Feeding in Deep Water Culture, Getting Started & PPM

A great link if you use GH products


I am planning out my first grow. I am going to be using a Deep Water Culture setup.

I have read your tutorial on another website and I have a few questions.

You used SH nutes for the Veg state and Flower state. You said they are made for CFL grows. I also noticed that you used Advanced Nutrients for the bucket grow during the Flower state.

I am going to be using a CFL set up for my Veg state. But I am going to switch to a HPS light for my Flower state with supporting 6500k CFL's.

Edit: I am starting with SH nutes.

Since I am switching to a HPS light for Flowering should I change my nutrients to another brand at that point? Are the Advanced Nutrients you used called Advanced Nutrients Sensi? Also how well did the Advanced Nutrients work in your grow? I never found any harvest information for your tutorial grow.

Thank you for your time,

I am planning out my first grow. I am going to be using a Deep Water Culture setup.

I have read your tutorial on another website and I have a few questions.

You used SH nutes for the Veg state and Flower state. You said they are made for CFL grows. I also noticed that you used Advanced Nutrients for the bucket grow during the Flower state.

I am going to be using a CFL set up for my Veg state. But I am going to switch to a HPS light for my Flower state with supporting 6500k CFL's.

Since I am switching to a HPS light for Flowering should I change my nutrients to another brand at that point? Are the Advanced Nutrients you used called Advanced Nutrients Sensi? Also how well did the Advanced Nutrients work in your grow? I never found any harvest information for your tutorial grow.

Thank you for your time,

Welcome to 420Magazine, friend, Home of the Deep Water Culture!!! Glad you found us.
Some well thought out questions, I can tell you've done your homework and research.

I hate to see you go to the extra expense of the Advanced Nutrients, they are very expensive, on your first grow. But if you can afford them, for sure, get them.
Those SH premeasured nutes worked great for me on 7 grows, they are just fine. Each grow, I added 2 to 4 more CFL bulbs too. You could have a great grow with them, using them with your hotter lights. But plants under HID lights can eat more or absorb and digest a stronger nute than if they were under CFLs and those Advanced Nutes, the ones for Flwoering, Sensi Part A and Part B, well,,,I just fell in love with liquid nutes and more so, with Advanced Nutrients.

The Advanced nutes REALLY take care of any pH fluctuations, for sure and produce nice tight buds, even under CFLs. Easy to measure, too. They use a little extra N or Nitrogen and that really makes a difference.

Please let me and all the Deep Water Culture know how we can help you.

Remember you can get a 10% discount at SH by using the word Deep Water Culture as a coupon there.

btw, a great friend and a great grower here named FryingPanFlyer started with SH nutes and switched to Advanced when he started flowering and he is having great success. His grow is as pretty and healthy as any can be.
I know this is kinda playing close to the edge with nute burn, and believe me I know how much it can stress and slow a plant down, but I like to play around with my different strains and how much they can "eat". For example I find that Master Kush has a large appetite and is an overall hardy plant, whereas some strains like White Widow, or Strawberry Cough, can be a bit touchy when it comes to there PPM
I know this is kinda playing close to the edge with nute burn, and believe me I know how much it can stress and slow a plant down, but I like to play around with my different strains and how much they can "eat". For example I find that Master Kush has a large appetite and is an overall hardy plant, whereas some strains like White Widow, or Strawberry Cough, can be a bit touchy when it comes to there PPM
Funny you should mention how hungry kush is. I have a kush strain and a strain called anesthesia and I gave them equal doses, they are small so only 1/4 dose. The kush loved it and is growing happily. The anesthesia got some bad nute burn, I hope they pull through.
thanks love, here is a general rule that I have learned from Roseman: HAVE FUN AND LOVE WHAT YOU DO. Let me explain this mate. There is only so much pruning and cleaning and changing water and readjusting lights you can do right? So the extra fun I get to have with my plants is seeing how hungry they are every so often. And with 2000 ppm, I only approach that in full bloom. But my kush strains like a big meal all the time, the little Fatties :)
thanks love, here is a general rule that I have learned from Roseman: HAVE FUN AND LOVE WHAT YOU DO. Let me explain this mate. There is only so much pruning and cleaning and changing water and readjusting lights you can do right? So the extra fun I get to have with my plants is seeing how hungry they are every so often. And with 2000 ppm, I only approach that in full bloom. But my kush strains like a big meal all the time, the little Fatties :)

I agree, there is nothing like seeing your plants drink 2 gal in one day
Roseman - You posted this in one of your fiest posts on this thread and I disagree:

WHEN I remove 3 males, and only have 3 female plants remaining, I back off and reduce feedings. It is just common sense. 3 plants eat less and need less than 6 plants.

You're right saying 3 plants eat less that 6 plants. However, feeding them a lower calorie diet by reducing your ppm, just underfeeds them. Think of 6 kids sharing the same gallon container of milk. If three of the kids left the house for the weekend, would you dilute the milk with 1/2 water for the other 3? Yuck! Try tasting diluted milk at home. It also cuts nutritional values dramatically. A diluted mixture is not what they want or need for healthy growth. I continue feeding them the full dose of nutes so the ppm is in range. If you feed them less, you reduce the ppm for all of them.

If I'm missing something here, please chime in.
hey roseman am i reading this right

my tap is 500 ppm do i just add enough nutes 2 get the ppm 1200 the plants r 5 weeks old i just got the ppm meter and have not bn checkn ppm only ph


do i had the 1200 nutes on top of the 500 ppm water

Your tap water is 500ppm. That's insanely high. If it's correct, you might be better off using r/o water. You can get a 5 stage system that takes an hr or so install for under $150.
To answer your question, you dont count the ppm in your tap so if you wanted 1200 ppm and your tap was 500, your ppm meter should read 1700, the nutes + the ppm of your tap water.
And additives don't count either. You are looking for net new level. I too have high ppm of around 350 but it recently went up to 500-600 for some reason and the last res change I went RO for the rest of this grow at least. I saw a decline in the plants after I knew that the water was extra chucky so something had to be done.

I run 350ppm water, 1200-1300 in nutes and about 400 for additives. You see 2k on a tds meter and it was startling at first but then I did the math and felt better but it's still scary.

If my water stays this way a whole house RO will be in order. It's got to be bad for the plumbing.
I use cal-mag, cannazyme and super thrive at the recommended dosage. Cal-mag because of the crappy water, canna-zyme to protect the roots from the crappy water and super thrive for an extra boost just in case. In the past I used Liquid Karma but thism time I went without it because I wanted the see the root color for a change. I also have been using Florakleen for a couple of hours before I res change to rinse the nute salts threw a little and dump it into the water I'm going to change. I think that helps me eliminate any nute lock but it could be that my plants are such nute hogs they don't mine my high nute ppm. Getting toward the end and I run 1300-1400 ppm at them. Next week I back that down by at least 1/3 and then another 1/3 the next res change and then straight water flushing the next res change if it look like they are close. I also intentional stress them around that time and turn the lights off on them the last 2-3 days.
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