First Time Grow, 2x4 Tent Six Bulb T5ho White Widow & Early Miss Organic Grow

I'd keep a mix of flowering and vegging bulbs in there. The plant has a lot of growing to do.

Perfect that’s the plan, and excited about the growth :yahoo:
Thanks old salt

So today I’ll be adding another flower bulb, that’ll be 2 out of 6, then I’ll add a third in a few days , then I’ll be running 3 of each till the end

Goodtimes Goodtimes

Happy sat y’all :Namaste:
These are autos, about a month old. The White Widow is eight weeks, and the Early Miss is a seven week strain from the time they break ground until harvest. They appeared above ground around the tenth of Sept. Harvest dates are approximately 29 Oct, and 5 November.

I recommend going to two flower bulbs today, three next Saturday, and four the following Saturday. This will give more flower power for ten to seventeen days before harvest. If the Early Miss is showing a lot of clear trichomes (70% or more) a week before harvest, I'd put all six flowering bulbs in your light.
These are autos, about a month old. The White Widow is eight weeks, and the Early Miss is a seven week strain from the time they break ground until harvest. They appeared above ground around the tenth of Sept. Harvest dates are approximately 29 Oct, and 5 November.

I recommend going to two flower bulbs today, three next Saturday, and four the following Saturday. This will give more flower power for ten to seventeen days before harvest. If the Early Miss is showing a lot of clear trichomes (70% or more) a week before harvest, I'd put all six flowering bulbs in your light.

So I tried goin full six bulbs today, two flower 4 veg, but I can’t handle the temps,
It’s one big ass light for a 2x4 tent but at least I can pull bulbs as needed

So rockin 5 bulbs now 2 flower 3 veg & will continue to add another week after week

So they actually popped outta the ground on sept. 15 limp, stood straight on 16, should been there first day, I messed origin dates till I looked at dates on photos.

Really was trying to do the same strain for consistent due dates but i ruined my first round of germs.....

Also we’re due for a baby boy on Halloween,
So things have been wild lately

And after my first failed germ attempt I waited to time it for after baby.

Hopefully! Otherwise a buddy is gonna harvest for me

Appreciate the help old salt & you’ve yet to steer me Wrong!

So I’m workin the lights up, but may just keep running 5 outta six for heat issues

This will all be moving into a shed next year but that’s a whole other project , for a while other grow

In the mean time the garage is working fine, almost too warm
Even parking vehicles outside lol

Happy sat yall

Thanks so much salt
So I tried goin full six bulbs today, two flower 4 veg, but I can’t handle the temps,
It’s one big ass light for a 2x4 tent but at least I can pull bulbs as needed

So rockin 5 bulbs now 2 flower 3 veg & will continue to add another week after week

So they actually popped outta the ground on sept. 15 limp, stood straight on 16, should been there first day, I messed origin dates till I looked at dates on photos.

Really was trying to do the same strain for consistent due dates but i ruined my first round of germs.....

Also we’re due for a baby boy on Halloween,
So things have been wild lately

And after my first failed germ attempt I waited to time it for after baby.

Hopefully! Otherwise a buddy is gonna harvest for me

Appreciate the help old salt & you’ve yet to steer me Wrong!

So I’m workin the lights up, but may just keep running 5 outta six for heat issues

This will all be moving into a shed next year but that’s a whole other project , for a while other grow

In the mean time the garage is working fine, almost too warm
Even parking vehicles outside lol

Happy sat yall

Thanks so much salt

You can do one of two things to lower the temperature, increase the airflow, or move the ballasts for the light out of the tent.
You can do one of two things to lower the temperature, increase the airflow, or move the ballasts for the light out of the tent.

So I can’t move the ballast cause fixed as a flourecent, so I cranked the fan full port, just using passive air in , and I found a leak on the exit side of of the fan!
So fixed er up......

No good! Wasn’t the leak ..... shame...
So she can’t handle the heat with more then four bulbs in, but that’s cool,
Knew that light was a beast for a 2ft tent lol

Anyways I may get a six inch fan & use current one for intake , we’ll see if the ladies need extra light then pull the trigger

Thanks for the trouble shooting old salt :Namaste:
Morning growers and happy Monday,

So when the girls wake up they will be three weeks old!
Made it to day 21

I can not believe the growth now in the em after only topping five days ago, incredible, and I should b watering anytime for both of them.

The widow is slow but steady, stalk is thickening and she’s looking good.

Has one weird bleach spot on a lower leaf but it’s solo and odd, was on first three leaf so figured just odd I’ll get a pic of that later

Here’s pics, first 2 is ww , others are miss with amazing growth and pistils popping all over, exciting

Hope you all have a stellar day


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So I can’t move the ballast cause fixed as a flourecent, so I cranked the fan full port, just using passive air in , and I found a leak on the exit side of of the fan!
So fixed er up......

No good! Wasn’t the leak ..... shame...
So she can’t handle the heat with more then four bulbs in, but that’s cool,
Knew that light was a beast for a 2ft tent lol

Anyways I may get a six inch fan & use current one for intake , we’ll see if the ladies need extra light then pull the trigger

Thanks for the trouble shooting old salt :Namaste:

Florescent ballasts can be moved. You need to extend the wires going to the pins of the tube. Depending on the ballast, you'll need three or four conductor cable rated for 600V.
Florescent ballasts can be moved. You need to extend the wires going to the pins of the tube. Depending on the ballast, you'll need three or four conductor cable rated for 600V.

Oh boy! Wish I could! But electoral is not my forte.....
I can do a lotta things , rebar work yesterday building a concrete shed slab, & now in the hot tub but electrical.... well I know not to bring a toaster into the tub! Haha

I like plug and play, may look into a bigger fan down the road but my new system controlling the ambient temp in garage seems to b helping temps big time.

Trial and error, so far so good
Get update later on when I can get pics,
They’re starting to grow like weeds now

Thanks for all the tips,
So much to learn
And one should never stop learning :Namaste:
Good day fellow growers,

Just a quick update, was in a rush and didn’t get a great one from the widow

Ww now has pistils, and the miss will receive some training tonight, try and open up some more light to the bud sites, sure is growing fast now.

And I figured out the temp issue, is I keep garage at 18c, tent is 25c, 19c is 26c 20c 27c etc......

So if I can moderate that then we’re laugin! And can even put in more bulbs if I can keep a garage temps low.

Good thing it’s fall here!
All I gotta do is open the door and we’re in biz :thumb:

A problem usually equates to a solution.....
It’s just a matter of finding the right one....:Namaste:

Three miss and one ww


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Alright happy Friday night growers!

Been a busy week, but things have changed,

Widow is looking great and gaining ground daily, new leaves are looking great! But clearly weeks behind the miss

The miss is looking good! About due for a watering, tonight or in the am, will use old salts 10% ph mix for the small batch.

So I tied up the miss tonight...... the early miss that is .... heavy lst, your quest er good....

I think it looks alright, but my first time, what are your thoughts??

Everything always has room for improvement

Enjoy the night

Three widow and the before/after miss


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So i couldn’t sleep so might as well check on the girls,
Ww is lookin fine

But the bounce back on the miss!

9hrs after the tie down she’s reaching for the lights, can’t belive the bend, looks cool, no sure if it’s right but looks good!

Also made a new container to catch their runoff from watering. It’s just an Oil pan, one inch pieces of solo cups and a circular baking rake, keep um outta them water, move em there tomorrow.

Why not do arts and crafts at 3am lol

Happy sat morning y’all :Namaste:


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Happy Sunday folks,
Well day 27

Lookin good, ww is happy and will get a drink tomorrow

The early miss received a drink yesterday & her first shot of nutes, 1/4 strength like Ive heard to do with autos, so far
So good, shes goin wild!

Anything I can do to change or make her happier??

I’m leavin the ww alone, let her Do what she’s meant to do, the miss I have bent into submission, pretty sweet
And so flexible! Second tie down was
Tonight, tried to even things out a bit

Please criticism helps! Just used some of the knowledge I’ve learned here thanks to you all

No pistils in the ww yet so at least one if not two weeks behind the miss

Starting to think perpetual ..... almost time for seeds haha

Happy Sunday yall

Three ww pics


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Early miss photo bomb

Second round of lst , plz let me know if I can improve

I think their in flower?? Bad photo shots I’ll try & get better
3bulbs flower, 2 veg rn......

I’m outta flower bulbs and forgot it’s a long weekend so grab some Tuesday....

I think she liked her drink, man that sh*t stinks lol
Green planet - medi one
Smells like fish fertilizer alright!

Pre/post photos


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Couple flower shots??

This is flower correct?

Packin on everywhere and starting to upright from lst already, amazing

I’ve grown a ton of stuff, hundreds of dollars in food during the summer, but this..... is friggen fun :yahoo:
And fast wow!

Thank you all for ur help , read so much in the shadows, and I think it’s starting to show.....
You tell me!

Plz be flower......

Happy growing ......
Keep er green :Namaste:


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Happy Tuesday all,

So day 29 I think, the ww received water with first round of nutes last night, lookin good so far and it has its first pistils! Exciting

The early miss is going wild!
Definitely flowering , and seems happy since her watering two days ago, and growing like crazy. Gave her another round of lst last night. She responds great to it!

Just watching the miracle of nature doing its amazing job, day after day

Enjoy the day y’all :Namaste:

Two ww other lst pre/post


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So I should’ve left it alone but I move the plants around, figured couldn’t hurt.

The ww took a little wind burn , I think?

Clawed at the end of a fan leaf, everything else seems fine
Moved um back see if that helps

Live and learn, if u think it’s something other then wind burn then plz let me know

Will it unclaw or is the damage done??

Minor as it is I always strive for perfection..... not always a good thing!

Enjoy the evening all


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Happy Thursday growers,

So things seemed to be just fine with the widow, she still has a couple ‘claws’ but she’s growing up now! And starting to pump pistils!

The miss is still going wild, impresses so far,
Grow baby grow!

She’s flowering alright, put in another flower bulb , left one veg bulb for ww, still rocking 5 bulbs
Going to re plum the venting tonight see if I can manage a full six bulbs..... c what happens!

Will be picking up some more seeds this weekend and popping two into water, that’ll bring me to my limit of 4 plants and should keep me harvesting two every 3-4 weeks
Going to be using 7 week fem autos

Lambs breath and candy cane - tis the season!
Should b done by Xmas if things go right

Keep er classy out there :cool:


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Happy Sunday y’all ,

So things Are changing rapidly now, the miss is just pumping leaves and pistils, and I keep tucking leaves to expose bud sites. It’s 21inchs wise pretty well evenly in my 24inch tent, filling out nicely! Watered her the other day and she graciously enjoyed it.
Also I’ve picked up and been using :
green planets - root builder

So far so good,

The widow is doing well and getting bigger, is taller then the miss now and just letting her grow ‘onatural’ just tucking leaves , and huge leaves they are!

Hope all your gardens are happy and healthy


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Happy Monday growers ,

So it’s been about 8days since my last post, life’s been busy, but the ladies are going great!

Added a bag of Exhale CO2 two days ago, hope it helps.

The em is going wild and starting to bud up nicely, and the ww is still growing wildly bushy, not flowering yet

It’ll be six weeks tomorrow, so much for the 7 & 8 week finishing times!

Oh well, happy and healthy is fine by me. Grow girls grow:Namaste:

The miss is starting to grow a little frost, exciting!!

Also I’ve started a couple other little babies,! will begin another journal shortly , Looking forward to the green path ahead:thumb:


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