First Grow, Auto Jack Herer, Soil With 1000Watt LED 2018

I might have trained for to long and stunted them.... but i have another round of two of the same strain at 2 weeks old :)
You stunted them to all the clipping of leaves at an early age, next time try leaf tucking, and maybe next time be more patient with the nutrients, maybe get some roots organic soil or ffof, which has plenty of nutrients to get you through till just about flower, then slowly introduce the nutrients.. idk to each is own.. cheer buddy good luck
You stunted them to all the clipping of leaves at an early age, next time try leaf tucking, and maybe next time be more patient with the nutrients, maybe get some roots organic soil or ffof, which has plenty of nutrients to get you through till just about flower, then slowly introduce the nutrients.. idk to each is own.. cheer buddy good luck
Thank you for your reply every little bit of information is greatly appreciated. And youre absolutely right that i defoliated and stunted. I do have two baby auto jacks to the left of most of my pictures and im doing just that. Im not going to trim im just gonna tuck and see how it goes. :)
Day•48 Sunday November 25th
Moved my grow tent to a different room.
Watered 27 drops of nutrient concentrate in 5L of water ph'd @ 6.6 with 4mL of cal mag

Day•49 Monday November 26th
Humidity is slightly high.Plants are looking happy in there new home! Letting them grow... notice rhe plants are getting super bushy and i hope moisture doesnt get trapped between leaves and create some mold.(oscillating fan should keep that from happening!!)


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You stunted them to all the clipping of leaves at an early age, next time try leaf tucking, and maybe next time be more patient with the nutrients, maybe get some roots organic soil or ffof, which has plenty of nutrients to get you through till just about flower, then slowly introduce the nutrients.. idk to each is own.. cheer buddy good luck
Are you a Josh or is that jus your username?
I think we have some buds forming! Better late then never!!!! Ive learnt so much through trial and error that my next grow should be one for the books. Not even done this grow and im Pumped for the next!!!! Got some special queen #1, black sugar, bubble gum and blue dream for next grow!!


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I think we have some buds forming! Better late then never!!!! Ive learnt so much through trial and error that my next grow should be one for the books. Not even done this grow and im Pumped for the next!!!! Got some special queen #1, black sugar, bubble gum and blue dream for next grow!!
Woo. Very nice lookin hairs in there.
How goes the learning on how to produce the most killer cannabis known to man??
Dude. Iv been reading and jumpin in an assisting and learnin... Soon as I get that light . And a ph tester . Like I said before. My dad nearly perfected White widow.. I got the genes.however, I'm not using miracle grow like he did.
I hope you get to that lvl of growing! i hope everyone gets to that lvl so cannabis isnt in the governments hands. ID Love to see there market crash and
Cheers ta that bro.
Im just playing i dont give a f%#$ all that much. But for real..... to manifest the most epic bud youve ever smoked mix in some thc into your water with nutrients and BLAM!!! ;p
Haha wtf you smokin.. how the hell you gon put thc in the h2o?
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