Fanleaves turn yellow and then they fall off, N in order?

well, I am trying to convince you that it is your nutes, or lack thereof, that is the cause of this difficulty you now find yourself in. You need to either get into a line of nutes that have instructions you can follow, or find the suggested amounts for the nutes you have. Bottom line is that your plants look like they are beginning to starve, and this is just going to get worse and worse until you solve it. You need to make some decisions as to what you are going to do about this, today.... before it is too late for your crop. Guessing, never usually works out well... we have seen many failed grows as a result of that. Growing cannabis is a bit more complicated that people first think... its not just as easy as plopping them down into some soil and watering them. N is not your answer here... the PK in combination with the N is what is needed. It is up to you to experiment and find out what is the correct amount.
Im trying to learn this without bying special cannabis nutes. Thats is because its illegal here and it happens from time to time that the police use the sellers info to catch growers. I know, its crazy. But here they think cannabis is a worse crime then childrape. Specially growing.

I looked at my ”new” soil that I been using this two lasts grows. (Those who also have this problem)
And the NPK is:

N 160mg / liter
P 60mg / liter
K 410mg / liter

Whilst the ’old’ soil I used had:

N 240mg / liter
P 70mg / liter
K 250mg / liter

There is a (big? ) different in N between those.

Could it be an N deficiency after all?

Should I try to up the dose more?

(I guess I have to order ’special’ nutes anyway.. ?)
But stuff with cash my friend, you can’t track cash ;) And this should help a bit... google deficiencies as well it will help a ton...


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Here’s one without the bottom cutoff... look at the one for zinc deficiency...

Well for a little bit more We can use cash but they are soon just a memory.. they want total control over all transactions and there are not many stores/shops that accept cash anymore. We have less then 2% of our economy in cash. Rest is digital.

But those selling canna-nutes are to far from my town. It takes a about 5 hours with car to get there.. and then 5 hours home.. :(

And also.. I know this sounds totaly crazy but Ive been reading a lot of court-protocols. (How people got busted from growing weed.) and I came a crossed info that the police are conducting surveillance on grow shops..
and in the news We read that the police cant investigate childrape due to lack of resources.
This country is upsidedown.

Thanx for the tips on zink.
Good luck then

Maybe build a soil, think Emily has a recipe for it

Most of those growers dont use any nutes, it's all in the soil

Otherwise I'm sure people where you live, in the bubble with Truman, have ways of skirting the system

A member is using this as a trial and test
Not sure if it's available in yer country/bubble or not

Urban Farms Texas Tomato Food nutrients
May be a newb question or answer but isnt it normal for the leaves to turn yellow in flower (near the end) because using up the nutrients in the soil an wouldn't this be a good thing with it getting close to chop an hence forth making it easier to flush an smoother after all curing an drying?
To an small extent yes, his is not normal yellowing though, and this would occur more so when flushing the plants
Well for a little bit more We can use cash but they are soon just a memory.. they want total control over all transactions and there are not many stores/shops that accept cash anymore. We have less then 2% of our economy in cash. Rest is digital.

But those selling canna-nutes are to far from my town. It takes a about 5 hours with car to get there.. and then 5 hours home.. :(

And also.. I know this sounds totaly crazy but Ive been reading a lot of court-protocols. (How people got busted from growing weed.) and I came a crossed info that the police are conducting surveillance on grow shops..
and in the news We read that the police cant investigate childrape due to lack of resources.
This country is upsidedown.

Thanx for the tips on zink.
Man screw that, the only way I do business is cash, it made it tough to show where my money goes to for getting a mortgage but I hate leaving my money in the banks.. and a lot of countries focus on pot because they get paid by the pharmaceutical companies to keep it illegal soo they can profit from treating diseases and illnesses.. cause there’s no money in curing apperantly compared to treatment
May want to consider mending your own soils as Chris mentioned, better control of what goes on and can tweak it to your needs.. I’ll try to get my buddies recipe for his super soil he mixes up for outdoor grows and post if it I can

I would love to learn. Im still a newbee but Im eager to learn.
Man screw that, the only way I do business is cash, it made it tough to show where my money goes to for getting a mortgage but I hate leaving my money in the banks.. and a lot of countries focus on pot because they get paid by the pharmaceutical companies to keep it illegal soo they can profit from treating diseases and illnesses.. cause there’s no money in curing apperantly compared to treatment

Yes offcourse. Here like most western countries the banks and pharmaceutical comanys rules.. our politicians is in their knees. And people just think they need to vote a little harder..

Here they even work with hacking forums.. a lot of people went to jail when they took down our countrys Biggest (and only) grow forum.. :/
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