First time vape

I started vaporizing 2 yrs ago after smoking many years. I love it,the bud tastes better, the high is more intense, and my house dont smell like burnt marijuana all the time. I can sit in my living room and do it w/o offending anyone. I set mine arount 350-360, too hot makes it stink. You gotta remember to inhale slowly-not like toking on a pipe or bong. Take it slow and enjoy! Ebay sells vaporizers, the kind with the knob dial adjustment VaporDoc, is good. The ones with digital read adjustment go bad too often but are cheaper to buy.
I got both of mine off Ebay. The first one I think was a vapor brothers? It cost $89.00 +SH. The digital adjustment crapped out after 6 mo. So I got a used vapordoc off ebay, it is more expensive new but it has a knob adjustment. Got that for 50 bucks. If you dont like the smell of the vaporized stuff just empty your whip after use. If you let the whip get dirty it will smell after awhile. I just put it away in a ziplock. I used to cough all the time till I switched to the vaporizer. Lots of people and college kids are vaporizing these days, its healthier and stinks less.
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