First Plants: Am I Paranoid?


Well-Known Member
2- Reg seed Afghan Kush
4- 4ft t8 fluorescent's (2 daylight + 2 reg -not grow bulbs)
48x24x60 tent
1- warm mist humidifier
1- heater

At first my humidity was very low when sprouting, and soil was very wet (Miracle Gro Natures Care Organic Potting Soil). I have since added a warm mist humidifier and have been struggling with humidity 75/77f and 65-70% (starting to get it situated learning what to open on tent to get it right). Currently tent is sitting @ 76f/54%. I have added no nutrients, just what is in the Mgro which has a fert of .15-.13-.15...These are just testers to get my system set up so if they die they die, I have others but of course I dont want them to die. (Today I will be buying nutrients and LED's and a fan or two) So by the looks of these two plants am I being paranoid or is their coloring something to worry about?


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I use GH Flora Series
Don't overdo it with lots off additives, it can get cornfusing to say the least

Try and keep it simple till you get a handle on growing
yep, what them said,,


perhaps, next grow/plants, try and get some soil that has no ferts in it at all,,

that seems to be the recommendation around here,,

then, no ferts for at least two weeks,, plants don't need any for a bit yet,,

then when yous do ferts it up,, go oh so easy at first,, quarter strength or less even,, and ease your way into the full fert regimen

now,, ph,, iffin you are not monitoring the ph,, and you plan on growing a bit more,, get yerself a decent ph meter,, for christmas maybe,,

i have seen the look of your plants a birt lately, including in my flower room,, and when i upped my ph just a bit,, the patchy leaf issues like yours is starting to show,, have gone the way of the dodo

remember,, the damaged leaves will never 'heal' themselves,, so one must watch the new growth for signs of improvement or signs of no improvement

the lefty perhaps a bit pale,, but both lookin completely not too bad, imo

nitrogen is not the issue here,, again, imo.

the low ph, from extensive reading and proven in my own room results,, causes a lockout of calcium and magnesium,

which produces brown patchy leaves,,, lower ones at first,, just like what is happening in the right pic above,, which will begin to yellow and fall off

which is why a lotto folks add cal/mag

i have seen so much of this issue lately on here,, seems,, just a touch too low ph, over time,, shows very similar results

i have also seen numerous overwatering issues as well,, both so easy to go just a bit wrong,, also so easy to get right,, with careful adjustments over time,, never with drastic changes out of desperation
I went with the Go box, got two 600w Vipars and a couple clamp fans.... got an ecc meter, soil ph meter and water ph meter coming... After checking my water, soil and soil runoff ph will start nutrients at a low level and see how my plants handle it. Next plants I may flush soil really well before planting depending on what it ph's at fresh....
Ok first tests....

water EC = .329
water TDS = 153
Soil PH = 6.3
Runoff when watering = ec .84

I have to get an actual ph meter for liquids when I drop by the local garden shop.

By these numbers do I have it correct and next watering I need nutrients and do you think I should start at 25 or 50% of what General Organics says or go full strength?

This is the feeding chart I have :
You are going to get 10 different answers...
You have to trust someone... and I have always found it best to trust those who made the stuff and have a vested interest in your grow going well... what possible incentive would they have to give you bad advice??
Follow the directions.... not some faceless poster on the internet or some guy in a hydro shop who has probably never grown his own plant.
killing with kindness,, it happens

karma sent
A journal helps immensely. Be disciplined and write everything down right after it’s done. If you’re mixing several nutes write out a recipe and check it off as you add.

Also what helped me is knowing water ph before adding nites and after. Keep track of how much ph up or down.

I ditched Fox Farms nutes for Jack’s and love it. 1/4 tsp with 4 ml calmag and exactly 17 drops of ph down brings me to 6.6. I prep 4-5 gallons at a time and it takes longer to fill the gallons than it does to mix and ph.

The humidity in my tent is always in the 30’s to 40’s.
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