First time grower needing help with diagnosis!


New Member
Hey my plant (picture attached) started going very light with pronounced stems and I think I've narrowed it to over watering or magnesium shortage? If this is the case do I just not water for a few days and if it doesn't improve just add some Epsomsalt to the water would that do Iit? If it's not this please do help!

Should add this pic is a day old it has gotten slightly worse a little whiter at the tips also
P's I know the plant is longer and thinner than it should be.. had very poor conditions at the beginning ! I thought equipment would come sooner!
It could be caused by over fertilizing that's what I see anyways.

My reason for that is because its so young it should not have had any time to be deficient in anything but has had plenty of time to be over fertilized.

You are the only one who will know if its been over fertilized , or if the soil mix is strong , recount your fertilizing technique and also look into the soil mix.

the only cure for over fertilization is to flush the container with plenty of water , using 3 times the volume of the container to flush through with.

For the last flush use highly oxygenated water , preferable straight from a garden sprayer so you can leave the container with oxygen in it , its most important to do this to stop the water logging effect caused by the flush.

If you don't have a garden sprayer use a small mister bottle if you don't have one of those use a fish tank bubbler , if haven't got one of those fill a pop bottle 3/4 full and shake it for 5 minutes or more, take a few breaks as its no easy task to shake water for 5 minutes.
If you have the gumption shake it for 10 minutes. doing so will fill the water with air.

Its very important to reintroduce air into the pot after such a drenching.

If its crap soil from the yard and you have not fertilized it then it could be hungry for nutrients even though I *think* its been over fertilized.
There hasn't been any thing other than tap water left out for a while added to it.. i haven't had anything to measure ph but as i said nothing being added so wouldn't think it would be too far off? And yeah regular soil!
You should feed it some fertilizer if it has not been giving any since its just soil it should not be over fertilized

You never know what your waters ph is till you check it , often tap water is around 7 but I think its more likely your plants are hungry after hearing your description.
Growshop said i shouldn't add any nutrients until flowering stage. I don't really know even what type I'd get or anything? Do you think the Epsomsalts would be a good Iidea to try and see how that goes?
What type soil are you using. If you are using a commercial organic soil; It might be too hot for your seedling

Seedlings do not have nutrient deficiencies. You need an established root zone in order for the plant to uptake nutrients, in the 1st place. This is generally noted as when the plant has 4-5 alternating nodes of true leaves.

So; Either you over watered, or the soil is too hot, and burning the roots, causing yellowing effect.
What type soil are you using. If you are using a commercial organic soil; It might be too hot for your seedling

Seedlings do not have nutrient deficiencies. You need an established root zone in order for the plant to uptake nutrients, in the 1st place. This is generally noted as when the plant has 4-5 alternating nodes of true leaves.

So; Either you over watered, or the soil is too hot, and burning the roots, causing yellowing effect.

hey thanks for the reply. the soil for this plant is i think regular soil i bought in the grow shop.. again it's what they gave me but i don't have much dutch so can't explain too much.. although they did give me different soil for my other plant during its seedling stage which had special additives again i don't know exactly :/.

Oh I don't know if it was obvious from pics or if it matters or anything but it's a autoflowering ak49 plant. Just realised I hadn't mentioned that so though i should
I think I'm starting to think it's over watering which I thought from the start . So I haven't watered for 2-3 days now should I just wait until it gets dry and give it less and see how that goes?? And how much water should I put into a 10l pot I haven't really found much of an exact science on this and have purely been going off feel?

If I could ask what should I be looking out for that I'd know the problem is getting more serious??
A good watering will have about 20% of the water used run off the plant, so 80% actually stays in the medium. It will take a little trial and error to figure this out, no two mediums retain water the same. The run off will prevent salt build up in the medium for the most part, flushes will still be required at some point though. Auto plants are also more sensitive than photo plants, might be another reason why she is yellowish. Letting your medium dry for at least 3 days sounds good to me, i lift my pots to tell when to water, For example, with my 5 gallon containers, when wet they weigh close to 25 pounds but when dry they weigh around 5 maybe 7 pounds.
I'd also buy a cheap electronic ph pen online, should be about $30 and will be one of your most important tools in the grow. If you get your ph set up in the beginning the rest of the grow will be much smoother. Soil ph should be 6.5-6.8
A good watering will have about 20% of the water used run off the plant, so 80% actually stays in the medium. It will take a little trial and error to figure this out, no two mediums retain water the same. The run off will prevent salt build up in the medium for the most part, flushes will still be required at some point though. Auto plants are also more sensitive than photo plants, might be another reason why she is yellowish. Letting your medium dry for at least 3 days sounds good to me, i lift my pots to tell when to water, For example, with my 5 gallon containers, when wet they weigh close to 25 pounds but when dry they weigh around 5 maybe 7 pounds.

Thanks for the reply! yeah it was just over 3 days since last water and it was starting to get very dry in the top inch or so.. so I gave it just the same water as before which is constantly left out in a little bit of heat to help evaporate chlorine. I gave it about 600ml this time probably a little less than usual. Is this too much?
It sounds fine, just make sure to give it plenty of time to dry up before watering again. If you see leaves drooping and the stems of the leaves are also drooping then the plant is underwatered. If you see the leaf drooping but it's stem isn't then the plant is overwatered. Easy way of telling these 2 things apart
It sounds fine, just make sure to give it plenty of time to dry up before watering again. If you see leaves drooping and the stems of the leaves are also drooping then the plant is underwatered. If you see the leaf drooping but it's stem isn't then the plant is overwatered. Easy way of telling these 2 things apart

Thanks that's actually a useful tip I've never heard that one! Appreciated!.. plant does look a bit healthier imo leaves look light with dark stem under the light but moved into regular light they seem quite standardised in colour.

The white tip on one leaf has gotten worse pic to follow don't really know what it is though..
See how dry top of soil is I water maybe 20ml when watered at that point roughly every other day. I also keep drip trays damp to increase humidity and let them wick if need be.
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