ph is always perfect with this stuff.

When I removed the two buckets I didn't add my air stone in the res bucket. Bad idea. Smells like poo and the leaves drooped bad. Added the airstone and everything's looking better.

Sucks being a noob.

I'm buying another tent, chiller and bucket and gonna do the off season rotation. Hopefully Scrogging will be more successful.


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Hello everyone! I'm Rodger Ball and this is My Grow Journal, 2020.

Black Cherry Soda x Cherry Maduro x Mandarin Sunset

• Total Cannabinoids: 25%

• Flowering Time:

Indoor: 8-9 Weeks

Outdoor: Early/mid Season

• Terpene Spectrum: Cherry, citrus, smoky, earthy, hints of gas and propane.

Cherry Gar-see-ya R1 has a high calyx-to-leaf ratio and medium internodes then can stretch a little bit. She's not compact or leafy like most cherry varieties. She stacks chunky, baseball-sized nugs from top to bottom, is easy to train in any system and she loves growing outdoors!

The room features a 4'×5'×7' Vivusion grow tent. In a 8'x12' bedroom.
The 1' seperator for the tent's seedling room has been removed and is now a utility access panel. The closet in the bedroom has been modified for seedlings and veg.

-Modified 5G Alfred DWC SYSTEM into RDWC.
-Air Conditioner / intake fan
-Space Heater
-6" charcoal filter and fan
-Two 600 watt full spectrum LED with veg and bloom switches and daisy chain
-Oscelating fan
-Holland Secret 3 part forumlia
-PH Up & Down
-Ice Packs
-Distilled water
-10 mil syringes
-1 mil droppers
-R/O water
-75G submersible water pump
-Rockool cubes
-Ph meter
-PPM meter
-Green head lamp (LED)
-Green light bulb (LED)
-Hand heled water pump
-Tin foil
-Clay medium
What did the plant look like? Buds before harvest? The pic you posted of the plant is from Ethos website

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Hopefully all turned out well with this grow. When i grew her out she stretched quite a bit in flower! And she definitely needed the bamboo steaks that i provided to hold up the branches full of beautiful red and purple buds that were heavily covered in frost! I took mine to about 73-74 days of 12/12 on the first seed run. Then took a couple of clones and ran her a couple of more times to about 75-77 days from flip to 12/12 and she had a very strong odor of strawberry Fanta soda and cherry cough medicine. It didnt carry over into the taste as much as i wanted after cure, but there was still a cherry kushy dankness to her even after a long cure. And to my suprise I easily got a quarter pound of fine nugs off one plant in a 3 gallon pot of living organic soil. Basically only top dressed a couple of times with "craftblen" by buildasoil and watered in with powdered aloe, coconut, and sometimes a liquid seaweed and/or fish hydrolysates.
I'll see if i can find some pics to post here (with your permission, of course) or just cruise over to my journal near the end to see the pics. 😁👍
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