First timer with lots of questions..


New Member
Hi Everyone, i just joined but don't get me wrong i have been leaching off the information everyone has been exchanging for two months now. I have attempted to grow before but have failed in the first three weeks. This time i have been much more diligent and seem to have been rewarded for that.

I posted a thread in the questions area and promised to start a journal. I then realized that there is no better time than now(4:17am and completely lit):roorrip:. I pasted the post below.

I will have pics coming SOON! its low budget but i think its been working out so far.

I think they are closing in on forty days now in vegetative stage and vary in height from 6" to 10". Is it too late to start lsting them? I have done quite a bit of research on the techniques but have a few worries.

1) Are the main stalks already too strong? I was also considering just tying back instead, would this be better?

2) Would it be beneficial enough to lst at this point in veg.

More info:
my soil composition is,
perilite, organic spagnhum peat moss, and organic humus and manure.

-the youngin's seem to have initially shown nute burn but have overcome nicely with vibrantly colored new growth. Growth however is not that rapid...
--I was considering adding top soil to the mix.
They are growing under two four foot long 40w cool flourescents. total lumen = 6400. My question is that i have access to more of these flourescents including the ballists. WOuld i be able to get by with adding two or four more of these to the scene? Do i need too???

More soon...
Its never to late I'll tie mine down in flower bend them over to keep them at the same height as the others. Just dont do it all at once slowly over a couple of days. All your plants females dont want any males in th bunch.

Also,it makes it easier to LST after watering.I am working on an LST'ed female that was six weeks old before I started it.
I'm trying to train it into a circle in a 10 in. pot using coat hanger stakes about 8 in. long.
Good luck with yours.:peace:
I would use string or something that would not cut into the plant what size pot are you using a 5 gallon? Just do it slowly bending and tieing.

Thanks a lot. I am going to get right on that. Any advice regarding the lights..

I am running two 40w 4'long flourescent tubes. I have access to four more of these lights including the ballists and was wondering if this will be enough.

AND soil composition... Should i add in the top soil or is this ample?
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