First time grower needing help with diagnosis!

If you got a separate bag of soil mix that is supposed to be for seedlings. You should be good.

Best advice we can give you is; Nurture the plant and try not to over water. It should come along.

Do you know what PH your water is?
If you got a separate bag of soil mix that is supposed to be for seedlings. You should be good.

Best advice we can give you is; Nurture the plant and try not to over water. It should come along.

Do you know what PH your water is?

No I'm getting a ph meter hopefully in the next few days so hopefully it might just be a little bit off with an easy fix! Thanks to everyone again the time and advice is much appreciated!
Looks like a combination of things. A little over watering and I would guess your ph is in the 7.2-7.4 range. Looks like theres a little burn going on too.
Looks like a combination of things. A little over watering and I would guess your ph is in the 7.2-7.4 range. Looks like theres a little burn going on too.

Should I take action to lower ph or wait for a ph meter to make sure? And you think burn? My temps are high 70 most of the day occasionally get up to 82 and night mid high 60s and my light is a good almost 2 feet from leaves.. should I move it farther away? Or just lower temps? Hand test also was very comfortable. .

I did have it much closer at the beginning for 2-3 days with temps at 85 region? If you noticed it on the first sets of leaves it could be that maybe? Thanks for response man!
Good to saee you are getting a handle on things :). Can't wait to see some piks :D Later, Peace

Thanks man! Not out of woods completely this morning the bottom leaves have drooped down considerably almost completely.. I'm getting ph meter hopefully today if the shop has any or ill have to order but I'm hoping that will give me some sort of answer! Otherwise I will be back and much more confused! Ha.. Thanks for support though man!

take it from somebody who learned it the hard way. always have water's PH tested & adjusted before you even get a seed germinated.

sorry if i missed it, but start with that before anything else. get it to be PH 6,5 no excuses :D

adding nutes is very tempting but at this stage of plant completely unnecessary with your experience. play it safe. start adding stuff at light doses after plant has developed 4 nodes... or 3-4 weeks.

my advice would be to give it 2-3 doses with NPK where N is high and then go with NPK where P is high (N and K should be low). high P is found in guano products, something highly recommend.

write things down, go easy on nutes and have a descent lighting... that's it.

take it from somebody who learned it the hard way. always have water's PH tested & adjusted before you even get a seed germinated.

sorry if i missed it, but start with that before anything else. get it to be PH 6,5 no excuses :D

adding nutes is very tempting but at this stage of plant completely unnecessary with your experience. play it safe. start adding stuff at light doses after plant has developed 4 nodes... or 3-4 weeks.

my advice would be to give it 2-3 doses with NPK where N is high and then go with NPK where P is high (N and K should be low). high P is found in guano products, something highly recommend.

write things down, go easy on nutes and have a descent lighting... that's it.

Thanks man really helpful advice! Ph meter ordered getting it tomorrow (shop was out) and yeah think I'm going to avoid giving any nutes until it starts actually flowering was told that was best option unless there was a serious problem! And yeah I started keep of track of everything in the last week so I'm keeping that up too! Cheers man!
Glad to help mate. Trust me - 96,7% grow problems come from wrong PH and nutes. Now auto's are sure different, but i highly recommend reading Organic Marijuana Soma Style. All you have to know is in there.
Glad to help mate. Trust me - 96,7% grow problems come from wrong PH and nutes. Now auto's are sure different, but i highly recommend reading Organic Marijuana Soma Style. All you have to know is in there.

Yeah as I said I'm actually hoping it's just a slight ph problem as that can be fixed easy enough.. and ill give that a look up tonight and have a read through it! Thanks man!
Hey sorry to probably be over doing it at this stage!

Ph wasn't the issue anyway it was fine!

My thoughts now is that is was poor lighting at the beginning of grow that was the problem? ? Because only the bottom set or two of leaves are the ones showing the problem and are almost completely dead now.. All the new leaves seem fine and are greener and the stem has really thickened nicely!

So my questions are.. is this possible?
If so should I cut off dead leaves or just leaf them ??

The only other possibility could be that it needs some nutes but I only have flowering nutes atm.. as I got soil that has vegetation nutes which is meant to suffice for vegetation phase so I was only going to use that from here on so I have no vegetation nutes..

So if the new leaves start showing any signs of this will I have to get proper vegetation nutes or because it is autoflowering is flowering nutes okay??

As always thanks to everyone in the community for your support!
No, light deficiency itself would not do it. If PH is right then it's the nutes as it's always is.

Is it a regular or auto?

Well I mean for first 10 days it was under bad schedule under a regular desk lamp? I thought that might be enough to cause some problems! It is a auto flowering mate and I only have flowering nutes would these be okay or a waste? Should I get regular grow nutes?
yeah, if it's incandescent light then burns are possible. those are all about heat and very little about growth.

if it's an auto then any mishaps like this will cost you. however there can be happy ending.

until first pistils show some trichomes you are strictly on veg nutes where high is N and after that switch to flower nutes where P is high.

but please... go very easy on nutes and better go with just water for at least a week.
Wow I actually misread my journal it was 3 weeks in crap conditions! It's 32 days now I think and 90% of growth has been under the improved conditions obviously!

I'd really prefer not to use nutes at all! I was just wandering will the plant be alright now? I know yield be reduced greatly already and I'm okay with that, second plant has had great start! But I just didn't know if dead leaves at the bottom were a problem for the rest of the plant or wether it could still grow okay?! And finally if it is bad should I cut leaves off? I'm just wary as I read to avoid this with auto's at all cost!

Thanks so much for the help man!
Well i would leave those damaged leaves to fall of by themselves... but it's just me. If they are somewhat alive, cutting is additional stress.

Sure man, no nutes can bring top harvest - i got almost 800 grams out of superskunk without single nute given.

As we speak - i am experimenting with guano tea on my current auto grow. Sort of organic bloom booster, not technically a fertilizer in a sense of word. My understanding is that autos need some sort of bloom help as life span is so short.
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