First Grow


New Member
First Grow let me know what you think.. If you have any tips to help me out let me know...

This is my second oldest.

This is my youngest.
You have 2 plants in what appears to be a 6" pot - this will not work. these plants need ample root space, which means a 6" pot each during early stages of life, being transplanted into a 5 gal. bucket when big enough.

they also look like they're going through some chlorosis (leaves yellowing), have you fed them anything yet? it could be that they are fighting for nutes and not getting any. how old are they?

later :bongrip:
Yea well they arent in the same pot anymore i have already transplanted them into seperate pots.. and also new soil that was some old stuff i had now i got Expert Gardener Soil... so what type of nutes should i use. like store wise i dont wana do no ordering off the internet.
Alright ill try to find that around here in my area its hard to get that kinda stuff... inless i can get fert. in any brand or is there only certain kinds good for marijuana?
no miracle gro. if you have to use miracle gro, make sure you flush your soil (run a lot of water through it) a couple weeks before harvest.

other than that there is more than enough info on this site about nutes in other threads.
Yea i had heard miracle grow wasnt too good for the plants.. so yea ill look into the stuff about the nutes and all and try to find some around here in my area.. i think my oldest plant has shown that its a female so im gonna post pics so you all can let me know if im right on this one.
If you don't live near a growshop (a store that sells hydro equip. & nutrients), do a search on >indoor gardening<.
Choose one close by and visit their site (most have on-line catalogs).
There are many quality nutrients; I'd recommend using organic nutrients.
Fox Farms is a good brand. This year I've been using Iguana Juice Grow and Iguana Juice Bloom, made by advancednutrients, with excellent results (expensive tho). I also use bat guano during flowering. Pick what you want and then call them for a price inc. tax & shipping. Send them a money order from the post office and have the products delivered UPS.
Alright thanks for the info ill check it all out... But since i started late in the season can i bring my plants in once the season starts to change and grow them indoors that way they can produce and get bigger? or will it kill my plant through to much stress.. cause i know taking it from indoors to outdoors you have to slowly give it more time each day intill you can finally leave it out but is this the same with taking it in?
dude just leave it wherever you have it outside.

if you bring it in and out you're subjecting it to a messed up light schedule and changes in temperature which both cause stress.
Alright but even if i set the timer for the time at which i would be day and night like as if it were outside and also get the temps. close to the outdoor temp? But if this is to much trouble i guess ill just leave them outside
no, set the timer for an 18/6 light schedule, that is, 18 hours on and 6 hours off. when you get ready to flower you bring this down to 12/12 to induce budding.
Yea ok i know that much so it will work then... alright thanks man ill be sure to do this and around what temps and humidity do you recommend?
around 45-55% humidity, no hotter than 95 degrees. i have my plant outside enduring 100 - 102 degree weather, so i know it will grow in hot climates too.
no prob man, you've got things pretty much covered everywhere else on the site.
Some updated pics of my 2 plants.. my third one was attacked by rabbits and gone now...But let me know if there looking ok so far?

Oldest Plant





I have bigger containers do you think its ok to switch it now though? and it was the flash of the camera not a light i just leave shining on them... thats the only safe time i can take pictures or someone would see me checking on them.
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